The new recruits....

There are a few that will disagree with this but I think this squad is stronger than last season so yes we havent got the star turns we wanted but we have benifited in other ways.
We are better at centre half because we all believe Nasty is better than Savic.
We have basically swapped Garcia for De Jong which fans of De Jong dont like. However, the management have clearly decided we have no need for a De Jong type player during every game so we have purchased a player to replace him who can adapt more to different styles of play therefore benifiting the squad.
We purchased a well respected experienced right back (Maicon) to bolster the squad, allow for injuries and give us more flexiility if players are injured.
We have replaced one young winger the management clearly didnt want with one they do. Its expected again that Sinclair isnt going to play every week and its early days. However, from what I have seen he does appear to have a bit of pace and gives us options.
Rodwell appeasr to have been purchased for the future and I think we have to give him a chance. His injury record is a concern but he has shown at times that he can play.
Overall, I think we are better off for the changes and the signs on the pitch are that team spirit is excellent so lets give the players a bit of time.
Things arent too bad.
Ok so we bought new payers in the window, surely the way we played against Sunderland shows we shouldnt tinker too much with the squad until the new players are settled to our style of play. We should use them as substitutes once the game is secured and let the acclimatise to our playing method. Dont fix what aint broken.
mansour's tow ropes said:
Ntini77 said:
Sinclair will be an astute signing provided we're not paying him obscenely high wages.

unfortunately i disagree, i can't see him ever doing anything for us.

even if he was playing for free i still would consider him a poor signing.

That's because you are clueless
Nastasic will be a top signing I think and at what will look like a bargain price down the line.

Not sure about the others yet but I can see Garcia becoming a better player for us than even De Jong was but it's evident that like De Jong he will need time to settle. I like Rodwell and think he has a lot of potential but his signing seems a bit pointless as he offers nothing we don't already have. And he's already been injured twice since he joined us and is on the shelf again now, he has had chronic injuries for most of his career yet we seemed to ignore that while splashing out on him. Honestly I think a loan move may be best for him, Chelsea do it with expensive signings (Lukaku, De Bruyne) so why can't we?

I think Maicon was signed with the 3-5-2 in mind as he is a great attacking right-back but not a great defensive one. If 3-5-2 has been abandoned or postponed now then I'm not sure what that will mean. Zabaleta is consistently good and Micah looked really good yesterday at right-back.

Sinclair is puzzling, he struggles for a place on the bench and must be looking forward to the FA Cup and/or our possible drop into the Europa League. He's played twice for the EDS and hasn't been injured AFAIK. We may as well have kept Weiss if the intent is to use Sinclair so little, Weiss was good enough for FA Cup/Europa League games and also counted as homegrown + club trained.
grim up north said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
Ntini77 said:
Sinclair will be an astute signing provided we're not paying him obscenely high wages.

unfortunately i disagree, i can't see him ever doing anything for us.

even if he was playing for free i still would consider him a poor signing.

That's because you are clueless
Instead of trying to mock other posters which is all you seem to do why don't you add something relevant to the discussion.
greasedupdeafguy said:
grim up north said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
unfortunately i disagree, i can't see him ever doing anything for us.

even if he was playing for free i still would consider him a poor signing.

That's because you are clueless
Instead of trying to mock other posters which is all you seem to do why don't you add something relevant to the discussion.

They are good players who will strengthen the squad but we already have a squad of champions who have earned the right to play.

Mancini put in the new players too early, when the team hadn't had chance to get the season started & get into a groove, especially since he spent pre season farting about with 3 at the back. It cocked up the machine & we still haven't fully recovered, but we are getting there.

Once the team gets into a routine, it will be easy to swap one or two for new players without everything going pear shaped.
Rammy Blue said:
3 injured - Garcia, Rodwell and Maicon.

1 not in squad - Nastasic.

1 on bench and didn't get on - Sinclair.

Strange that we've spent circa 50mil on these guys and they haven't contributed very much in the first couple of months of the season, I'd say that Garcia's goal against Stoke was the only memorable and valuable moment.

Maicon - dont get never did seemed a waste to me
Rodwell - yes although his injury record was appaling and nothing has yet changed.
Nastasic - yes makes sense
Sinclair - not sure
Garcia - yes

High point was the contract extension of Silva and the retention if key players

Low point was the miss out of Hazard / Thiago Silva

Still undefeated
LoveCity said:
Sinclair is puzzling, he struggles for a place on the bench and must be looking forward to the FA Cup and/or our possible drop into the Europa League. He's played twice for the EDS and hasn't been injured AFAIK. We may as well have kept Weiss if the intent is to use Sinclair so little, Weiss was good enough for FA Cup/Europa League games and also counted as homegrown + club trained.

Ive seen both those EDS games and he didn't look special in either,neither was he injured.

I,like you,am struggling to understand the signing of a player of his calibre,we surely could have waited for the 'right' man,especially given the lack of any urgency as we dont even play with wingers.....<br /><br />-- 21 Oct 2012 15:32 --<br /><br />
dctid said:
Low point was the miss out of Hazard / Thiago Silva

Still undefeated

Missing out on DDR was my low point.

Yes we are....!
FantasyIreland said:
LoveCity said:
Sinclair is puzzling, he struggles for a place on the bench and must be looking forward to the FA Cup and/or our possible drop into the Europa League. He's played twice for the EDS and hasn't been injured AFAIK. We may as well have kept Weiss if the intent is to use Sinclair so little, Weiss was good enough for FA Cup/Europa League games and also counted as homegrown + club trained.

Ive seen both those EDS games and he didn't look special in either,neither was he injured.

I,like you,am struggling to understand the signing of a player of his calibre,we surely could have waited for the 'right' man,especially given the lack of any urgency as we dont even play with wingers.....

-- 21 Oct 2012 15:32 --

dctid said:
Low point was the miss out of Hazard / Thiago Silva

Still undefeated

Missing out on DDR was my low point.

Yes we are....!

Was tempted to say the non selling of Ballo for a decent sum of money (if true) but would have been called a rag so thought better of it

DDR is coming in January - believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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