The "let's talk" thread

In January last year i was given a tablet by my doctor for something minor, i had a servere reaction to it which led to my body becoming erythrodermic with psoriasis( i have had minor psoriasis for 20 years) This led to me being hospitalised at Salford royal, covered in grease head to toe, in constant pain and discomfort. Everything they prescribed has failed, light treatment(made it worse) immune suppressants ( dangerously affected my kidneys) and creams. After 10 months i am still virtually house bound. I only go out to the hospital as my body is still 75% covered and the temperature changes play havoc with me. I have bandages on my feet, plastic gloves on my hands. Im out of money but strangely still mentally well. I have my very down times but they will soon be starting me on a treatment called biologics which i have heard good things about(i met a woman in Salford Royal last week who said it was life changing for her) so i try to keep upbeat and positive.
If you need any advice at all I am a Patient ambassador for the Psoriasis Shout out, I work closely with the Psoriasis Association and know a lot about biologics and all available treatments.

Drop me a PM if you wish, I am sure I can allay any fears you have
Great thread this and kudos to everyone contributing. Having an outlet for when people need to vent or seek advice is invaluable.

Bit bummed out this evening as I've just found out that a lad I used to play football with from my youth was diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer in July, and he won't see next summer.

Really nice guy, very sporty and active, and although we're not close if I saw him in the street we'd have a quick chat and catch up. To make it even worse he's only very recently become a father (his wife was 7 months pregnant when he found out the grim news).

He's the same age as me (32) and I just can't imagine being suddenly told that you have no more than a year left to live, fuck knows how he's coping with it all.

Really puts things into perspective.
It's difficult to know where to start with me! As a few know I've battled with depression since I was 13 and I'm 50 (a significant number in my fam) in 3 months.
I was once (and still am) an advocate of fighting, no matter what, through difficult depression. I've been nowhere near these kinds of posts in recent times as I've severely regressed. There are reasons why and I know it's affecting my overall health.

3 years ago my, then, 32 year old wife was diagnosed with heart issues in Oct '16. She was put on a loop reader then on to a pacemaker some months later (my timelines are all a bit jagged). During her ailment, my eldest brother passed at 50, suddenly, at MRI on New Year's EVE that year. I was off work for quite some time under the pressure of being there for my wife and kids and their for my sibling family that went to pot.

I ended up losing loads of weight from it and back on meds.

This summer was the Inquest for my brother and it was pretty much a stitch up from the hospital they did, but the event got postponed. Not long before that, my wife had a partial hysterectomy as the docs didn't want to remove her ovaries at 34. Well, a few months later after tests, they decided my wife's stomach pains were down to her ovaries about to turn cancerous so she has an op on 25th Nov with a pacemaker team and the big gynae surgeons as she's one of their team.

A week and a bit ago was the final ruling on my brother's Inquest. We knew we would lose even as there were conflicting evidence offered.

I've upped my dosage of antidepressants to no avail (my right eye is twitching like mad periodically), I don't feel like eating (can be 24 hrs at times), my job is going down the pan, my chest tightens every so often and I lost consciousness going to drain the pump, this early morning. I'd just about finished when I felt like I was falling through space and felt the door sharply against my back I tried to get up immediately and when again mid stance. I was lucky my wife had bought a 9 roll bag and placed it on the door handle!

I've no idea how long I was out, but it scared me. That's never happened to me before.

I even sent son a text at 0530 and decided against sleeping for the rest of the morning.

The significance of the age I keep mentioning; my parent passed at 49, my eldest Bro at 50. We all looked alike.

I don't think I'm bothered about me as I can't do anything about time; I'm just bothered about not seeing my kids and grandkids grow into people.

I've not told the wife as she's got her op going on and her Grandma has just been taken into hospital with dementia and may pass soon.

Just need to get checked out if I can, I think.

First time I've spoken about it all.
Get it checked out, man.
Reading this thread has made me realise just how relatively minor my health issues are.
Yes me too. Nothing bad has happened to me like some of the stories here so can't really comment.

I agree with earlier comments about exercise being the best anti depressant on the market as SWP said. Great quote. I have been "addicted" to running for the last 25 years and honestly think it has kept me sane as well as healthy. Although if one gets too addicted it can cause heart problems.

Another perhaps condescending thought is that mostly we have first world problems. Sometimes I think if I feel a bit down I am really a soft bastard because I should be in the SAS in Iraq. Or imagining living in Syria and being bombed to fuck. How do those poor bastards cope?
Another perhaps condescending thought is that mostly we have first world problems. Sometimes I think if I feel a bit down I am really a soft bastard because I should be in the SAS in Iraq. Or imagining living in Syria and being bombed to fuck. How do those poor bastards cope?

I often think about the migrants arriving by inflatable dinghy or in the back of a lorry. While it’s not to be encouraged, it seems a crying shame to turn them away after they’ve gone to those lengths and risks.
Great to see more people opening up, and I hope others will see no shame in discussing their issues, no matter how inconsequential they may seem. This is not a competition. Everyone has their own demons to face. Hopefully people can get advice that will help them.

Things can get heated on here, especially in the politics sub-forum, but perhaps we should all take a step back and treat each other a bit more courteously. It’s a City forum at the end of the day, and there’s no need to be a dick to other people just because they have different views.
Great to see more people opening up, and I hope others will see no shame in discussing their issues, no matter how inconsequential they may seem. This is not a competition. Everyone has their own demons to face. Hopefully people can get advice that will help them.

Things can get heated on here, especially in the politics sub-forum, but perhaps we should all take a step back and treat each other a bit more courteously. It’s a City forum at the end of the day, and there’s no need to be a dick to other people just because they have different views.
Rag.... ;o)
Great to see more people opening up, and I hope others will see no shame in discussing their issues, no matter how inconsequential they may seem. This is not a competition. Everyone has their own demons to face. Hopefully people can get advice that will help them.

Things can get heated on here, especially in the politics sub-forum, but perhaps we should all take a step back and treat each other a bit more courteously. It’s a City forum at the end of the day, and there’s no need to be a dick to other people just because they have different views.
Nice one. Everyone here is connected by supporting CIty. Supporting City and watching football is a distraction from real life and helps us cope. Where would we we be without City winning every week? We could support rags and be even more depressed.

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