The Labour Government

I also agree with this. Modernisation of the rail network is key and trains are by nature the perfect target for automation. They need to start putting passengers first and passengers do not care about who is driving the train.

The biggest benefit of driverless trains is they're safer, the driver works for free and he'll always turn up on time.
How much safer?

Honestly I think Bailey is a buffoon. What he and his committee of experts never factored in was that the biggest driver of increasing prices was NOT excess demand, prices were rising due to supply-side pressures and cost increases working their way through the system. About which dampening demand with higher interest rates, is completely the wrong response. He's kept interest rates far too high for far too long and all that has done is depress growth, make people poorer and ultimately due to falling demand, put companies out of business. I hear TGI's is another one to fall this morning. If people don't have spare cash in their pockets, they are not buying non-essentials and the high interest rates and energy costs are crippling peoples' mortgage payments and fuel bills.

If we had 4%, 5% growth and the economy was overheating - demand outpacing our ability to grow capacity - then fair enough. But that is hardly the situation now, is it.
Wow. I concur absolutely with the daftness of putting up mortgages to deal with inflation caused by external events (and mad Truss policies).
How much safer?

Significantly, 75% of all accidents across the European rail network are caused by human error. Thats not to say its all drivers, this includes signallers, maintenance etc but drivers erm well...

There are many more examples. The reason why human factors is so important in the design of safety critical systems is because humans are highly prone to making errors when interpreting data and acting upon it. Fully automated systems dont remove all risk and can still be prone to systematic error if not designed correctly. But assuming they have been developed with the systematic errors removed or mitigated they are exceptionally safe.
The politics of the left mate.
Let’s be honest, Labour haven’t exactly got off to a flyer have they?
Not really these guys are very much Starmer/Blair status quo centrists. They are very much Kenneth Clarke rather than Tony Benn.

They tend to be middle England, they will throw the odd poor person a bone for the sake of their conscience but even a hint of the 3 bed semi losing value, gdp falling or coughing up to prevent old people dying will make them turn full on Tory within a click of their fingers.
The irony of this post landing under a reply by chippy not wanting to debate because someone has a “shit attitude” isn’t lost on most.

This thread is utterly pointless now as it’s dominated by 2 people calling everything and anything shit because the vote didn’t go their way.

I know people calling things shit because they didn't get their way it's why I don't post in this thread muc.......

Shit sorry thought I was in the Brexit thread.

Carry on :-)

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