The Labour Party

sounds like a conspiracy...

Don't you ever wonder who funds these mysterious think tanks?

They were a planned response to the post WW2 social consensus. At that time a Labour party with Socialist ideals had introduced concepts into society such as the NHS, nationalisation, social housing; all of which were constraints on capitalism, so capitalism had to fight back and did so under the guidance of the Frankfurt and Chicago schools of economic thought. Hayek became their guru along with Friedman and they railed against Keynesian economic theory.

What you have to take into account is the fear of the USSR which manifested itself in Macarthyism in the USA with red under the bed scare stories. They idealised that for the west to prosper it had to be counter to the USSR not only ideologically but economically too and that meant the promotion of laissez faire and the eradication of the social consensus. The think tanks I mentioned were in the vanguard of the fight for capitalism over socialism and the left never really had an answer to the onslaught simply because it didn't have the capital to counter wealthy think tanks that were founded and financed by wealthy capitalists. Even now there are a handful of left wing think tanks whilst the right wings tanks have proliferated. One only has to watch the news or QT and see the amount of media coverage these right wing think tanks get, they are fucking everywhere promoting capitalism and some not all going further and promoting libertarian capitalism.

This is no conspiracy theory, its a matter of fact and public record that this happens. You may think its harmless but ask yourself what do wealthy individuals get out of funding these think tanks that promulgate right wing economic thinking.

I believe all these think tanks are anti democratic, they don't serve the people they serve individuals. Does anyone know a member of the Taxpayers Alliance? the TPA are against almost all state spending, they are behind campaigns to cut public spending citing with authority that many take for granted that taxpayers money is being wasted. Who funds them to do this campaigning though and who the fuck are they? A lot of stuff that they have provided disinformation about is now mainstream and is accepted by the public as being fact. An instance is the constant attacks on waste in the NHS, usually combined with an attack on there being too many managers and not enough nurses. This is all done so that trust in the NHS diminishes and gets to a point where it can hawked off to private institutions for the personal gain of the TPAs wealthy funders. Capitalists hate to see a money making opportunity go to waste and the NHS is a gold mine for capitalists, so they use their think tanks to undermine trust and then when the public lose faith in the institution they buy it and make a profit. They have done the same with the BBC, constantly propagandising it and affecting public trust because their is profit to be made.

If you want to believe it is a conspiracy theory then so be it, all I can do is try and explain the motives behind them. I could go much further than I have but its pretty pointless on here as nobody is really that interested in capitalist subversion of our democracy simply because the capitalist subversion of our democracy has been so successful it is dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
It's an old joke but; "Under Socialism, EVERYONE is equal... equally poor"
One of the biggest misconceptions of all about Socialism is that everybody is equal. It lead to the belief that Socialism equates to equality of outcome when in fact it is about equality of opportunity.

The equality of outcome nonsense got so ridiculous that the RW actually believe that it means all kids get prizes at sports day. How often have you read that myth in the RW media?

Socialism is giving everyone the equal opportunity to win the race, which means the poor kids start the race with the same running shoes as the rich kids.

This just adds to my point made earlier about how successful RW think tanks have been in spouting anti-Socialist propaganda whilst extoling the virtue of rampant capitalism
Don't you ever wonder who funds these mysterious think tanks?

They were a planned response to the post WW2 social consensus. At that time a Labour party with Socialist ideals had introduced concepts into society such as the NHS, nationalisation, social housing; all of which were constraints on capitalism, so capitalism had to fight back and did so under the guidance of the Frankfurt and Chicago schools of economic thought. Hayek became their guru along with Friedman and they railed against Keynesian economic theory.

What you have to take into account is the fear of the USSR which manifested itself in Macarthyism in the USA with red under the bed scare stories. They idealised that for the west to prosper it had to be counter to the USSR not only ideologically but economically too and that meant the promotion of laissez faire and the eradication of the social consensus. The think tanks I mentioned were in the vanguard of the fight for capitalism over socialism and the left never really had an answer to the onslaught simply because it didn't have the capital to counter wealthy think tanks that were founded and financed by wealthy capitalists. Even now there are a handful of left wing think tanks whilst the right wings tanks have proliferated. One only has to watch the news or QT and see the amount of media coverage these right wing think tanks get, they are fucking everywhere promoting capitalism and some not all going further and promoting libertarian capitalism.

This is no conspiracy theory, its a matter of fact and public record that this happens. You may think its harmless but ask yourself what do wealthy individuals get out of funding these think tanks that promulgate right wing economic thinking.

I believe all these think tanks are anti democratic, they don't serve the people they serve individuals. Does anyone know a member of the Taxpayers Alliance? the TPA are against almost all state spending, they are behind campaigns to cut public spending citing with authority that many take for granted that taxpayers money is being wasted. Who funds them to do this campaigning though and who the fuck are they? A lot of stuff that they have provided disinformation about is now mainstream and is accepted by the public as being fact. An instance is the constant attacks on waste in the NHS, usually combined with an attack on there being too many managers and not enough nurses. This is all done so that trust in the NHS diminishes and gets to a point where it can hawked off to private institutions for the personal gain of the TPAs wealthy funders. Capitalists hate to see a money making opportunity go to waste and the NHS is a gold mine for capitalists, so they use their think tanks to undermine trust and then when the public lose faith in the institution they buy it and make a profit. They have done the same with the BBC, constantly propagandising it and affecting public trust because their is profit to be made.

If you want to believe it is a conspiracy theory then so be it, all I can do is try and explain the motives behind them. I could go much further than I have but its pretty pointless on here as nobody is really that interested in capitalist subversion of our democracy simply because the capitalist subversion of our democracy has been so successful it is dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
I another great post Rascal. Thanks for sharing.
One of the biggest misconceptions of all about Socialism is that everybody is equal. It lead to the belief that Socialism equates to equality of outcome when in fact it is about equality of opportunity.

The equality of outcome nonsense got so ridiculous that the RW actually believe that it means all kids get prizes at sports day. How often have you read that myth in the RW media?

Socialism is giving everyone the equal opportunity to win the race, which means the poor kids start the race with the same running shoes as the rich kids.

This just adds to my point made earlier about how successful RW think tanks have been in spouting anti-Socialist propaganda whilst extoling the virtue of rampant capitalism

Zola Budd says hi:-)

It would be nice to have equal opportunity I just can't work out how. This life is pretty much about luck and motivation. And if you believe you either have motivation or you dont then is all down to luck.
Zola Budd says hi:-)

It would be nice to have equal opportunity I just can't work out how. This life is pretty much about luck and motivation. And if you believe you either have motivation or you dont then is all down to luck.
Luck plays a part of course, but equality of opportunity could be as simple as everyone getting the very best education they could possibly have. That is equality of opportunity. Currently that does not happen. What they do with the education is a matter for them, but life chances would be there for everyone regardless of ability,background, standing, wealth or location.

Life is much harder for a bright kid from a Mancunian council estate than it is for a thick kid from a wealthy family in Alderley Edge. Ideally I want the lad from the council estate and the lad from Alderley edge to be educated to be the best they can be and then they will both have a better chance in life.
Luck plays a part of course, but equality of opportunity could be as simple as everyone getting the very best education they could possibly have. That is equality of opportunity. Currently that does not happen. What they do with the education is a matter for them, but life chances would be there for everyone regardless of ability,background, standing, wealth or location.

Life is much harder for a bright kid from a Mancunian council estate than it is for a thick kid from a wealthy family in Alderley Edge. Ideally I want the lad from the council estate and the lad from Alderley edge to be educated to be the best they can be and then they will both have a better chance in life.

I agree completely don't know how you would do it though
I agree completely don't know how you would do it though

Investment in education is never wasted money. I think its criminal that some of our schools struggle to get books and struggle to hire teachers. Teaching should be one of the most valued professions in the land. People still know about the legendary teacher Socrates, not the Brazilian chain smoking genius but the old guy from Greece,teaching should be a vocation, well paid and they should have the status they deserve as the educators of our future, sadly they are not.

Good teachers can mould a child and influence them in so many ways so pay them properly and invest in schools, college and university so every kid regardless of background, wealth and location gets the best chance in life to be whatever they want to be. The current system turns out drones for the capitalist system, undereducated kids happy to do jobs for peanuts which of course means more profit for the capitalists.

The current system is so short sighted and a well educated workforce will close the huge productivity gap that the country has, but what can you do when the likes of Gove think that learning dates in history by rote is education, its not education that, its drone production. Kids should be given freedom to express themselves, they are naturally inquisitive and everything should be done to encourage every kid to pursue their dreams whatever that dream maybe. From personal experience I always wanted to do a degree in Comparative Religion and History, with a second degree in Politics and Philosophy, but never got the chance and instead ended up with Economics, for the pure and simple reason I couldn't afford to go and do the degrees I really wanted to do. I am a council estate kid you see and those life chances don't come council estate kids way.
Investment in education is never wasted money. I think its criminal that some of our schools struggle to get books and struggle to hire teachers. Teaching should be one of the most valued professions in the land.

Absolutely this. Dont think of it as a cost but as an investment.

I've lived in South Africa and seen the difference an education can have on the lives of people there. Its night and day.

You dont get one and you have very little if any chance in life.

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