The Media Against Pep?

Ferguson banned me for a fortnight once.

He saw me smiling and high-fiving one of the press room stewards after we beat them 3-1 in the final derby game at Maine Road.

Bastard waited until his next presser before sitting down and saying "out you go son" and pointing to the door.

We both didn't need an explanation.

Happy days.

Good man, deserve an award for aggravating baconface!
Anyone who thinks there isn't an agenda against our club only need to look at SkySports website today. Jose "in love" with Manchester United because of their fans, while "Pep fails to gee up the crowd" You couldn't make it up!!
Anyone who thinks there isn't an agenda against our club only need to look at SkySports website today. Jose "in love" with Manchester United because of their fans, while "Pep fails to gee up the crowd" You couldn't make it up!!

You know both those articles are written to attract the 659 million sheep, simply click bait.
You know both those articles are written to attract the 659 million sheep, simply click bait.

That's a symptom of the issue.

Sky/BT/most newspapers are dependent on advertising (website clicks) and foreign sales.
The clubs with the highest clicks will therefore get preferential treatment to ensure that they continue to visit.
Similarly (from the onfield perspective), if those clubs start being useless/uncompetitive, the clicks and viewing figures will reduce, which then affects advertising.

When all media is driven by cash imperatives rather than journalistic imperatives, then it's into the wonderful world of post-truth and fairy tales. Leveson was pretty clear on the dangers of this.
I came into work this morning and immediately 2 members of my team tried to wind me up.

One a female colleague started with this "oh what was with that football manager the other night, did anyone see his interview with the press, he looked like he lost the plot"

I then replied "you mean our manager (City's)"

She then replied "is that who is manager of, he looks mental and looks like he has lost it"

at the same time she looked over at my other colleague who is a staunch Liverpool fan by the way, who I knew had got her to mention it to try and get at me, he spouted "he has lost it him"

To which I just replied "He might be nuts, but he is our nutter, come on Pep give the press a load of shit"

They couldn't come back with anything. And that is what we all have to do, circle around both our club, our manager and our players and take this now as a siege mentality.

Why dont you just remind them that PEG was more or less having a nervous breakdown 2 months ago-oh and that they are sixth in the league.
He left Barcelona because he was putting fires out non related to football matters-the club need to fucking wake up and quick and sort these twats out once and for all.

They need banning, as someone has just posted its spreading like a cancer now, empty seats, small club, crap fans, manager who is mentally fragile etc.

No other club is getting this much abuse.

I totally agree about rallying round Pep and the club but surely they have to help themselves in all this?
No Mr Nice guy anymore
It just encourages the hacks to take the piss
If they can't take it and give the club adverse publicity ban the bastards
Quite simple really....
No Mr Nice guy anymore
It just encourages the hacks to take the piss
If they can't take it and give the club adverse publicity ban the bastards
Quite simple really....

I cant for the life of me understand why they have let this happen, its reaching a crescendo now and if they cant see the damage its doing to the image of the club then there is something really wrong in all this.

You would have thought the press would be embracing Pep but its the complete opposite, they are looking to unsettle him at every opportunity whilst that piece of arrogant eye poking piece of shit gets away with murder.

Does anyone still think there isn't an agenda against City?
Isn't the trouble that the alternative approach risks the sort of abuse that Benitez got for pointing out the bentness towards Utd?

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