The Labour Party

What a horrendous result. Basically an anti semite has won a by election off the back of a conflict thousands of miles away. Of course it’s awful, but if your bothered about local issues your vote doesn’t really mean anything.

It’s worrying that someone like that can win a seat. As above it’s the equivalent of someone like Tommy Robinson winning.
So the rabid anti-Semite won then. Shame on all those in Rochdale that voted for him.

No different to Tommy Robison winning a seat this and the message that would send.
He's mainly anti-west. He tried blaming Russia's invasion on the west (while taking Russia Today money), was in favour of Assad in the Syrian conflict, and in Israel-Palestine, he supports Palestine because the west supports Israel, and he knows he can ride that wave to election success and a cushy salary, particularly in byelections where there is typically a low turnout and protest votes. He has a history of turning up in areas with high Muslim populations, because he knows he can use Israel-Palestine for his own benefit. It's absolutely no surprise to see him floating back from under the U-bend after recent events.

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