The Labour Party

The electorate.
That’s the people that rejected Corbyn twice when Labour was up against the worst Tory government in living memory.
And you think a Pro-EU Labour will appeal how?

Many of those being purged are those who do the hard yards campaigning, Starmer is losing the base of a mass membership party of people willing to go out and post leaflets etc.

Labour cant win without the right and left of the party being unified and Starmer has shown with his actions he doesn't want unity he wants a party that is on the centre ground and panders to corporate interests and the neo liberal hawks who he is beholden too for paying for his campaign. The Unions are considering stopping funding the party and with membership dwindling quicker than OT emptied at the 1-6 who is going to pay for an election campaign apart from his corporate backers.

Starmer's decision to pay off the whistleblowers is the final straw for many, £400k of party funds used to pay off people who actively campaigned against the party at the 2017 election, an election where Labour were 2,227 votes short of winning a majority. The reason for the pay off is purely political it is so Starmer can frame the narrative, the question is who will his narrative appeal to if there are so few left.

The situation is ridiculous, what Starmer has done has led to the party to a place where it was anti-Semitic for anyone under Corbyn to deny it had an anti Semitism problem (despite not much evidence) to one where it is now libellous for Corbyn to deny it.

According to Labour party figures there were 274 cases of anti-Semitism investigated and 149 of those resulted In expulsion or left the party, a little over 0.3% of the membership, yet Starmer allowed the whistle blowers to be paid off.

Starmer has now damaged the party beyond repair and alienated thousands upon thousands of members whilst his backers heap praise on his performances against Johnson, who to be honest a dyslexic parrot could tie in knots. All this is to rid the party of the left and pursue its Blairite dream of third way politics. It failed before, it will fail again. Meanwhile the Tories can promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories against Soros and use Cultural Marxism without fear of sanction. Starmer has given them licence to carry on doing just that.
Labour needs to be the party of the working class, not the party of the left.

The 2019 General Election shows that it's nowhere near being the party of the working class anymore, and for as long as that remains the case, it will never be in power again.
And you think a Pro-EU Labour will appeal how?

Many of those being purged are those who do the hard yards campaigning, Starmer is losing the base of a mass membership party of people willing to go out and post leaflets etc.

Labour cant win without the right and left of the party being unified and Starmer has shown with his actions he doesn't want unity he wants a party that is on the centre ground and panders to corporate interests and the neo liberal hawks who he is beholden too for paying for his campaign. The Unions are considering stopping funding the party and with membership dwindling quicker than OT emptied at the 1-6 who is going to pay for an election campaign apart from his corporate backers.

Starmer's decision to pay off the whistleblowers is the final straw for many, £400k of party funds used to pay off people who actively campaigned against the party at the 2017 election, an election where Labour were 2,227 votes short of winning a majority. The reason for the pay off is purely political it is so Starmer can frame the narrative, the question is who will his narrative appeal to if there are so few left.

The situation is ridiculous, what Starmer has done has led to the party to a place where it was anti-Semitic for anyone under Corbyn to deny it had an anti Semitism problem (despite not much evidence) to one where it is now libellous for Corbyn to deny it.

According to Labour party figures there were 274 cases of anti-Semitism investigated and 149 of those resulted In expulsion or left the party, a little over 0.3% of the membership, yet Starmer allowed the whistle blowers to be paid off.

Starmer has now damaged the party beyond repair and alienated thousands upon thousands of members whilst his backers heap praise on his performances against Johnson, who to be honest a dyslexic parrot could tie in knots. All this is to rid the party of the left and pursue its Blairite dream of third way politics. It failed before, it will fail again. Meanwhile the Tories can promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories against Soros and use Cultural Marxism without fear of sanction. Starmer has given them licence to carry on doing just that.

I think you are too far down the rabbit hole. The labour activists who knocked on doors in the last election know exactly why they lost. They heard it first hand. Those same members had the choice of a continuation of Cobynism with RLB or a fresh start with Starmer. The result was pretty conclusive that they did not want more Corbynism. The change in tone is clearly positive. Starmer is a much better performer in the house and PMQs is a weekly dismantaling of Johnson. I appreciate that extreme Cobynites don't like it but they are no longer the majority of the party so its tough shit. Corbyn had hos chance - it was a disaster - thankfully its over now and we can have a decent opposition that has a very good chance in a general election.
There has been a great deal of talk about right wing press during the last couple of years and personally I have been very critical of the relationship between large parts of the media and the Conservative party. My memory is obviously too short though. Having watched a couple of episodes of The Rise of the Murdoch dynasty On BBC, it brought it all back just how central press support to New Labour and how Inappropriately close Blair and Brown were to Murdoch and his cronies. There was a massive opportunity to do something serious about the relationship between media and politicians as part of the Levison enquiry. Sadly missed. As Gordon Brown said. ‘It’s the people of the U.K. that choose the new government, not a Newspaper’. That went well.

I watched it too. Good doc but thankfully Murdoch has nowhere near as much power now.

Twitter, The Guardian, MailOnline are all much bigger platforms for political influence. They're the ones we should be more wary of.
I watched it too. Good doc but thankfully Murdoch has nowhere near as much power now.

Twitter, The Guardian, MailOnline are all much bigger platforms for political influence. They're the ones we should be more wary of.
You think so? It seems to me the sun/times still weighs a great deal.
Labour needs to be the party of the working class, not the party of the left.

The 2019 General Election shows that it's nowhere near being the party of the working class anymore, and for as long as that remains the case, it will never be in power again.
If you gave the people running the SDP control over Labour they’d win a landslide.

Blue Labour need to make a return to see them get anywhere.
I think you are too far down the rabbit hole. The labour activists who knocked on doors in the last election know exactly why they lost. They heard it first hand. Those same members had the choice of a continuation of Cobynism with RLB or a fresh start with Starmer. The result was pretty conclusive that they did not want more Corbynism. The change in tone is clearly positive. Starmer is a much better performer in the house and PMQs is a weekly dismantaling of Johnson. I appreciate that extreme Cobynites don't like it but they are no longer the majority of the party so its tough shit. Corbyn had hos chance - it was a disaster - thankfully its over now and we can have a decent opposition that has a very good chance in a general election.

well said, so far he is doing a good job.
The left attacking him for ’acting decisively on anti-semitism’ they are attacking him because he is Blairite who has decided to purge the party of the left and abandon any pretext that the Labour party is Socialist.

When you have halfwits like Luke Akehurst running for the NEC it is seemingly obvious that getting rid of the left is a priority so that nomarks like him can be on the NEC and revert the party back to a Blairite neo-liberal party that mirrors policies you would expect from the right. See my list of Blair stuff I posted, because that's what they want, they don't want a Socialist alternative they want a liberal pro-eu party that has abandoned any pretence of being socialist.

Blair wasn’t neoliberal.

Why do you keep saying this.

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