The Official Summer Transfer Update Thread - 2/5/10 9pm

Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

Neil McNab said:
Anyone heard of this Ninis that the scum are after, can't help thinking it will be pollitically incorrect to pick a ninis!

he is an albanian assimilated "greek". his birth name is Sotir Nini, new "greek" name is Sotiris Ninis.
he sucks and would never make the city lineup.
more info here
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

it would be a better squad for us if Mancini can change the midfield for us,cause with out Ireland on there it will be difficult for us to win against Tottenham.good transfer from Mancini is a good signing for us the fans.
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

In the papers yesterday Sunderland are lining up a £4m bid for Ireland sounds like one hell of an offer 4 me. A bag of shit for your garden is about a tenner so if they wanna give us 4 mil for a bag o shit snatch there hands off
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

2Daroot said:
In the papers yesterday Sunderland are lining up a £4m bid for Ireland sounds like one hell of an offer 4 me. A bag of shit for your garden is about a tenner so if they wanna give us 4 mil for a bag o shit snatch there hands off

Were you born a spacker or did it just comes naturally as time passed?
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

2Daroot said:
In the papers yesterday Sunderland are lining up a £4m bid for Ireland sounds like one hell of an offer 4 me. A bag of shit for your garden is about a tenner so if they wanna give us 4 mil for a bag o shit snatch there hands off

You must have done this for a laugh? I'm guessing you've logged off and will log on in a few hours to see exactly how many people you've pissed off. Oh well, I'm sure you've some incoming....
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

malg said:
2Daroot said:
In the papers yesterday Sunderland are lining up a £4m bid for Ireland sounds like one hell of an offer 4 me. A bag of shit for your garden is about a tenner so if they wanna give us 4 mil for a bag o shit snatch there hands off

You must have done this for a laugh? I'm guessing you've logged off and will log on in a few hours to see exactly how many people you've pissed off. Oh well, I'm sure you've some incoming....

Not at all there is no way on this earth Ireland is good enough to be a playmaker in a premiership winning team just no way all you narrow minded bum licking fools cant see the woods for the trees if your happy finishing between 4th n 8th every season then players like Ireland are good enough but what every city fan says they want is a premiership title and then a good standing in the champions champions league you wont achieve this with medeocre players like Ireland FACT
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Manchester City have set their sights on Bayern Munich's revelation Thomas Muller (20) and are planning to sign him for 30 million Euros in the summer.
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02)

Cheers ono looking forward to your efforts this summer. Hope you are a busy bee...
Re: The Official Transfer Update Thread - Update: 13:00 (2/02) just reported that city about to bid £40mil for Gerrard in the next few days!!

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