The Owners/The Board [Merged]


Feed the Elk said:
Up until today they have been seen to do the right thing. City was a club that shared my own values and the Arabs gave me something i could believe in.

They have now been proven to lie and their integrity has evaporated, this is no longer a club i feel i can support, they've gone about this in completely the wrong way.


Drama queen!

Re: might pop back to the ground

Mark Hughes has had a more than fair share of his employers backing, sadly for him he couldn't live up to his early spiel as his defence was woeful. I don't feel sorry for him and back our new owners to do the right thing. I can understand individual errors, but not the full shambolic setup.

Modern football has changed and we now need to change.

What does sadden me is the shit we will now get after sacking Hughes from the SAME media who have done nothing but undermine Mark Hughes in the last two months....NOW that's annoying!!!

Re: Let's back our owners.

Totally Agree, this decision is the new owners backing the football club! the manager has had 18 months of backing and whilst some may say, "we have only lost 2" the level of performance was not good enough so time for change.

The past has seen chairmen out for personal gain, after the investment into the club and playing staff it was clear to most it was not working, added to that Hughes's suggested January transfer targets, the owners have said thanks but no thanks.

Mancini is a proven football manager, which IMO means he can organise, motivate discipline and most of all win something.

keep the blue faith,


Re: Lets remember

Happy Feet said:
if it wasnt for the present owners we would probably be in administraton and following Leeds down the drain.

That might be a little far fetched, but I agree with the sentiment. At this time, we need to respect the decision of the board. At the end of the day, they are th epeople investing a lot of money into the club (their money) and therefore ultimately they have the final say in what happens.

The way it has eventually occurred might not be to everyone's liking, and perhaps shows a little naivety on the part of some people in the club, but we can hope that they learn from this.

What is needed right now is for US, the fans, to unite behind Mancini and the players and play our part in taking this club to the next level, whilst showing some patience. The infighting between supporters, both on forums and at places like Bolton and Spurs, has not shown the true normal behaviour of the best fans in the world. We need to show dignity now and do what we do best, support Manchester City through thick and thin and not be dragged down to the levels of fans of other clubs.

I am the first to agree to free speech and opinions, but it might be the best time for those who have negative thoughts to keep them just that, thoughts! And then we can see what transpires.

Who knows, this might be a better chapter. We deserve it.
the way the club have handled this has been disgraceful. a complete shambles. people should be hanging their heads in shame. my only surprise was that the news wasnt released on twitter.
do we give the new manger 18 months, if we are not in the top 4 or won a cup do we sack him

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