Haha Karen, with the greatest respect you are ignorant. I do and have worked in the NHS for nearly 16 years. I have seen and written in plenty of notes, your right it's not Ethel or Herbets fault, it's the families fault that they are abusing the NHS. Drunks are a problem but abuse of the NHS is a far far bigger problem. Half my patients are currently medically fit, they do not need to be in hospital but here they are, the family using the NHS as a free care service. The attitude and expectancy that people have regarding the NHS drives my belief that most people deserve for it to be privatised and see how they feel then. If it cost £30 quid to go to A&E Mackenzie isnt taking her son, easterly wind, to have a frigging splinter taken out of his finger. Peoples I deserve this and that will soon be put into its box. The British public are ungrateful and selfish when it comes to the NHS.