Just returned to Boston after a flight from Manchester via New York...
This time last week I was packing to fly to Manchesrer on the Sunday with a funeral in mind.....
My 85 year old mum - who is very active and physically fit - had caught sepsis and pneumonia and had fluid on her lung and was in intensive care. With her permission they put her into a sleep to ease her pain and allow her body to recuperate.... This lasted 4/5 days when my brother contacted me to say the end was nigh and her organs were shutting down as a result of the extremely high oxygen intake she was receiving....
So I fly over and land Monday to find my mum awake-ish and asking me what was I doing there.....
By Wednesday she was off all tubes and eating solids.... But the hospital wanted to move her to another hospital purely as the other hospital would do physio work with her that this hospital didnt do. They just needed to wait for a bed.
My mum was too impatient in waiting for physio and set about exploring the ward via her zimmer frame. So much so that on Friday the hospital discharged her citing that she didnt need physio work!
The grim reaper had been hanging around last weekend but my mum told him to well and truely fuck off.
Through this all the staff at the hospital were magnificant...... A credit to the NHS.....
Any Tory twat voting to sell off the NHS should be hung..... It is so valuable and a fantastic thing the UK has....
Thanks again to the wonderful staff at the NHS.