The official EDS and academy thread 2012/13

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While the results appear disappointing there is a "matchday forum" sense of drama to this thread. I don't like to see us lose at any level but, while developing a system of play based on one touch, possession football, using players younger than the opposition, it is somewhat understandable that results may not go our way.

I'd be interested to know how many reporters on this thread are at the game and not reporting the twitter feed.
oldius said:
While the results appear disappointing there is a "matchday forum" sense of drama to this thread. I don't like to see us lose at any level but, while developing a system of play based on one touch, possession football, using players younger than the opposition, it is somewhat understandable that results may not go our way.

I'd be interested to know how many reporters on this thread are at the game and not reporting the twitter feed.

not having this, we've been this poor for a good couple of years, its just coming to a head because so many imported players are featuring every game.
I agree with the "so many imported players" comment. We are scouting genuine talent from across the globe but introducing them to play against settled teams who have played together for several years.

While I am not convinced that Lombardo is the answer, if we did the same with the senior side we would lose many more games than we do. We play under 18 players throughout the side and introduce multiple triallists throughout the youth set up. Only time will tell if this is the right approach but we are at the transitional phase now and, hopefully, results will improve as the philosophy beds in and players gain experience.
Our youth teams below EDS/U21 are actually pretty good and it is because as you say they have played together for years so have a collective team chemistry that is so important.

At this level we are importing players and they are all being thrown together in a team, 17yr olds from Spain, 18yr old from Portugal and a 18yr old from France as an example.

It is certainly disappointing we are seemingly beaten every week but they need time like our first team did to gel and to improve as a team.

Lombardo may not be a fantastic manager or he might be but the problem of trying to get them to play well together is harder than anyone on here thinks so he is taking the flak for it.
If you don't go and watch the eds you shouldn't be commenting on how effective its doing. What are you expecting the eds to sweep all before them all get promoted to the first team and go on to world domination together. The eds isn't about results its about developing players only a minuscule number are gonna make it through some will develop into only average players and most forgotten and never heard of. Some maybe crap/average at 16/17 and be good/amazing at 19 & vice versa. What they all have in common is that someone at our club has seen hidden potential its not about winning because your gonna have players at different levels its about improving them & unlocking the potential now that doesn happen overnight.

A lot that go say saurez development has stalled they maybe right at least they've witnessed first hand not just looked at the final result. Final results tell you f'all at this level, it should be noted that at most other levels the youngsters are doing pretty well and its only at eds where physical attributes have a bigger factor on results is where we are struggling.
CTID101 said:
At this level we are importing players and they are all being thrown together in a team, 17yr olds from Spain, 18yr old from Portugal and a 18yr old from France as an example.
you got a point however with the wrong ages. Pozo from spain is 16 marcos lopes from portugal 17 and ntcham from France is 16, or maybe fofana :)
CTID101 said:
At this level we are importing players and they are all being thrown together in a team, 17yr olds from Spain, 18yr old from Portugal and a 18yr old from France as an example.
you got a point however with the wrong ages. Pozo from spain is 16 marcos lopes from portugal 17 and ntcham from France is 16, or maybe fofana :)<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:24 am --<br /><br />
CTID101 said:
At this level we are importing players and they are all being thrown together in a team, 17yr olds from Spain, 18yr old from Portugal and a 18yr old from France as an example.
you got a point however with the wrong ages. Pozo from spain is 16 marcos lopes from portugal 17 and ntcham from France is 16, or maybe fofana :)
I looked at that teamsheet & thought it was a team which would most likely get a total fucking tonking.

I'm no particular fan of Lombardo or any other Mancini plants, & I'm disgusted by his sons playing any part but that aside, can just one of you lot making the snidey doom & gloom comments please explain why you expect that team to come up with a result ?

What is it about that particular lineup of players which makes you think it should do well ?

If you don't actually believe that team was put out with results in mind, then can you explain why the fuck you are moaning about the result ?

Give me a clue what your agenda actually is other than just to create shit for the sake of it.
Results mean nothing at this level and nor should they. It's all about player development and should they be asked to make the step up then they able to play in the same style with the first team squad.

It's why England very rarely produce quality players. It's all about winning at that level and not about development and underdstanding of the game/tactics. As long as City are playing a possesion based game mirroring that of first team then thats fine by me.

As for players making the grade, we're a much bigger animal now and it'll be a very very small number of youth players that we'll see progressing into the first team, for now at least.
crb said:
If you don't go and watch the eds you shouldn't be commenting on how effective its doing. What are you expecting the eds to sweep all before them all get promoted to the first team and go on to world domination together. The eds isn't about results its about developing players only a minuscule number are gonna make it through some will develop into only average players and most forgotten and never heard of. Some maybe crap/average at 16/17 and be good/amazing at 19 & vice versa. What they all have in common is that someone at our club has seen hidden potential its not about winning because your gonna have players at different levels its about improving them & unlocking the potential now that doesn happen overnight.

A lot that go say saurez development has stalled they maybe right at least they've witnessed first hand not just looked at the final result. Final results tell you f'all at this level, it should be noted that at most other levels the youngsters are doing pretty well and its only at eds where physical attributes have a bigger factor on results is where we are struggling.
This is a good post - anybody who can spell minuscule correctly needs to be listened to.
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