The Labour Party

If reading and contributing to this sub forum as taught you nothing mate, it’s the fact that there can only ever be one side, the right side and if you are not in it then into a box labelled x,y,z you must go!

Swimming against the tide on here is nigh on impossible ;-)

Be careful Mr Blueinsa if you give a negative view on Starmer you could be responsible for allowing the Tories back in.

In fact let's get this right once and for all and I pray all those extremists on here listen. Please please be aware knocking the guy seen as doing a reasonable job by some, the beige one, the dithering one, the not so sure where he stands one could result in YOU city fans on a forum changing the course of this election.

Yes your musings on off topic here are that powerful. Like Spiderman great power comes with great responsibility. If the worst govt ever gets back in I will be blaming some people on here and that I cannot forgive(Marlon Brando godfather voice)

If doubts enter your mind about rogue hero Sir Keir Starmer aka Keith Toolmakersson in Sweden then just chant

Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stabe
Don't rock the boat.

We are so so close guys(Pep voice)

So so close
Be careful Mr Blueinsa if you give a negative view on Starmer you could be responsible for allowing the Tories back in.

In fact let's get this right once and for all and I pray all those extremists on here listen. Please please be aware knocking the guy seen as doing a reasonable job by some, the beige one, the dithering one, the not so sure where he stands one could result in YOU city fans on a forum changing the course of this election.

Yes your musings on off topic here are that powerful. Like Spiderman great power comes with great responsibility. If the worst govt ever gets back in I will be blaming some people on here and that I cannot forgive(Marlon Brando godfather voice)

If doubts enter your mind about rogue hero Sir Keir Starmer aka Keith Toolmakersson in Sweden then just chant

Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stabe
Don't rock the boat.

We are so so close guys(Pep voice)

So so close

A lesson I learned the harsh way just the other day.

I commented on Bidens decreasing memory and lack of cognitive function and within seconds, I was a dumb motherfucker who was responsible for handing the keys to the Whitehouse to the Orange man.

With all that power, I quickly decided it was time to try and will my wife into putting the kettle on and you can only imagine my disappointment as I was brought back down to Earth with a bump as she told me to do it myself.
In fairness I'm not sure calling all Tories or Corbynites on here extremists is a very sensible view. There are even a few of us that aren't either that will comment on him, he is almost certainly going to be our next Prime Minister.

This is a football forum one doesnt need to 'pick his man' and consistently back him up like some lackey in his party. Not being politicians gives us the great benefit of nor having to behave like one.

Your last paragraph just reads as :-

I'm so sensible and right and everyone who agrees with me is also. The rest must be wrong uns.
To be honest I was talking about roughly 5 posters who are responsible for 90% of the content slagging Starmer off. You aren’t one of them.
I can't believe the ingratitude of folk like yourself and @hilts on here sometimes. You are very fortunate that people more knowledgeable than yourselves take the time to come on these threads and correct your errant views. It can't be easy being right all the time about everything, but it's their cross to bear for the greater good and bit of gratitude and humility on your part would go a long way.

I would like to apologise to the centrist suburbanites on here for possibly fucking up the possibility of a modicum of growth in the future. Everytime I see the new 5 series pass me by I will feel great shame knowing it could have been theirs. Having a barely new Audi is surely against the echr?

This pigeon holing is great fun.

The bloody Ken Clarke wannabees

Whoops did it again:-)
Be careful Mr Blueinsa if you give a negative view on Starmer you could be responsible for allowing the Tories back in.

In fact let's get this right once and for all and I pray all those extremists on here listen. Please please be aware knocking the guy seen as doing a reasonable job by some, the beige one, the dithering one, the not so sure where he stands one could result in YOU city fans on a forum changing the course of this election.

Yes your musings on off topic here are that powerful. Like Spiderman great power comes with great responsibility. If the worst govt ever gets back in I will be blaming some people on here and that I cannot forgive(Marlon Brando godfather voice)

If doubts enter your mind about rogue hero Sir Keir Starmer aka Keith Toolmakersson in Sweden then just chant

Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stable
Don't rock the boat
Economy strong and stabe
Don't rock the boat.

We are so so close guys(Pep voice)

So so close
Are you ok?
To be honest I was talking about roughly 5 posters who are responsible for 90% of the content slagging Starmer off. You aren’t one of them.

I really didn't mind either way if you did tbh. Your post was rather condescending, work on that maybe:-)

Anyhow we ain't changing shit on here so everyone's views on politicians should be welcome if they are based on something valid rather than biased team backing.

There is nothing more boring and transparent than someone who consistently blows smoke up one guys arse and consistently ignores the faults of others.

Unfortunately at the moment I'm finding it hard to find anything good to say about any prominent politician.
To be honest I was talking about roughly 5 posters who are responsible for 90% of the content slagging Starmer off. You aren’t one of them.

I know I’m not one of those five but my opinion on it is that people put way too much stock in the leader and not the party as a whole. Look at the Tories last 5 years as an example of why that is unwise. We don’t have a presidential system, and the leader is only as good as the people backing him.

I’m not voting for Starmer at the next election, I’m voting for the person who is challenging Priti Patel in my seat. Fact of the matter is I don’t have to agree with Starmer on everything, the political gravity of the Labour Party is to Starmer’s left, and Westminster is all about compromise. The political gravity for Sunak is to the very far right, and you see plain as day what impact that has on his policy stance. Regardless of the tone set by the leader, the party has an enormous impact on what actually gets through the House.

Do I care what Starmer’s personal beliefs are? Not nearly as much as I care about what a group of 400+ Labour MPs could pass through the next parliament - there are some very talented young MPs in the Labour Party that get completely overlooked in the “they’re all as bad as eachother” diatribes and I have no doubt they will do a lot better than the Tories who have become an idiocracy, brimming with absolute fools.

I’m not saying any of this to excuse Starmer’s stance (or lack thereof) on certain issues. He is not beyond criticism and so you won’t find me telling people not to criticise him. But if he does a really shit job (and I think he’d have to try very hard to outmatch the Tories in that respect), he can be ousted like the three before him.

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