The Labour Government

This will probably be the first indicator as to what Labour's true intentions are. Give too much and the City start to feel a little uneasy at a possible giveaway govt and a spending spree.
Play hardball and the true left will feel their misgivings weren't misplaced.

But get an agreement then move on to the same with the RMT in the first couple of weeks and you make the Tories look like absolute spanners
We have a Labour council for decades, they have gone about building hundreds of New affordable homes on brownfield sites half private and half rented beautiful homes. Not only that they didn’t just fill the pot holes near me they relaid the whole roundabout :)

Considering councils are deprived of money from central government it’s no surprise I voted for them
The homes would have been built by private developers but good for you for for swallowing the magic roundabout.
everybody was saying Labour want a closer relationship with the EU and panic tweeting that they were going FoM and rejoin - maybe you have hit on what the closer relationship will look like in reality
It’s probably more beneficial to come to some sort of arrangement rather than sticking fingers in your ears and trying to defund the Lifeboat Institute.
He has a massive mandate built on sand, he got a lower percentage of the vote than Corbyn, albeit there are mitigating factors.

His majority though means he can really enact proper change and if he is a Socialist as he claims he could make life changing change.

I doubt that will happen, Labour are a party of neo=liberalism,cunts like Reeves and Streeting are anathema to me as a lad on the true left and that horrible bastard Akehurst got elected, shame on you Durham.

I am delighted the Tories have been smashed, but i am not enthused by Starmer

Welcome to Labour austerity, the poor remain poor, the rich get ever richer.

What really concerns me as a democrat is how can a party who won only 33% of the vote on a turnout of around 50% really govern with legitimacy.

Our politics is broken, I hope Starmer fixes it, if he does not then the far right will fix it

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