The Labour Government

No Kaz you're disrespecting the training e.g. accountants and everyone else may have done. What's pathetic is your cracked record defence of every practice in the NHS like you're all fucking angels. They choose to to do the job, and if they don't like it, bugger off and work somewhere else. They get paid for what they do and the public having to suck up to them is not part of the package.

I understand you won't get this. You never do. Doctors are extremely well paid all things considered.
Accountants ? Lol , you are past reasoning with , be nice to drs if one saves your life or the life of your kid, if you have any

I watched a hospital doco when a surgeon operated on a baby still in the womb so it would be born and live , how much shall we pay him ?
Generous compared to other schemes around now. It’s depressing how bad pension schemes are now compared to what they used to be.
Sorry to be making a political point but genuinely it is the case that Gordon Brown fucked over private pension schemes with his tax raid on them, effectively ending final salary schemes by rendering them unaffordable. Prior to this it was wonderful that you could usually expect n 40ths of you final salary where n was your years of service. It meant many people were able to retire at ages and with pensions most of us could only dream of.

A few years back it was reckoned that Brown's raid had cost private sector workers on average £200,000 each in lost pension growth over the period. It will be more than that now.
Accountants ? Lol , you are past reasoning with , be nice to drs if one saves your life or the life of your kid, if you have any

I watched a hospital doco when a surgeon operated on a baby still in the womb so it would be born and live , how much shall we pay him ?

Seriously no idea. How much should we pay mountain rescue teams, or firemen? What about farmers - we'd all starve without them.

I'm sorry but I am not putting NHS workers on any pedestal. That you do, is up to you.
Generous compared to other schemes around now. It’s depressing how bad pension schemes are now compared to what they used to be.
Shirley then the private sector employers should do more not have public dragged down to their level. When the tax payer is having to supplement workers in the private sector due to shit wages I don’t see people up in arms as much about our tax money doing that. But then again if Tesco paid a higher wage all our bills would go up, but that’s the greedy private sector for you! I’m sick to death of public sector workers getting slagged off when ever something goes for them yet the same twats were lauding them through Covid. Everyone deserves a decent wage and pension and be able to enjoy an early retirement, that’s what people should be arguing for not to bring others down but pull others up.
Shirley then the private sector employers should do more not have public dragged down to their level. When the tax payer is having to supplement workers in the private sector due to shit wages I don’t see people up in arms as much about our tax money doing that. But then again if Tesco paid a higher wage all our bills would go up, but that’s the greedy private sector for you! I’m sick to death of public sector workers getting slagged off when ever something goes for them yet the same twats were lauding them through Covid. Everyone deserves a decent wage and pension and be able to enjoy an early retirement, that’s what people should be arguing for not to bring others down but pull others up.

Yes they absolutely should. The concentration of wealth in private companies at the top end is depressing too.
Shirley then the private sector employers should do more not have public dragged down to their level. When the tax payer is having to supplement workers in the private sector due to shit wages I don’t see people up in arms as much about our tax money doing that. But then again if Tesco paid a higher wage all our bills would go up, but that’s the greedy private sector for you! I’m sick to death of public sector workers getting slagged off when ever something goes for them yet the same twats were lauding them through Covid. Everyone deserves a decent wage and pension and be able to enjoy an early retirement, that’s what people should be arguing for not to bring others down but pull others up.
I'm all for people being paid more mate. What I am not all for is people constantly whining about hard done by they are, especially when they are not, e.g. with generous public sector pensions.

Regards how crap private pensions are, people should read this:

I've been banging on about this for a long time and the lefties just will not have it,
It is a genuine national scandal. And don't forget the pensions are index linked for life.
It's a very unfunny joke.
Ah, the politics of envy. Please explain if the deal is so good why councils are struggling to recruit accountants, planners etc from the private sector...
Exactly this. My daughter is a lawyer. She’s earning a decent crust now, but while she was training the pay was far from generous.

What you two are describing is trainee workers being exploited by their companies for the potential reward of a high salary later down the line.

That can't happen in the public sector and nor should it.

There's absolutely no good reason why trainee solicitors need to earn the same salaries as a office juniorsafter 4 years of tertiary education and work 60 hr weeks when they are contracted for 37/40.

If people want to do that in pursuit of a professional career that's their choice.

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