The little things about Sunday that you love!

After Sergio's winner it's got to be Fergie, with a face like a Robbers Dog, calling his waiting players off the Pitch when our result filtered through. PURE MAGIC!!!
that within seconds of Aguero's goal, half of us were thinking "there's still enough time for us to cock this up" so the sight of QPR showing no interest in crossing the halfway line was just brilliant

so funny but defianatley this for me and shouting at the ones who invaded the pitch after sergios goal to get off so we could just finish the game
the fact that millions and millions of tv reds will have turned over from watching the sunderland game to see our's just in time for Sergio's winner - how sick must they have felt?
The most surprising thing for me, both at the match and at the presentation on Monday, was seeing the huge numbers of young fans we have supporting City.

In the dark old days, our support seemed to be made up of grumpy old men, fat bald middle aged men and "lads".

Barely a kid in sight. Even fewer women.

Now we are the definition of diversity!

And we're all the better for it. Our "lost generation" of kids appear to have returned, securing our future.
Soulboy said:
The most surprising thing for me, both at the match and at the presentation on Monday, was seeing the huge numbers of young fans we have supporting City.

In the dark old days, our support seemed to be made up of grumpy old men, fat bald middle aged men and "lads".

Barely a kid in sight. Even fewer women.

Now we are the definition of diversity!

And we're all the better for it. Our "lost generation" of kids appear to have returned, securing our future.

great post
Martin Tyler's (yes I know he's a cnut but....)........


"You will never see anything like that again"

Oh and Niall Quinn's "I have never witnessed anything like that before"

All watched on Sky+.

At the actual game......probably celebrating and hugging a weeping Ian Brightwell amongst many others at the final whistle.

I only wish that there had been a camera crew around at the night time celebrations as I cannot remember half of it.

And thank you to all you fellow Blue's for being the best fans in the world. What a f***ing day!!

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