The Labour Government

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That sounds like a good thing mate. No one should accept shit working conditions and shit pay. Hope your wife and her colleagues get what they deserve and they feel is right.

Agreed mate. I’ve said before on these hallowed pages that public sector pay rises are good for private sector pay as well.

There are certain professions like fire service where there isn’t equivalent private sector work you can do - although they might be able to earn a few extra quid being a stripper ;).

So how do you measure pay? How should society properly value these roles - I suppose it used to be with good pensions but that’s no longer the case. Like millions of others I go to work, do my job, come home and unwind. I’m not haunted by memories of cutting a family out of a car or having sat and listened to someone who has just been told they are dying or going to the crime scene of someone I’d been trying to get out of a coercive relationship. And so on and so forth, I couldn’t do any of these jobs but I’m grateful some can and do. Money is a fairly crass way to measure what they do but it’s about all we have - that and respect for their work.

To this end I hope Labour do so to the best of their ability - and to be fair to them they’ve certainly indicated they intend to do well here although they’ve been a bit clumsy about the narrative so far and pissed off folk. I can’t recall which union it was but they said it would cost the state £50bn annually for public sector pay restoration - that doesn’t feel like a number that is unachievable let’s just bite the bullet, signal it will get done, figure out how to pay for it and get on with it over the course of the next year.
Why not? Introduced by John Majors Government (without any form of Cost Benefit / Impact analysis) . Abandoned by Labour when they realised the true cost (see Andy Burnhams statement)

Good enough for you when the Tories used it?
That is some rewriting of history that pal fair play. The "why not the Tories did it" line sums up where we are. If you ditched the red rose tinted specs you might notice it.
It’s was the derogatory nature of your posts

Why should I always be respectful in language to people who don't help themselves and display an overt level of selfishness and carelessness?

A few weeks ago I was on my lunch break, witnessed what looked like the best man. With kiddies as the happy couple was having their pics taken. He then sparked up with kiddie at waist height and held his cigarette at same height with kiddie next to him. Utter careless and selfishness and all due to the disgusting habit.

Some smokers are bloody entitled and damn right rude, doesn't cost them anything to swap Cigarettes to nicotine replacement products (even after buying the products they have saved money) but plenty I speak to want free NRT without even meeting the expectations that come with getting it for free.
That is some rewriting of history that pal fair play. The "why not the Tories did it" line sums up where we are. If you ditched the red rose tinted specs you might notice it.


It’s a shit idea. Costs a multiplier. Imposes all sorts of operational requirements on the public sector. Borrow the money, own it, and run it as you want.

PFI should be consigned to the history books.
All great policies. If that’s all they’d done I’d be praising them.

All of them drowned out by the WFA. It’s a huge mistake - not removing it but where they have set it being removed. The reasons given for removing it getting more desperate and bizarre. Fairly or not the public have linked it to public sector pay rises due to the clumsy timing of the announcement.

I can guarantee a pensioner, who was previously receiving the WFA, will die of hyperthermia this winter, in fact thousands will. They may well have died of hyperthermia if the WFA remained but the headlines and view the public get are going to be horrible. “Reeves Reeves lets them freeze” will be a headline.

The government hope it will all be forgotten next election but partygate and the such paint that as a dangerous strategy as the voting public are very able to ignore any good done and magnify the bad. Reeves will know she has fucked up (you can see it in her face) but wants to instil confidence in the iron chancellor and not create an impression of being floppy on policy. Starmer knows he should sack Reeves and reverse it but he can’t then point to stability. He may have even considered a free vote to let it be defeated but had to back Reeves. It has been a disaster and the government is trying to tough it out.

Reeves is now going to have to tread very carefully in her October budget to not create unintended consequences on her tax raising policies. Nor create a huge sense of unfairness.

But yeah good job on renters bill and that.
I'm not quibbling over the mess of the WFA - but thousands will not die of hypothermia. Deaths where hypothermia is given as a cause of death are in tens, not thousands. However, "cold" is not usually given as a cause of death, but will be contributory.

There will be "excess winter deaths" which in reality just means more people die in the winter months than in other seasons. The key question is how many of those deaths are attributable to living in a cold and/or damp home (estimates vary around 20-30%). Then how many of those deaths could be attributed to getting only £221 a week rather than £225? (It was a difference in 1999 of £66 and £68.)

I'm sure you're right about the headlines though.
Why should I always be respectful in language to people who don't help themselves and display an overt level of selfishness and carelessness?

A few weeks ago I was on my lunch break, witnessed what looked like the best man. With kiddies as the happy couple was having their pics taken. He then sparked up with kiddie at waist height and held his cigarette at same height with kiddie next to him. Utter careless and selfishness and all due to the disgusting habit.

Some smokers are bloody entitled and damn right rude, doesn't cost them anything to swap Cigarettes to nicotine replacement products (even after buying the products they have saved money) but plenty I speak to want free NRT without even meeting the expectations that come with getting it for free.

You’re absolutely right in much of that, some are very entitled and don’t give a shit where they spark up. It’s a reflection of wider issues of entitlement in society IMHO.

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