The Labour Party

One political party got ahead of another political party's naked political stunt.

The horror!

Indeed. There was a very good explanation of this on a recent Rest is Politics podcast.

MPs playing games about a serious issue. Labour, Tories and SNP all guilty. It's pathetic and embarrassing. The minimum we should expect is a Parliament with adults acting in good faith. It is hardly a demand for the moon on a fecking stick.
It’s true and it’s something I’ve mentioned a few times.
This version of the Conservative Party is so far removed from what it once was I have a hard time accepting it’s not been noticed by their biggest supporters on here.
The alternative is they know full well that this iteration, as bad as it is and the failures they continue to make, are still A ok, and that makes them worthy of every bit of criticism they receive.
Or that they actually like this iteration of the Nasty Party.
It’s true and it’s something I’ve mentioned a few times.
This version of the Conservative Party is so far removed from what it once was I have a hard time accepting it’s not been noticed by their biggest supporters on here.
The alternative is they know full well that this iteration, as bad as it is and the failures they continue to make, are still A ok, and that makes them worthy of every bit of criticism they receive.

What happens when these cunts change nothing? Will you come back on here and call them out, or make excuses for them?
What happens when these cunts change nothing? Will you come back on here and call them out, or make excuses for them?
Why would I make excuses? They deserve their chance in power and if they turn out to be as useless as this lot they will be rightly called out by me.
It’s not a competition, a football team that you stick with through thick and thin. Politics is fluid and I’d just like to see those in charge showing they have the country’s best interest at heart and not just their own.
Why would I make excuses? They deserve their chance in power and if they turn out to be as useless as this lot they will be rightly called out by me.
It’s not a competition, a football team that you stick with through thick and thin. Politics is fluid and I’d just like to see those in charge showing they have the country’s best interest at heart and not just their own.

What's going to happen is that Labour will win the next GE and the Labour party are going to get more shit thrown at them no matter what they do by people who are supposedly Labour supporters.

Labour supporters like you Phil are going to be the next target.
What's going to happen is that Labour will win the next GE and the Labour party are going to get more shit thrown at them no matter what they do by people who are supposedly Labour supporters.

Labour supporters like you Phil are going to be the next target.
I’m not a Labour voter. I’ve not lived in the country full time for several years so don’t have any skin in the game so to speak.
I still have enough interests in the U.K. to pay attention though and don’t like what I’ve seen over the last decade.
Labour don’t improve things and show they are as ineffective then I imagine they will be fucked off and round and round we go.
Fortunately I’ve put myself in a position where it won’t effect me one way or another.
About the British Labour Party, I saw such a paragraph. Is it correct?
After the World War II, they basically gave up replacing the private ownership with the full public ownership. The welfare state and Keynesianism state management became the supplementary solutions of socialization strategies, and then socialization was regarded as the main solution. This means that the social democratic party compromised on the socialist goals. It no longer pursued to replace capitalism with socialism in the system. Socialism is a series of values that need to be constantly pursued, and the socialist movement has become a series of historical processes. This is Bernstein's revisionist formula: the ultimate goal is insignificant, and the movement is everything. But people always ask: where will your movement or path lead me? The current social democratic party has no answer. Because it has abandoned the ultimate goal of socialism, its pursuit of freedom, justice, and solidarity is so "universal" that almost all social movements can say that they are fighting for it. When a political party's political goals are almost social consensus, it is difficult to say that it still represents a kind of progress. This is actually determined by the reformist essence of social democracy: the more capitalism and democracy spread and develop, the more limited and narrowed its reform space will be.
The Labour Party seems to be a kind of huge mixture.
About the British Labour Party, I saw such a paragraph. Is it correct?
After the World War II, they basically gave up replacing the private ownership with the full public ownership. The welfare state and Keynesianism state management became the supplementary solutions of socialization strategies, and then socialization was regarded as the main solution. This means that the social democratic party compromised on the socialist goals. It no longer pursued to replace capitalism with socialism in the system. Socialism is a series of values that need to be constantly pursued, and the socialist movement has become a series of historical processes. This is Bernstein's revisionist formula: the ultimate goal is insignificant, and the movement is everything. But people always ask: where will your movement or path lead me? The current social democratic party has no answer. Because it has abandoned the ultimate goal of socialism, its pursuit of freedom, justice, and solidarity is so "universal" that almost all social movements can say that they are fighting for it. When a political party's political goals are almost social consensus, it is difficult to say that it still represents a kind of progress. This is actually determined by the reformist essence of social democracy: the more capitalism and democracy spread and develop, the more limited and narrowed its reform space will be.
The Labour Party seems to be a kind of huge mixture.

Saying the quiet part out loud for a lot of people on here. You carry on saying it was the SNP playing politics though.

The SNP have been consistently calling for a ceasefire for 5 months and have used every opportunity available to force the issue in parliament .... but they don't give a fuck really. They are only doing it because it is a problem for Labour. Must be true Alistair Campbell said so ;-)

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