The Labour Party

New Labour might have 'ruined' the perception of Labour amongst socialists as a "socialist ideological party", but it did great wonders for the British people, which ideally is what we all want to see, right?

If New Labour helped more people than socialist Labour did, where is the problem?
It’s an ideological problem, that is the problem.

Blair did a lot of good and a lot of bad imo.
99.99% I would wager.

That's how far they have managed to infect the western world with there pernicious ideology. Its now almost seen as a thought crime to be anti- capitalist, that is how far they have infiltrated society with their think tanks like the TPA, the IEA and the CSJ. They dominate the media and have introduced so many new words into the political lexicon, all of them designed to insult the left, from the ridiculous notion of cultural Marxism to SJW and virtue signalling. All of this was designed so that the owners of capital kept increasing there share of capital and inequality in the UK now is appalling.
That's how far they have managed to infect the western world with there pernicious ideology. Its now almost seen as a thought crime to be anti- capitalist, that is how far they have infiltrated society with their think tanks like the TPA, the IEA and the CSJ. They dominate the media and have introduced so many new words into the political lexicon, all of them designed to insult the left, from the ridiculous notion of cultural Marxism to SJW and virtue signalling. All of this was designed so that the owners of capital kept increasing there share of capital and inequality in the UK now is appalling.
Is it capitalism you hate, or commercialism?

If it's the latter, I can empathise, but if its the former, I just see it as a denial of personal opportunities and personal growth to deny a system which affords such freedoms to the individual.
It's an old joke but; "Under Socialism, EVERYONE is equal... equally poor"
The inequality line is pure guff imo.

If you had someone on £5m a year and someone on £50k a year, they’re very unequal but even the poorer chap is doing very well.

They highlight inequality and it’s a buzzword but the most important factor is what are those on the bottom line on? We have strides to make but we can do it in a capitalist system.

I think most are pretty happy as it stands and we need to tweak the system to help those who need it, more.
The inequality line is pure guff imo.

If you had someone on £5m a year and someone on £50k a year, they’re very unequal but even the poorer chap is doing very well.

They highlight inequality and it’s a buzzword but the most important factor is what are those on the bottom line on? We have strides to make but we can do it in a capitalist system.

I think most are pretty happy as it stands and we need to tweak the system to help those who need it, more.
Its the premise that capitalists are , by nature, not charitable, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Most charities have been helped by successful capitalists, and most inequalities have been as a result of commercialists who maximise profit over the welfare of their workers. For me, commercialism is the problem, not the capitalist system.
Personally I’ve found the more money I make and the higher up the chain I get, the less capitalist I feel, particularly as you really being to see it’s worst behaviours at work.

It’s like any system though, over time it has to be moderated to keep it in check. The discrepency now is getting so great at the top end, we’re returning to the pre war model levels of concentration of wealth. There will be a tipping point that will be overdue, as it always is, when it eventually comes.
That's how far they have managed to infect the western world with there pernicious ideology. Its now almost seen as a thought crime to be anti- capitalist, that is how far they have infiltrated society with their think tanks like the TPA, the IEA and the CSJ. They dominate the media and have introduced so many new words into the political lexicon, all of them designed to insult the left, from the ridiculous notion of cultural Marxism to SJW and virtue signalling. All of this was designed so that the owners of capital kept increasing there share of capital and inequality in the UK now is appalling.

sounds like a conspiracy...

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