The Labour Party

Disagree. Starmer settled to take a messy legal case involving anti-semitism and who knows what else out of the headlines. Every day would have been about who was mean to who and examples of all sorts of unsavoury behaviour instead of about Covid, Brexit, potential break up of the Union, buying dodgy satellite companies, Russian money flowing into Tory coffers or bungs to Ministers to get favourable housing decisions.

In short it was practical politics, shuts up the media about anti-semitism and allows Starmer to go on the offensive without worrying about his flank.

It may not be pretty but it is practical and shows a level of competence that has been absent in all three major parties for the past few years.
There has been no mention of anti-Semitism since Starmer was elected on the back of LFI money. All the stories disappeared like a rabbit up a magicians sleeve.

Starmer should be worried about his flank, because the left are gunning for him, he was elected on a pack of lies about unity and is now purging the party of anyone to the left of Genghis Khan. He has allowed himself to be hijacked by the FBFE nutjobs and if he thinks the 17.4m who voted for brexit will vote for him he is living in cloud cuckoo land with a daft hat on and a gang of Clangers as his friends.
There has been no mention of anti-Semitism since Starmer was elected on the back of LFI money. All the stories disappeared like a rabbit up a magicians sleeve.

Starmer should be worried about his flank, because the left are gunning for him, he was elected on a pack of lies about unity and is now purging the party of anyone to the left of Genghis Khan. He has allowed himself to be hijacked by the FBFE nutjobs and if he thinks the 17.4m who voted for brexit will vote for him he is living in cloud cuckoo land with a daft hat on and a gang of Clangers as his friends.

There has been no mention because Starmer isn't vulnerable on the issue as Corbyn was. No point in attacking the guy where he is strong. He can just point to his actions and question what are the Tories doing with their promised investigation on Islamophobia, the answer to which is fuck all.

It's basic politics and the left attacking Starmer for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ just reinforces the perception that he is ’bringing the Party back to its roots’. All of this helps Starmer with the electorate. Like it or not, fair or not, anti-semitism was a stick to beat Labour with. The solution is take away the stick not hand the opposition a bigger stick.

It's practical, competent politics.
There has been no mention because Starmer isn't vulnerable on the issue as Corbyn was. No point in attacking the guy where he is strong. He can just point to his actions and question what are the Tories doing with their promised investigation on Islamophobia, the answer to which is fuck all.

It's basic politics and the left attacking Starmer for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ just reinforces the perception that he is ’bringing the Party back to its roots’. All of this helps Starmer with the electorate. Like it or not, fair or not, anti-semitism was a stick to beat Labour with. The solution is take away the stick not hand the opposition a bigger stick.

It's practical, competent politics.
The left attacking him for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ they are attacking him because he is Blairite who has decided to purge the party of the left and abandon any pretext that the Labour party is Socialist.

When you have halfwits like Luke Akehurst running for the NEC it is seemingly obvious that getting rid of the left is a priority so that nomarks like him can be on the NEC and revert the party back to a Blairite neo-liberal party that mirrors policies you would expect from the right. See my list of Blair stuff I posted, because that's what they want, they don't want a Socialist alternative they want a liberal pro-eu party that has abandoned any pretence of being socialist.
The left attacking him for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ they are attacking him because he is Blairite who has decided to purge the party of the left and abandon any pretext that the Labour party is Socialist.

When you have halfwits like Luke Akehurst running for the NEC it is seemingly obvious that getting rid of the left is a priority so that nomarks like him can be on the NEC and revert the party back to a Blairite neo-liberal party that mirrors policies you would expect from the right. See my list of Blair stuff I posted, because that's what they want, they don't want a Socialist alternative they want a liberal pro-eu party that has abandoned any pretence of being socialist.
Yep, they want a party that’s electable. Outrageous.
The left attacking him for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ they are attacking him because he is Blairite who has decided to purge the party of the left and abandon any pretext that the Labour party is Socialist.

When you have halfwits like Luke Akehurst running for the NEC it is seemingly obvious that getting rid of the left is a priority so that nomarks like him can be on the NEC and revert the party back to a Blairite neo-liberal party that mirrors policies you would expect from the right. See my list of Blair stuff I posted, because that's what they want, they don't want a Socialist alternative they want a liberal pro-eu party that has abandoned any pretence of being socialist.
Pretty soon it will probably become AS to criticise Starmer or Blair. Still have to pinch myself to make sure I didn't imagine Blair becoming 'ME peace envoy' after leaving office and under the cloud of Chillcot.
The left attacking him for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ they are attacking him because he is Blairite who has decided to purge the party of the left and abandon any pretext that the Labour party is Socialist.

When you have halfwits like Luke Akehurst running for the NEC it is seemingly obvious that getting rid of the left is a priority so that nomarks like him can be on the NEC and revert the party back to a Blairite neo-liberal party that mirrors policies you would expect from the right. See my list of Blair stuff I posted, because that's what they want, they don't want a Socialist alternative they want a liberal pro-eu party that has abandoned any pretence of being socialist.

Yes. They calculate it would be more electable.
Pretty soon it will probably become AS to criticise Starmer or Blair. Still have to pinch myself to make sure I didn't imagine Blair becoming 'ME peace envoy' after leaving office and under the cloud of Chillcot.

A timely reminder that virtually all politicians who aspire to high office and power piss in the exact same pots regardless of what colour ties they wear.
There has been no mention because Starmer isn't vulnerable on the issue as Corbyn was. No point in attacking the guy where he is strong. He can just point to his actions and question what are the Tories doing with their promised investigation on Islamophobia, the answer to which is fuck all.

It's basic politics and the left attacking Starmer for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ just reinforces the perception that he is ’bringing the Party back to its roots’. All of this helps Starmer with the electorate. Like it or not, fair or not, anti-semitism was a stick to beat Labour with. The solution is take away the stick not hand the opposition a bigger stick.

It's practical, competent politics.
the reality is, Starmer will not embrace rejoining the EU. Rupert wouldn't like it and the party would remain unelectable.

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