The new recruits....

ANY1aBLUE said:
Marvin said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
'ALOUD'? 'OPININION'? 'SNIDELY'? Either you were drunk or are just plain thick. Either way, your point is largely lost, except the one that says "everyone is entitled to an opinion".

The original point you attacked, was well made - it would have been better to have spent the 50m on one or two proper top four footballers capable of mounting a serious attempt on the CL - especially with Lescott being so predictably poor.
How do you know that Nastasic, Garcia and Maicon are not going to make a significant contribution? As it is, players like Balotelli and Dzeko don't play enough games, and we were in for Hazard anyway.

Who is more likely in your opinion to play in a CL final: Hazard & Bale (when he now goes to Real) or Nasty,Garcia,Maicon,Sinclair etc?

-- Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:32 am --

Danamy said:
Blue2112 said:
Should have accepted we didn't get our targets and save the money for the next window and go with what we already had.

The squad at present only needs top drawer additions every window of one or two players and i'd prefer we did this than buy 4/5 fillers at the last minute.


Everyone saying the signings weren't Mancini's first choice then why didn't he just say i'm not happy with them and wait until he got what was his first choice?

Like someone has said above, our two best performances all season didn't feature any of our new signings, coincidence?

And what's worse is that we wont be able to 'get rid' of any of them now because their contracts are so good. All we've done is repeat the headache we gave ourselves with other 'inferior' quality players we gave a refuge to for no obvious reason..............

So you giving these new players 8 games?
I like Big Nasty, yet to be convinced by the rest. Garcia especially I had high hopes for but he isn't there yet. I hope he'll come good (he's too handsome not to!)
I like Garcia, it's just that everyone seems to be comparing him to De Jong when they are two completely different types of holding midfielders. Garcia for me is a center back who can play football well with his feet (sounds weird but true).
Nastasic is a good player, I think everyone is forgetting he's only 19 and is already 1 hell of a better player than Savic!

Sinclair and Maicon, i think Maicon was brought in as part of the 5-3-3 formation but it just hasn't paid off in the Prem this season. Sinclair was brought in as a winger to replace AJ, there will be some matches where we just need some pace and skill on the wing. Which is different to the likes of Silva, Nasri and Balotelli who like to come infield.

Oh and Rodwell, forgot about him! I'm sure he was an impact buy, knowing De Jong was going I think they just wanted quick cover for him becuase they weren't sure who else they were going to get. But he's still very young and has had his fair share of unfortunate injuries.

Fair enough we expect better dealings in the window after getting the likes of Aguero, Silva etc... but consider that we've only won the Prem and FA cup once. We need to be doing that again to capture the VERY best!!
Nastasic -- Bags of potential and will most likely be a crucial centre back for us for a number of years

Garcia ---- Good DM. Does his job well and a solid buy.

Maicon -- Confusing signing. Micah and Zaba are better than him so I don't get why we have brought him in.

Sinclair --- Not better than AJ

Wright ---- A fantastic signing here and definitely one for the future. Already give Joe a run for his money and the sky is the limit for him. Signing of the summer.
greasedupdeafguy said:
Just annyos me there were so many good players for similar prices we missed out on, Dembele, Corzola to name a few and we still didn't buy a top quality deep lying playmaker.
What annoys me is that people on here act like it is Football Manager and we can sign anyone.
How do you know Cazorla said he wanted to go to London because of family reasons or Dembele said he doesn't like certain City players?

There is alot more to signing a player than just making an offer and giving him a contract. Many players will turn us down because their wives would rather go shopping in Chelsea and send their kids to a private school in London.
We have seen before players turning down transfers because of family reasons.

I am not saying that this is the reason we didn't sign any of these players because I don't know but it is most definitely a very real possibility.
So, I guess it is safe to say we are just going to have to go out and buy 4 or 5 £30M players every few years then?


One Premier League win and "The Project" is over?

The buys have all been made with a view to the future and ensuring we have top quality, Premier League quality players in all positions for now and into the future, even as EDS players come through. Nasty, Rodwell, Sinclair and Garcia are all young players who could spend a DECADE here. Wright is 3rd choice cover and basically a "practice squad" player for free kicks and warm ups. Maicon is, as has been mentioned, very inexpensive but experienced, attacking right back who was bought as back up for Zaba while Micah was out injured. He is perfect for the 5-3-2, but less so in a 4-X-X set up.

All in all, no-one has arrived as a certified "star," and no-one looks like they will stroll into the first team. However, I fully expect Nasty, Garcia and Rodwell to make significant contributions to the team over a long season and be integral parts of the project as Yaya, Barry and others move on.
They will all have contributed positively to our season come the end of May in one way or another.
ANY1aBLUE said:
spacecadet said:
grim up north said:
He hasn't missed the point really has he. This is typical bluemoon people passing judgement on players they have hardly seen and snidely digs at the club.

I bet if you look back over, there will be the same threads about Yaya Nasri silva et al

Nail on head- Some of the people on Bluemoon have more coaching badges then Roberto, Kiddo and Platt put together. Everyone is aloud an opininion but ffs.

'ALOUD'? 'OPININION'? 'SNIDELY'? Either you were drunk or are just plain thick. Either way, your point is largely lost, except the one that says "everyone is entitled to an opinion".

The original point you attacked, was well made - it would have been better to have spent the 50m on one or two proper top four footballers capable of mounting a serious attempt on the CL - especially with Lescott being so predictably poor.

-- Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:11 am --

grim up north said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Precisely what i was saying when we bought them - who wouldnt swap them all for BALE +25M??
Buying them is a retrograde step - none are top four quality and none have the potential to be CL winners either....................

It didn't happen let it go. Bale is not worth 75 mill

Nope - he is worth every penny of 75m. Best winger in world football - period. And will be for many years to come.
Trite comments like 'let it go' etc are infuriating. We all want the same thing - City to be CL Champions. Bale would have made that more possible, and the players we blew 50m on will not.

You really are the worst type of football fan there is.
Ntini77 said:
Sinclair will be an astute signing provided we're not paying him obscenely high wages.

unfortunately i disagree, i can't see him ever doing anything for us.

even if he was playing for free i still would consider him a poor signing.

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