The Labour Government

Because as always it's always about getting somebody else to pay for everything.

We have this perception that the rich are just there for the taking and they're going to accept being taxed for every single penny they have but they won't. They're more than capable of leaving the UK and they will.

You've said that you're not arsed about rich pensioners but 1 in 4 of them are millionaires, they're getting money that they shouldn't be getting.

They're not even getting rid of the winter payments, if a pensioner is poor then they'll still get it so what's the problem?
1 in 4!
You sir are a fucking idiot!
I suspect even Reeves knows that but there is zero chance she is backing down on her first announcements. She wants to create a strong, decisive, image.
Read somewhere that she'd like to known as the 'Iron Chancellor'. This lady is not for turning etc. Chilling

No I wont you angry piss drinker, straight out of the blocks because someone pulls your preferred cult up.

The way they are going they won't last the 4 years.
Sorry dickydoodle but it’s 5 years minimum you and your Tory scum mates will be suffering.
Imagine if they still had to go down to the Post Office to collect their 'riches' every week still. You wouldn't be able to move for the fleets of Rollers, Mercs, and butlers ! ;-O
I'm not saying that they're rich, it's just factually true that a sizeable chunk of pensioners do not need a winter fuel payment. It should at least be means tested.

The only reason why it isn't means tested is because funnily enough it was a Tory idea and most pensioners vote Tory. It's the same for free bus passes which cost us god knows how much per year.
I'm not saying that they're rich, it's just factually true that a sizeable chunk of pensioners do not need a winter fuel payment. It should at least be means tested.

The only reason why it isn't means tested is because funnily enough it was a Tory idea and most pensioners vote Tory. It's the same for free bus passes which cost us god knows how much per year.
But,but, but one in five (from one in four) are millionaires according to yourself.

What do you want them to do, downsize the properties that they've worked to purchase and pay a fortune in stamp duty to whichever colour of government team have the scrounging bowl out ?

Maybe put themselves into sheltered housing/carehomes so that the government can strip them completely of everything, especially now that there is no ceiling on social care.

The reason it was never means tested was because it would cost more than just paying it out. Every man and his dog (especially Harrys financially astute hound) knew about 'the black hole. This is not a decision taken in the past three weeks, so why was it not announced in the manifesto ?

BTW, I have no skin in this particular game, I retired many years ago, and still have many years before I get the state pension. I just have zero time for the lies and hypocrisy surrounding this move.

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