The Labour Party

I really want them to prove me wrong.

However the leader has a power complex like Trudeau and I'm concerned he'll be the same and possibly go further on restricting and punishing protest, or anyone or anything that challenges his authority.

He's decimating grass route activists in the party and taking the money off business leaders.

It's no longer a party for the workers. It's a centre right US Democratic party model.

They will preach they are sad with inequality and will do very little to change it. The Tories will then come back in 5 years acting like their fuckkery never happened.
I don’t see it like that, mate. What I see is the whole party being very careful with their speak. Take Streeting, for instance. He’s talked about continuing to utilise private services so many believe that it‘s going to be more of the same when the reality is that they want to be in a situation where the NHS is that good that private services are not needed. Completely opposite to the Tories.

Education is another where they are looking at an Estonian type model, where education starts at the age of 2. Very similar to what Blair brought in with Sure Start and after school but a more formalised educational pathway, giving children not only education, but life skills for the world that they will be entering. Once again, nothing like Tory policy.

As for protests, they will not want to alienate any possible voters in the build-up to the GE and their mantra seems to be that we will ignore the new legislation and not enforce it via our policing system. Once in the chair, I believe that legislation will be ushered into the long grass.

What I see of Labour at the moment is them Playing the game to get the vote and if there are a few casualties along the way then so be it.
No point wasting time arguing. Just get on to the next house, if they're not likely to vote or if they can't see that the present government needs to be removed.
You’re right of course. From a voters point of view the quickest way to move a canvasser on when your in the middle of doing something is to say, when they ask, can we count on your vote is to say of course and hey presto, they disappear and put a tick in your box , never to be mithered again. 100% success rate so far. Plus it plays havoc with the polls.
They need removing and I will 100% vote for Starmer and Labour but fuck all of note will change.

Some one occasionally talks sense on here. I have been saying this for a long time but there are far too many expecting a Revolution and will find very few changes, as their ain’t no money to implement a wish list
It’s unbelievable isn’t it. I actually don’t care who gets in as long as it’s not this bunch of ……….. (insert the worst word you can think of - I can’t think of one strong enough)
Brilliant. Who ever gets in it’s a lot easier to criticise from the Opposition Benches.
Some one occasionally talks sense on here. I have been saying this for a long time but there are far too many expecting a Revolution and will find very few changes, as their ain’t no money to implement a wish list

No permission from the real people in power to implement real change is the truth and I’d wager at least 2 parliaments worth of the excuse “Tory austerity” to blame before enough cotton on and we get the next 10-15 years of Tory rule…
They need removing and I will 100% vote for Starmer and Labour but fuck all of note will change.

I’d be prepared to give them a couple of Parliaments. One to undo the worst excesses of the current shambolic government and one to actually implement some much needed changes. Whatever happens it can’t be worse than the current lot. Sadly too many people will be influenced by the Express, Mail and Sun who will never give them any credit and will probably persuade enough people to vote Tory again by spouting a load of lies.
No permission from the real people in power to implement real change is the truth and I’d wager at least 2 parliaments worth of the excuse “Tory austerity” to blame before enough cotton on and we get the next 10-15 years of Tory rule…
Mr Starmer would do himself a massive favour if he would just answer questions that are put to him. There is no money and yes, should they get in, he can tinker with policies here and there but to do anything radical he will need to borrow and our long term borrowing costs at the moment are higher than Greece’s.. we are already seeing pressure on the Tories with Public Sector Pay rises, imagine how it’s going to be for Labour. How are they going to cope with saying we can’t afford to fund catch up
You’re right of course. From a voters point of view the quickest way to move a canvasser on when your in the middle of doing something is to say, when they ask, can we count on your vote is to say of course and hey presto, they disappear and put a tick in your box , never to be mithered again. 100% success rate so far. Plus it plays havoc with the polls.
Nothing to do with polls.

And you've got it totally wrong. We're looking for our voters so we can chase them up on election day. Tell us you're Tory if you don't want to be mithered again, especially now as anyone saying they'll vote Tory is beyond help.

Most people don't want to move canvassers on. The problem is often getting away and onto the next house.
Some one occasionally talks sense on here. I have been saying this for a long time but there are far too many expecting a Revolution and will find very few changes, as their ain’t no money to implement a wish list
Well at least get rid of the people who've left no money despite the highest tax take ever.

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