The Labour Party

Labour candidate turns out be a conspiracy nut. Labour dumps said nut 48 hours later.

Beyond that my interest is negligible.
So just an open and shut case of Labour acting decisively .... zero tolerance and all that?

Only if you ignore the bit in the middle where various Labour figures took to the airwaves and SM calling it a lapse in judgement and stressing the important bit is that he has apologised. Or Nandy out campaigning with him yesterday unsurprisingly seized upon by the Mail and other bad faith actors as evidence that AS is still 'rife'.
Yes. They gave him an initial pass. Saw which way the wind was blowing then fucked him off.
Fixed that bit for you ;-)
So just an open and shut case of Labour acting decisively .... zero tolerance and all that?

Only if you ignore the bit in the middle where various Labour figures took to the airwaves and SM calling it a lapse in judgement and stressing the important bit is that he has apologised. Or Nandy out campaigning with him yesterday unsurprisingly seized upon by the Mail and other bad faith actors as evidence that AS is still 'rife'.

Fixed that bit for you ;-)

In order.

No. Nothing is open and shut. Most things are panic, try and muddle through with a side order of hoping for the best and then act.

I didn’t. See bit about giving the guy an initial pass.

Fix away. All political parties know when to bend with the wind - or should do.
I struggle to call this sorry affair ‘helping’.

Although, it does take some heat off the actual Prime Minster appearing on a cult conspiracy YouTube Channel which is home to some of the guff being spouted by the offending Labour candidate.

Which is kind of ironic I guess.
Which cult conspiracy YouTube channel? There are so many.
Be interesting to see who was in attendance when Ali was making his comments, and the explanation as to why no one challenged his views or indeed if any complaints were made about him.

I’m sure Labour have nothing to hide here - the comments were made at a Labour Party meeting after all - so presumably they’ll only be too happy to make the information available.
Whilst partially true, there’s a 2340 day difference in time taken to act.

We shall see if Labour put forward his wife for Rochdale at the GE.
For clarity, I meant they're all as bad as each other; both parties on both ends of the spectrum.

I'm just done with the Tories endemic shittiness and lack of integrity, and hope labour will be slightly better (which admittedly isn't going to take much).
All political parties are coalitions, and that is why they have nappers in them. You only have to look at Christopher Chope for the Tories. In our (very) diverse society, it's almost inevitable. You exercise party discipline, but there is always someone who says stuff you don't want them to say.

Conspiracy theories? They abound in our world and people from all parts of the political spectrum believe in them. It's just that some seem to be 'acceptable.' People get taken in with them all the time. They are 99% complete bollocks, and this particular one is 100%.

The Labour Party has not covered itself in glory here. No one is saying they have. But don't kid yourself that a lot of people, not just Muslims, are, at a minimum, 'concerned' about what is going on in Gaza. Some are fucking angry. Some hate Jews. Most don't. Lumping everyone who has concerns about Gaza together as some sort of antisemitic Nazi is a very dangerous tactic. Not least because some of those with concerns are Jews themselves. This outburst, ridiculous and offensive as it may be, is but a symptom of that underlying concern. Which, I have to say, the top politicians are not addressing at all.

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