It’s funny how people are so forthcoming to say they vote labour but somehow seem embarrassed to say they vote Tory.The House of Commons comprises of 650 MP’s,it’s a nice cosy little club for the member's,they squabble and argue amongst themselves to make things look genuine,to somehow justify their existence.They are financed through it very nicely and go on some fact finding missions to some nice locations,all paid for by us.How often do we hear people say that people died for us to be able to vote,fine people died for us to be entitled not to vote as well.Equally people say that one can only moan about Politcians if you vote,I take the opposite view,you should only be able to moan about politicians if you don’t vote.The only answer is don’t vote the so and so’s in (although this would clearly never happen),consequently we are stuck with the political system we have.