The many faces of controversial striker Craig Bellamy

remoh said:
wayne71 said:
remoh said:
So you despise him as a man and thought he was a very limited footballer, yet you are still 'not anti-Bellamy'.

I'd hate to be someone who you are 'anti'. :- (

Everything you say can be dismissed when you look at what Mancini achieved in his first full season, you may not agree with everything he has done but the end result was that he exceeded what was expected of him by our owners. He has been proven correct yet some on here are that pathetic they can't admit to being wrong and come out with crap like 'I was an outer but he changed the way we played towards the end of the season' . No shit, isn't that what good managers do?

Well, generally, good managers don't need to totally change tactics in mid-season, but credit where it's due, he did it, against all his apparent natural tendencies, and got a result. No-one can take his acheivement away from him. But this is not an anti-Mancini thread, but an anti-Bellamy thread and it is hard to support him without pointing out the source of his problems with us, and that is where Mancini comes in.
The source of Bellamy's problems at City is Bellamy. Same as it's been every other place.
Hello, I'm pretty new to writing on bluemoon but over the have been a regular reader for the past year. I'm afraid that as mentioned above we are going to receive sweet FA for Bellamy, he did alot of good things for us the season before last but I feel he has burnt his bridges with city now completely and it's either Celtic or Cardiff city in for him for much much less than the 4 or so mill that we are asking for. I would like to categorically like to state that I do not like the bloke whatsoever and is a complete wan&*er, I am frankly surprised that he does do charity work, as there are countless stories about him where I live ( Cardiff ) which are true and are not widely known.... one involving a state of the art 15 grand icebath, and another being the real reason why he assaulted that bloke in Cardiff earlier this year... and for that I am out!
Danamy said:
SWP's back said:
Tevez gives 100% for the shirt. It is what both he and Bellamy are paid handsomely to do.

It does not make them less twattish though does it.

As for Bellamy speaking his mind, that's not always a good thing is it. Infact I can't stand the pricks you see on reality TV auditions saying "One thing about me is I always speak my mind...blah blah blah". It simply makes those people childish in the extreme. Imagine if everybody spoke their mind 100% of the time. Fuck me, imagine the arguments.

The thing is SWP he's had a ding dong with the manager..........big deal?

It happens in all walks of life in any job, it's blown out of proportion and every one is on a witch hunt because it's a disagreement with the boss?........grow some balls for christ sake?

Mancini has disagreements with Cook and Marwood all the time, i don't see a thread about that?

They need to pay him up and fuck him off because there's no way he's walking and neither would you............
Dan, it's rule 231 of your bluemoon handbook, just after the one about journalists you refer to- if they're positive they are correct , negative they are bullshit:

If a player wants to leave city he is a ****. If he expresses any dissatisfaction with city he is the devils spawn. It's just before rule 232 that everything Mancini does is right. And rule 233 which says if anyone mentions any problems behind the scenes at city they are making it up.

Youve been around here long enough to know that mate.
remoh said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
My point is that he's hiding behind charity work and using it as a reason why he absolutely must earn at least 80k a week.

That's the very definition of a 'cunts trick'.

Adebayor wouldn't get such sympathy so I've no idea why the poisonous championship player gets such love.

I thought he said he'd be happy to 'clean the boots of better players at City'. Didn't quite work out like that did it?

We're better off without him as last season proved.

Try asking Dzeko if he'd fancy having a player blinding down the wing like lightning and
banging over unmissable crosses. (Or Balotelli, or Tevez)

Just goes to show how little you know. Bellamy's glittering career has been littered with fall outs due to him being played out of position. Playing out wide caused issues at Liverpool and Newcastle. I'm glad you can ignor that to aid yet another invalid point. I'm sure Dzeko would much prefer to play with the likes of Silva and hopefully the likes of Nasri or Sanchez rather than a man who's as likely to hit with a golf as he is to create an assist. I'm sure Balotelli & Toure would love to play with Bellamy to.
a contract is a contract. just cause city are rich, why do we have to pay him
off like he wants? he could go to a different club, still earn shitloads of dough, get regular football and still keep his charity afloat, except he wants to get paid off, and earn one last big signing on fee as a free agent. greedy ****.
schfc6 said:
remoh said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
My point is that he's hiding behind charity work and using it as a reason why he absolutely must earn at least 80k a week.

That's the very definition of a 'cunts trick'.

Adebayor wouldn't get such sympathy so I've no idea why the poisonous championship player gets such love.

I thought he said he'd be happy to 'clean the boots of better players at City'. Didn't quite work out like that did it?

We're better off without him as last season proved.

Try asking Dzeko if he'd fancy having a player blinding down the wing like lightning and
banging over unmissable crosses. (Or Balotelli, or Tevez)

Just goes to show how little you know. Bellamy's glittering career has been littered with fall outs due to him being played out of position. Playing out wide caused issues at Liverpool and Newcastle. I'm glad you can ignor that to aid yet another invalid point. I'm sure Dzeko would much prefer to play with the likes of Silva and hopefully the likes of Nasri or Sanchez rather than a man who's as likely to hit with a golf as he is to create an assist. I'm sure Balotelli & Toure would love to play with Bellamy to.

What I do know is that for us, he played on the left, down the middle and on the right, all without complaint to my knowledge and he did it well.
You don't think Dzeko would fancy good crosses. Know him well, do you? That makes him a very unusual centre-forward, doesn't it?

I'm sure that Craig would only use his nine-iron on Dzeko if he missed a few crosses.
Danamy said:
Soulboy said:
There's not a hope in Hell that we're getting a transfer fee for Bellamy.

All this wishful thinking about a £4m or £5m deal for him is fantasy.

Not one club will pay that. No one. Zero. Or if they do it's based on us giving it straight back to Bellamy as a pay-off.

We need to just give him a free and hope he negotiates a deal elsewhere, otherwise he's either out on loan with us paying half his wages, or he's sat on his arse bellyaching about not being picked.

If we want him out we're going to have to pay for the privilege.

This is the reality of it all ^^^^^^^^

Wake up and smell the coffee peeps........
We'll see
Didsbury Dave said:
Danamy said:
SWP's back said:
Tevez gives 100% for the shirt. It is what both he and Bellamy are paid handsomely to do.

It does not make them less twattish though does it.

As for Bellamy speaking his mind, that's not always a good thing is it. Infact I can't stand the pricks you see on reality TV auditions saying "One thing about me is I always speak my mind...blah blah blah". It simply makes those people childish in the extreme. Imagine if everybody spoke their mind 100% of the time. Fuck me, imagine the arguments.

The thing is SWP he's had a ding dong with the manager..........big deal?

It happens in all walks of life in any job, it's blown out of proportion and every one is on a witch hunt because it's a disagreement with the boss?........grow some balls for christ sake?

Mancini has disagreements with Cook and Marwood all the time, i don't see a thread about that?

They need to pay him up and fuck him off because there's no way he's walking and neither would you............
Dan, it's rule 231 of your bluemoon handbook, just after the one about journalists you refer to- if they're positive they are correct , negative they are bullshit:

If a player wants to leave city he is a ****. If he expresses any dissatisfaction with city he is the devils spawn. It's just before rule 232 that everything Mancini does is right. And rule 233 which says if anyone mentions any problems behind the scenes at city they are making it up.

Youve been around here long enough to know that mate.

I know i'm pissing in the wind but i enjoy it!

I'm currently awaiting a PM from Ric to take disciplinary action against me because i've broken Rule 232 Paragraph 4 in which it states:

At no time must you question any decision made by the manager whether it's good or bad for the club.
Regarding players, say what you fucking like..............

I've briefed my Union rep just incase he's needed ;)
This time last year the gaffer decided he didn't want Bellamy. Then we had a number of bids from PL clubs, most notably Spurs, which he would have considered.

City's stubbornness (We don't know who made that decision, so let's just euphemistically refer to that person as "Bob") not to sell to a Premier League rival then, has resulted in him going away for a year, coming back with his stock at it's lowest for a long time, so therefore will not get anywhere near the wage offers he would have last season.

So he's decided that he's gonna wait for what he is contractually owed by the club.

At the end of the day he got shafted, by being denied the move he would have liked (could have had one last pop at the CL). Why would he then do us a favour by agreeing to a lesser contract somewhere else?
At the end of the day those people showing some kind of 'allegiance' to bellamy need to realise that he's done this sort of thing at every club he's been at. He's his own worst enemy. He creates issues out of nothing and the only time this hasn't really happened is when he's played under hughes and that was hughes gave him his own way. If at any point in his career he has been confronted with a manager who likes to be in charge, he's gone off the rails.

With regards to getting rid of him then i suggest we accept any and all offers as having him here during next season and not being part of the 25 man squad will come back to bite us IMO. It'd end up with us having 'stories' in the papers some true some not so much but all equally as harmful.

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