The Labour Party

party of capital
kowtowing to capital
worshipping at the altar of neo-liberalism.
once great party
reach arounds under the bedsheets
Blairite stance
imperialistic adventure
hard right rhetoric
traitors to Socialism
backstabbing ****
selfishly fucked up Labour stances on the EU
half baked peoples vote nonsense
generation of Tory rule
American healthcare companies
eyeing big fat juicy chunks of the NHS
outsourcing companies
state largesse for doing fuck all
destroyed the mass membership
funding for favours model that is similar to the Tories.
rotting carcass devoid of ideas
ideologically opposed to Socialism and pro-free market.
The UK will become like the US
beholden to corporate interests.
Its a fucking crying shame
stabbed in the back
plotted against and defamed
abused and ridiculed by the very people we had supported.
They turned on us with everything they had
complicit in enabling this awful Govt
cheeky cunts
gall to demand we show party unity
why the fuck should I back Starmer who I have virtually nothing in common with.
The labour leadership has fucked the left off and as a result it will never see power
The greats of the Labour party will be turning in their graves at what has happened to the party
imperialistic bullshit about Russia.
For shame Starmer for fucking shame.

All we were missing was a Marx reference and we'd have bingo.

It should be a given that a Socialist party is influenced by Marx
Whatever your opinon of the issue

Labours legal team expected to win the libel case, so why settle? It can only be out of personal choice especially as the other independant internal report on these staffers proved they were openly mysoginistic, racist, elitist acting to undemine certain MPs and briefing against certain parts of the party in most aspects of their daily duties, the full story should have come out regarding what went on not this hush up and weak attempt at trying to put the whole thing to bed.

It should have gone to court and the truth be out either way.

Also once again when the tories are on the ropes of another scandal, Starmer decides to take a stand or actions that shove their ineptitude and bastardly ways off the headlines for another negative for his own party.

On delivering hammer blows and tiiming he is pretty fucking idiotic, but then that has been labours problem for over a decade no matter who is in charge, finding ways to turn moments the tories are weak into oportunities for them to get away with it
Its gobsmacking the lengths Starmer is going to rid the Labour party of the left. His calls for party unity are something out of the Johnson playbook, a barefaced lie.

And as you say instead of winning the case in court the party will now use members money to pay the cunts off.

Its fucking disgraceful that people who were openly racist towards Diane Abbot will get members money, but the Blairite dreamers will be happy.

Expect more of this

Jack Straw - As home secretary he stripped welfare from refugees and made them use food vouchers

Harriet Harman- Cut welfare for single mums

Caroline Flint- Planned to strip the unemployed of their homes

Tony Blair- Boasted he would have the strictest anti-trade Union laws in the world

David Blunkett- Introduced bill to stop asylum seekers sending there kids to state schools

Charles Clarke - Unveiled policy designed to shame kids with ASBOs

Jacqui Smith - Banned unskilled immigrants from outside the EU

John Reid - complained there was a culture in the NHS against privatising the service

Hazel Blears- Said Muslims should accept the reality that people of Islamic appearance would be stopped and searched

Alan Milburn- Wanted the NHS to be set up for profit with an American insurance system

John Reid- Whipped up anger at immigrants who come to the UK to "steal" welfare

Liam Byrne - Made employers check job applicants passports

Tony Blair- wanted to sell off social housing

Charles Clarke- Didnt want the state to fund Uni subjects like history and saw Uni as enablers for the economy

Jack Straw - was against Muslim women wearing veils

Tony Blair - Sacked Jack Straw for saying he wouldnt nuke Iran

Tony Blair- welcomed 11 private companies into the NHS

David Blunkett - brought in a bill to cut welfare for asylum seekers and then take their children off them if they became destitute

Tony Blair - Blamed murders on black culture and that Black people lacked discipline

Tony Blair - Backed a ban on hoodies and baseball caps in shopping centres, demonising kids

Ruth Kelly - Told councils to stop translation services

Tony Blair- Set a target to reduce asylum seekers by 50%

David Blunkett - Told Asians to speak English in their own home

David Blunkett - banned asylum seekers from working

David Blunkett - planned to send all asylum seekers to offshore processing centres

Tony Blair- introduced curfew powers on under 16s

James Purnell - Forced single mums of kids as young as 1 to seek work

Liam Byrne - retrospectively changed asylum rules to deport skilled migrants

David Blunkett - said asylum seekers from Kosovo should go home

Tony Blair - Wanted the UK to review its obligations to the ECHR

David Blunkett - wanted all asylum seekers electronically tagged

Gordon Brown - wanted to further deregulate the banks

Phil Woolas - removed fromParliament by the high court for racist leaflet calling for white folk to be angry at muslims, dozens of Blairite MPs threatened a mutiny if he wasnt reinstated into the party

Tony Blair- Said single mothers were cause of many social problems

Margaret Hodge - wanted indigineous Brits to be given priority for housing.

Jack Straw- removed the right to trial by jury for many crimes

Phil Woolas- attacked charities who helped refugees

Alastair Darling- cut disability welfare, saying it was the right thing to do.

James Purnell - cut housing welfare

Tony Blair- rejected progressive taxation

David Blunkett - Introduced the citizen test and oath to Britain

Tony Blair - introduced fitness for work tests for disabled people

The party had an 82 year old holocaust survivor arrested under terror legislation for heckling Jack Straw


Downing Street - David Kelly

Downing Street - IRAQ WAR

No wonder the Tories are happy and comfortable with a party like this, they are worse than the tories.
There has been a great deal of talk about right wing press during the last couple of years and personally I have been very critical of the relationship between large parts of the media and the Conservative party. My memory is obviously too short though. Having watched a couple of episodes of The Rise of the Murdoch dynasty On BBC, it brought it all back just how central press support to New Labour and how Inappropriately close Blair and Brown were to Murdoch and his cronies. There was a massive opportunity to do something serious about the relationship between media and politicians as part of the Levison enquiry. Sadly missed. As Gordon Brown said. ‘It’s the people of the U.K. that choose the new government, not a Newspaper’. That went well.
There has been a great deal of talk about right wing press during the last couple of years and personally I have been very critical of the relationship between large parts of the media and the Conservative party. My memory is obviously too short though. Having watched a couple of episodes of The Rise of the Murdoch dynasty On BBC, it brought it all back just how central press support to New Labour and how Inappropriately close Blair and Brown were to Murdoch and his cronies. There was a massive opportunity to do something serious about the relationship between media and politicians as part of the Levison enquiry. Sadly missed. As Gordon Brown said. ‘It’s the people of the U.K. that choose the new government, not a Newspaper’. That went well.
It's all very wrong, the only crumb of comfort is that he will die soon.
Its gobsmacking the lengths Starmer is going to rid the Labour party of the left. His calls for party unity are something out of the Johnson playbook, a barefaced lie.

And as you say instead of winning the case in court the party will now use members money to pay the cunts off.

Its fucking disgraceful that people who were openly racist towards Diane Abbot will get members money, but the Blairite dreamers will be happy.

Expect more of this

Jack Straw - As home secretary he stripped welfare from refugees and made them use food vouchers

Harriet Harman- Cut welfare for single mums

Caroline Flint- Planned to strip the unemployed of their homes

Tony Blair- Boasted he would have the strictest anti-trade Union laws in the world

David Blunkett- Introduced bill to stop asylum seekers sending there kids to state schools

Charles Clarke - Unveiled policy designed to shame kids with ASBOs

Jacqui Smith - Banned unskilled immigrants from outside the EU

John Reid - complained there was a culture in the NHS against privatising the service

Hazel Blears- Said Muslims should accept the reality that people of Islamic appearance would be stopped and searched

Alan Milburn- Wanted the NHS to be set up for profit with an American insurance system

John Reid- Whipped up anger at immigrants who come to the UK to "steal" welfare

Liam Byrne - Made employers check job applicants passports

Tony Blair- wanted to sell off social housing

Charles Clarke- Didnt want the state to fund Uni subjects like history and saw Uni as enablers for the economy

Jack Straw - was against Muslim women wearing veils

Tony Blair - Sacked Jack Straw for saying he wouldnt nuke Iran

Tony Blair- welcomed 11 private companies into the NHS

David Blunkett - brought in a bill to cut welfare for asylum seekers and then take their children off them if they became destitute

Tony Blair - Blamed murders on black culture and that Black people lacked discipline

Tony Blair - Backed a ban on hoodies and baseball caps in shopping centres, demonising kids

Ruth Kelly - Told councils to stop translation services

Tony Blair- Set a target to reduce asylum seekers by 50%

David Blunkett - Told Asians to speak English in their own home

David Blunkett - banned asylum seekers from working

David Blunkett - planned to send all asylum seekers to offshore processing centres

Tony Blair- introduced curfew powers on under 16s

James Purnell - Forced single mums of kids as young as 1 to seek work

Liam Byrne - retrospectively changed asylum rules to deport skilled migrants

David Blunkett - said asylum seekers from Kosovo should go home

Tony Blair - Wanted the UK to review its obligations to the ECHR

David Blunkett - wanted all asylum seekers electronically tagged

Gordon Brown - wanted to further deregulate the banks

Phil Woolas - removed fromParliament by the high court for racist leaflet calling for white folk to be angry at muslims, dozens of Blairite MPs threatened a mutiny if he wasnt reinstated into the party

Tony Blair- Said single mothers were cause of many social problems

Margaret Hodge - wanted indigineous Brits to be given priority for housing.

Jack Straw- removed the right to trial by jury for many crimes

Phil Woolas- attacked charities who helped refugees

Alastair Darling- cut disability welfare, saying it was the right thing to do.

James Purnell - cut housing welfare

Tony Blair- rejected progressive taxation

David Blunkett - Introduced the citizen test and oath to Britain

Tony Blair - introduced fitness for work tests for disabled people

The party had an 82 year old holocaust survivor arrested under terror legislation for heckling Jack Straw


Downing Street - David Kelly

Downing Street - IRAQ WAR

No wonder the Tories are happy and comfortable with a party like this, they are worse than the tories.

Bloody hell more right wing than me. I do like some of those though. There is no answer to your frustrations these times are not for you I'm afraid bud.
Only seen trailers - do any of his offspring seem quite as interested in power fo powers sake? Hopefully they'll just live the rockstar lifestyle and piss the fortune up the wall.
The three main protagonists are Lachlan, James and Sarah. All are Billionaires through the sale of Fox to Disney. Sarah seems to be the smartest, nicest and most well adjusted. She runs her own production company. James is the youngest and was tarnished by the phone hacking scandal. He still is an Executive working for his father. Lachlan is the most likely to inherit the lot and continue to run the media empire. Who knows what will happen when he sniffs. Undoubtedly though the evil empire has the potential to continue its malign influence over worldwide politics.
The late great Tony Benn wrote

"If the Labour party could be bullied or persuaded to denounce its Marxists, the media - having tasted blood- would demand it expelled its Socialists and form a harmless alternative to the Conservatives, which would be allowed to take office now and again when the Conservatives fell out of favour with the British public. Thus British capitalism would be made safe"

That's what the media has achieved, its made it safe for capitalism whoever is in power and who benefits from that, the media moguls who promoted the original bullying.

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