The Labour Government

Pension credit is worth infinitely more than WFA so if pensioners are poor and struggling but still not eligible for pension credit then there's a clear problem with pension credit. Labour have been in power for 2 months but the last government were in power for 10+ years, why didn't the Tories do something about it?

Instead you're arguing about £300 taken away by a government that has existed for 2 months. Where are the tears for everything that the last government took away over 10+ years? The reason working families and pensioners are on their arse in other ways is because everything such as childcare and social care has been ground down to the bone.

I'm willing to give Labour a shot for the next 5 years and we'll see what happens but let's not pretend that there was a better alternative. With the Tories yeah pensioners would be £300 or whatever richer great but every single other aspect of their lives would continue to be left rotting in a ditch.
Pathetic. Defending the indefensible, just because the indefensible is from the party you support.

Just how shallow are you.

Here’s what OBJECTIVITY is like, for your reference. I am devout Tory supporter and freely admit that the last lot got a lot wrong and were a shambles. Many things they did were disgraceful.

See, it doesn’t hurt to not be a tosser. You cannot POSSIBLY defend taking up to £300 off people on £10k per year. No-one can. It’s outrageous and everyone knows it. Defending it, or trying to deflect the conversation away to criticism of the last lot, just makes anyone doing so look, well, words fail me.
But they didn’t. Majority of the people getting this benefit removed voted for other parties, overwhelming for the Tories.

Labour can afford to piss these people off, because they aren't likely to vote for them anyway.
Dear God, is this what it’s come to? How about they just shoot them and then they will cost even less.

FFS, how on earth can you suggest that shafting people because they don’t vote for you is OK? My mind is boggled that anyone without a lobotomy would say such a thing.
Agreed mate. I’ve said before on these hallowed pages that public sector pay rises are good for private sector pay as well.
Funny how the left rarely mention public sector pension contributions. I (in the private sector) am obiged to contribute 5% of my pay so that the company puts in 5% - it used to be 4%.

This is what the government puts in to civil servants’ pensions. 29% per year of their salary. No wonder they all retire at 50 with £1m+ pension pots. Who on earth manages that in the private sector, other than a few company bosses?
I can imagine everyone who dies this winter being blamed on Labour.

Whether more pensioners struggle may well mostly depend on the weather, but given that the energy cap was £3549 last October, and is now £1923, it's clearly a lot more complicated than just not getting an extra £300.
Martin Lewis - not known to be much of a Tory supporter, reckons pensioners are £400 to £500 worse off this winter, compared to last.
Funny how the left rarely mention public sector pension contributions. I (in the private sector) am obiged to contribute 5% of my pay so that the company puts in 5% - it used to be 4%.

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This is what the government puts in to civil servants’ pensions. 29% per year of their salary. No wonder they all retire at 50 with £1m+ pension pots. Who on earth manages that in the private sector, other than a few company bosses?

I know roughly what Mrs MB will get at retirement (oh er) and what that would size pot that would be to receive equivalent from a private pension. It works out at roughly 22% contribution however she pays 9.8% so net it’s a 12.2% employer contribution - it’s not widely different from private sector I’ve worked in where I have received 10% employer contribution for a couple of decades (they’ll match anything else I put in up to 5% but I’m not obligated to) and in my current role am getting 15% employer contribution.

Obviously Mrs MB is NHS and other parts of the public sector will have different deals. I’m sure some are potentially very generous but I’d say if you look at teachers, fire, dibble and nurses it’ll be much a muchness and not all that different to what can be found in private sector.
Funny how the left rarely mention public sector pension contributions. I (in the private sector) am obiged to contribute 5% of my pay so that the company puts in 5% - it used to be 4%.

View attachment 132023
This is what the government puts in to civil servants’ pensions. 29% per year of their salary. No wonder they all retire at 50 with £1m+ pension pots. Who on earth manages that in the private sector, other than a few company bosses?
5% is pathetic.
Teachers pay between 7.4% and 10.2% depending on salary.
Can’t wait for the budget in October when there will be a lot more people pissed off apart from the politicians, more misery on its way, but don’t forget we are in this together says Starmer who gets free clothes as does his wife. The multi millionaire must be really struggling the shit house.

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