The Labour Party

What's not true? Press freedom is different if you're the billionaire owner or the poor bloke he's calling a scrounger. You've admitted that in your opening paragraph.
I’m not sure the poster you replied to actually has any opinions on where we should be going as a country, just hollering repeatedly into the abyss about how shit everything is, unless your name is Liz, be it as a royal or failed PM.
Is that AI?
Someone in the conversation below the video asked that question, but I doubt it. I know a lot don't like Owen Jones, but he is still a professional journalist, and I'd question whether he'd risk slandering someone like that.

This is the issue with the whole antisemitism debate. There are definitely plenty of anti-semites who will use Israel as an excuse to attack Jews in general. There are also plenty of Zionists who will attempt to silence any criticism of Israeli government policy or actions by throwing the term anti-semitism around. And it's obvious that they clearly consider criticism of Israeli government actions/policy and anti-semitism to be one in the same.

There was recently a chaplain from Leeds University who was claiming anti-semitism because people were calling for his resignation. And why were they calling for his resignation? Well, it might have something to do with joining up with the IDF reservists, and posting his efforts all over social media. And no doubt he will have got some messages (including death threats) from actual anti-semites who are using it as an excuse to live out their anti-Jewish fantasy, but it's ridiculous to try and separate the backlash he received from the actions he took. The reality is you can't voluntarily join the army of a foreign nation that is currently engaging in widespread human rights abuses, post it all over social media, and then claim racism when people start a petition for you to be sacked as a chaplain at their university. People have been (rightly) sacked from universities just for saying anti-semitic stuff. But joining an openly racist regime's army is apparently absolutely fine.

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