The Manchester Derby Pre match Discussion Thread

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Re: Derby nerves

I never really got them when we were shit, because it was mostly a case of getting beat (especially at that shit hole ground of theirs), when we lost anger wasn't the word, but when we won (unexpectedly on most occasions), then the euphoria was amazing. Nowadays we are better than them and I go into the derby games expecting us to win, which makes me very nervous, as it's relatively uncharted territory to be in (expecting a win), losing to them now is so much harder to take, than it was. My proper nerves started yesterday, when I saw the 'true colours' advert on sky, and since have not stopped thinking of what/may happen on Sunday. I will watch the 1-6 and 1-0 and 1-2 victories today, to get my excitement in full swing, but come tomorrow I'll be a wobbling sack of nervous shit, from morning (I have to keep busy, or I'd go into meltdown), to kick off and during the game well I'm not worth talking to as I go into a zone only us city fans know, when it's derby game time. After the game my feeling will either be that I don't want the day to end, or that the day and the week after can fuck off very quickly.

COME ON YOU BLUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmjones1uk said:
Any pro city articles today? Rag PR machine has been into over drive as lots of Pro united / Rooney stories plus the old "Liverpool" is our biggest rival chestnut!
Didi on SSN saying we have more potential than the vermin.
Re: Derby nerves

I haven't actually got the nerves yet !. I'm really excited though . Ill for sure get the nerves during the build up . I think it's too early in the season and it hasn't got goin enough yet for me to really feel the nerves .
Re: Derby nerves

Tomorrow morning I'll keep thinking of things to do, but will probably do none of them and the time will seem to drag. Then I'll end up in a mad rush to get the train into town and walk to the ground. I'm stressed about this one because we have not been playing well.
Re: Derby nerves

Just starting to get nervous now, it used to be days before but now we're on a level playing field and we have more than a good chance of beating them it isn't as bad. Usually I wouldn't sleep tonight but after the kids have gone to bed the vodkas coming out and the missus is getting her sexy gear on to help take my mind off things.
Re: Derby nerves

More nervous than I've been for a while. Even for pivotal title-deciding derby I was ultra confident. I even had a bet with AlthamBlue after we drew against Sunderland that we'd still win the title because I was already counting the derby as a banker meaning the points gap was really only two points. I always had a nearly unshakeable confidence in our defence for the past few years when Kompany was in, but even with Kompany back, and thank fuck he is back, we do not look as solid as we have been previously.
Re: Derby nerves

Have been feeling a bit nervy for a week now or is it excitement , 43 years old and acting like a kid waiting for Xmas,
But for a week it's all I can think about the second I wake up to the second I go to bed,
Re: Derby nerves

I can't stop singing "Here's to you Vincent Kompany" in my head. Thank God he's back, I'd be a nervous wreck otherwise. It's still quite bad, but at least I can manage knowing he'll be there (touch wood).
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