The Labour Government

So after your inaccurate knowledge over pensions, lets have a little look at this:

"My employer pays ME to do work for them. They give ME the money. The government does not have any of its own money, only money it takes off working people like me. They take money that my employer pays ME and grab some of it for themselves. It does not become THEIR money when they do that. It is OUR money, that they are using to fund XYZ."

Not strictly, or even remotely correct. HMG (the Govt) does indeed have it's own money. It basically owns the BoE and the BoE is tasked with making sure HMG doesn't go broke. HMG decides what's it's going to spend it's money on. It doesn't wait for Chippy to decide to pay his tax. It spends money provided to it by the BoE and then uses tax intake to pay off some of the debt it has generated. One of the benefits of having our own currency is that HMG can't go bust, as it has the ability to print more money when needed, hopefully for investment and in a non-inflationary manner. This is basically what Quantative Easing was. It printed money, gave it to the banks and consequently the banks then leant it out at a significant premium compared to the rock bottom interest rates we had at that time. Effectively money is loaned into the economy and some of it taken back immediately in the form of tax.

It's an easy trap to fall into, and I would have agreed with you on the mechanism of taxation a few months ago. But reading a book called The Deficit Myth lays out a compelling path as to how the economy really works. It doesn't suit all political views, but as someone who's voted Red, Blue and Yellow and worked in both public and private industry, it make utmost sense. What you mustn't be is entrenched to see the logic in the arguments made.
Your post got off to a shit (and inaccurate) start, I will say that.

But yes, I appreciate the government effectively prints its own money - that much was explained to me many years ago - but nevertheless that either increases borrowing or else it has to be repaid in taxes, i.e. our money, taken off us. So it is a semantic argument to say the government has its own money, when it tries to recover what it spends from its citizens.
Your post got off to a shit (and inaccurate) start, I will say that.

But yes, I appreciate the government effectively prints its own money - that much was explained to me many years ago - but nevertheless that either increases borrowing or else it has to be repaid in taxes, i.e. our money, taken off us. So it is a semantic argument to say the government has its own money, when it tries to recover what it spends from its citizens.
Well you didn't actually know that it was Lamont that started the 1990s pension raid. So it was accurate-no need to apologise though.

You clearly are entrenched, or unwilling to see that it's nothing like semantics. It isn't and never will be repaid in taxes-that's why HMG is in hock to the tune of £2 trillion. HMG lends into markets in the form of Gilts and promises to pay those back sometime in the future.

Unfortunately with a country with our demographics the situation is unlikely to get much better-ever.
I wouldn't have minded continuing our discussion but since you have such a shit attitude, I'm out. Have a nice day.
Oh, you really are touchy bearing in mind the comments you've made on here about people's views. Remember, you can't be an expert on everything so being called out is nothing to be ashamed of. See you on here soon no doubt.
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Who just happens to have different political views to you. What a coincidence that you should think that of me.

Jesus Christ I really do despair at just how shallow people on here are. They just cannot bear any contrary opinions.
The politics of the left mate.
Let’s be honest, Labour haven’t exactly got off to a flyer have they?
The politics of the left mate.
Let’s be honest, Labour haven’t exactly got off to a flyer have they?
The irony of this post landing under a reply by chippy not wanting to debate because someone has a “shit attitude” isn’t lost on most.

This thread is utterly pointless now as it’s dominated by 2 people calling everything and anything shit because the vote didn’t go their way.
Why is it communism? That's an odd argument mate. I'm not arguing for a technocratic takeover to replace our economic and social system. Working together to get to the best decision isn't communism. Communism is just a political outcome of whatever political goal. I want the opposite of that, to make decisions aside from politics. If communism is not the best economic and social model available then there will be no communism.

You only have to look at Brexit, where are the benefits today? If your house is burning down then would you put out the fire? A technocracy would say yes whereas politicians would have an argument about it. Anybody with a brain and common sense would reverse Brexit tomorrow but nobody can because of the political shite that surrounds it.

Naturally I'd expect anybody who supports Brexit to say well it's the democratic will of the people etc but that is the stupidity of involving politics in a relatively simple decision. Today Brexit is framed only in the lens of how worse off we are as opposed to how better off we are.... That tells you all you need to know, we all know it but we're paralysed in action because of politics.

I'd prefer to deal in truth, logic and common sense, this shouldn't be controversial. There are parties who deal in the opposite of these ideals such as Reform and they're growing in voice. It's surely not a coincidence that Reform are the ones who most attack the institutions such as the Civil Service whose job is to deal in facts and truth... The reason why is the truth does not conveniently lend itself to their policies and lies.

The west is unfortunately marching towards the opposite of sensible technocracy which is government run solely by soundbites, fingers in the air and total populist bullshit.

In their purest forms;

Neither are democracies.
Both are devoid of politics
Both are administrative in nature; Communism is the administration of production and a Technocracy is the administration of things.

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