The Lords Prayer advert now banned in cinemas.

It protects characteristics but if you need an individual how about the Archbishop of Canterbury then?

Religion or belief - What the Act says
2.43 The protected characteristic of religion or belief includes any religion and any religious or philosophical belief. It also includes a lack of any such religion or belief.
2.44 For example, Christians are protected against discrimination because of their Christianity and non-Christians are protected against discrimination because they are not Christians, irrespective of any other religion or belief they may have or any lack of one.
2.45 The meaning of religion and belief in the Act is broad and is consistent with Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (which guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religion).
Meaning of religion
2.46 ‘Religion’ means any religion and includes a lack of religion. The term ‘religion’ includes the more commonly recognised religions in the UK such as the Baha’i faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Rastafarianism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.
It is for the courts to determine what constitutes a religion. s.9(4) s.10(1) & (2) s.10(1)

So if the policy makes no reference to a particular belief or lack of belief and doesn't stop people from practising their belief or treat them differently because of it, what have they done wrong?

So why are the CoE "disappointed and bewildered"?

Anyone cynical might think they're just trying to whip up a media storm so their version of the fairy story gets more air time on the news.

I'm sure that's not the case though. Christians are nice, not like that other lot.
They may be disappointed because they went ahead with the advert without first checking the policy of their intended outlet. They will certainly be disappointed with DCM's policy.
If I've paid to see a film do I really have to put up with some stupid ****'s stupid prayer

No.wonder stupid fairytales of god and Jesus are dying out amongst those with a brain

Intolerant and foul mouthed I'll accept. As for 'ignorant', that is very very rich.

So you think it is a reasonable position to take, that all Christians are without a brain?
They may be disappointed because they went ahead with the advert without first checking the policy of their intended outlet. They will certainly be disappointed with DCM's policy.
I'm imagining the meeting where they thought the idea up...


You're left with two scenarios.

1 They're cynically trying to exploit anti Islamic feelings,

2. They're stupid and ill informed.

"Bleedin' C of E..."

So if the policy makes no reference to a particular belief or lack of belief and doesn't stop people from practising their belief or treat them differently because of it, what have they done wrong?
The belief or non belief has to conform to criteria which the Act defines in order to be protected. By not providing a service to a body of protected belief/non belief DCM are acting unlawfully - it could be argued. Maybe I'm wrong - I'm ignorant about many things, including the law.
The belief or non belief has to conform to criteria which the Act defines in order to be protected. By not providing a service to a body of protected belief/non belief DCM are acting unlawfully - it could be argued. Maybe I'm wrong I'm ignorant about many things, including the law.

Thats the problem right there. It's like protecting Shrek or Lord of The Rings.

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