The Media Against Pep?

To be honest I am getting really frustrated with all this anti city narrative, add the refs to the pot and it's almost unbearable, somebody posted about pr department doing something.
Is there anything we could do, petitions, blogs, demonstrations, this issue seems to be growing like a cancer!
We could brick their windows and torch their cars?
To be honest I am getting really frustrated with all this anti city narrative, add the refs to the pot and it's almost unbearable, somebody posted about pr department doing something.
Is there anything we could do, petitions, blogs, demonstrations, this issue seems to be growing like a cancer!

Support the team and manager during games and creat cynical songs and flags that reflect on what's been said and written. We used to be great at that (invisible man - bananas - Balotelli song - boring boring City song etc.
We need a big banner with "Dear FA" written on it and a big middle finger under it.

Then another with a list of favorite journalists and news organizations.

It would last one game and maybe cost a few arrests but the point would be made clearly and far more directly than the club appear do.
I think Samuel has missed the point on this one. It's not English football that Pep has an issue with, it's the English football media.
I also think Samuels has missed another of the points Pep is most unhappy with and that is the refs.
I came into work this morning and immediately 2 members of my team tried to wind me up.

One a female colleague started with this "oh what was with that football manager the other night, did anyone see his interview with the press, he looked like he lost the plot"

I then replied "you mean our manager (City's)"

She then replied "is that who is manager of, he looks mental and looks like he has lost it"

at the same time she looked over at my other colleague who is a staunch Liverpool fan by the way, who I knew had got her to mention it to try and get at me, he spouted "he has lost it him"

To which I just replied "He might be nuts, but he is our nutter, come on Pep give the press a load of shit"

They couldn't come back with anything. And that is what we all have to do, circle around both our club, our manager and our players and take this now as a siege mentality.
has he openly critiscised any referees yet? - No
has he acted churlishly in nearly every post match interview where he hasn't won? - No
has he had a touchline ban yet (let alone 2 bans)?- No
has he had a stadium ban as he can't keep his trap shut? - No
has he refused to speak to the press at all and send out his no 2 yet? - No
are we sixth? - No

and Pep is having a meltdown! Do fuck off you media morons.
I love it, little raggies going on about it like Christmas came again, but their fear is palpable. Their wet dream is that Pep lets the pressure get to him and fucks us off which I don't think happens in a million years. I think he'll leave when he's good and ready, and he'll leave a club in prime position to dominate for years.

The reality is that England's Villarreal have made them largely irrelevant over the past few years, to the point where the massivest club in the world (TM) will do and spend anything to keep up and the press hate it.

I on the other hand love it, let that siege mentality kick in :)

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