The Labour Party

Shocking. Pretty common for left wingers to go on the personal attack as soon as the identity politics fail. We’re so fucked in this country. Vote Tory and struggle financially for life, or vote for these horrible shits who attack you in the most vile way as soon as you don’t fully comply or go along with whatever fruitcake ideas they might have. I hoped Starmer would purge the Labour Party of these idiots but it looks like the rot is irreversible.
Shocking. Pretty common for left wingers to go on the personal attack as soon as the identity politics fail. We’re so fucked in this country. Vote Tory and struggle financially for life, or vote for these horrible shits who attack you in the most vile way as soon as you don’t fully comply or go along with whatever fruitcake ideas they might have. I hoped Starmer would purge the Labour Party of these idiots but it looks like the rot is irreversible.
The amazing thing is that they actually think they’ll get elected with these dangerous loonies rotting the party. The truth is we’re largely a centrist country whether that’s centre left or right, we’ve no desire for extremes hence why Corbyns rabble and his little cheer leaders like Owen Jones got legged off last December/
Shocking. Pretty common for left wingers to go on the personal attack as soon as the identity politics fail. We’re so fucked in this country. Vote Tory and struggle financially for life, or vote for these horrible shits who attack you in the most vile way as soon as you don’t fully comply or go along with whatever fruitcake ideas they might have. I hoped Starmer would purge the Labour Party of these idiots but it looks like the rot is irreversible.
Love that you are able to complain about someone calling someone "scum", then call them "horrible shits" all in the space of one paragraph without any sense of irony
Love that you are able to complain about someone calling someone "scum", then call them "horrible shits" all in the space of one paragraph without any sense of irony

Irony and calling people all sorts because they dont agree is all par for the course on here so why should he be any different?
Irony and calling people all sorts because they dont agree is all par for the course on here so why should he be any different?
I'm all for calling a **** a ****. But don't go about pretending to be offending when people on one side do it when you are so willing to do it yourself. It's pathetic.

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