The Owners

Blue Mooner said:
Soulboy said:
Up until tonight I would have gone along with the view that Hughes would see the season out, and a decision made then. But what I saw tonight suggests things may move a whole lot quicker.

As an avid watcher of City for many years, you get the "vibe" when you can read body language and attitudes... and tonight it stank!

The manager looked even more distracted than normal, and most worringly, the players, for the first time this season, looked like they couldn't give a shit.

Do they know something? Do they smell blood?

Persionally, I think a decision will already have been made as I doubt Hughes can turn this round quick enough. We look to be getting worse, which sort of goes against all the "gelling" arguments!

Maybe a transitional manager until the summer? But who? Hiddink? I'll stick my neck out and go for a trendy foreign coach to inspire us!

It was only TWO games ago that we were beating Arsenal and Chelsea to end our run of draws - I wouldn't describe that as 'getting worse' !!!

We STILL have a game in hand, we still have played only 7 at home versus 9 away and we have already played the Rags, Villa, Spurs and Liverpool away our challengers for 4th spot. How about some positive thinking for a change ?

I am thinking positive. It's you that's being negative.

I'm think positive that I want City to be the best they can be.

You're thinking negative 'cos you think a team that has won 4 away games out of the last 28 is good enough for you.

You think that winning one game in the last ten is good enough.

You think a compete surrender like last night can be accepotable.

And so you're the negative one.

Don't you want City to be successful?

Or are you blinded by too many years of mediocrity that you now believe we should be grateful for the scrpas from a rich man's table?

It's YOU mate that's the negative one. In fact, are you truly a City fan?
Blue Mooner said:
Soulboy said:
Up until tonight I would have gone along with the view that Hughes would see the season out, and a decision made then. But what I saw tonight suggests things may move a whole lot quicker.

As an avid watcher of City for many years, you get the "vibe" when you can read body language and attitudes... and tonight it stank!

The manager looked even more distracted than normal, and most worringly, the players, for the first time this season, looked like they couldn't give a shit.

Do they know something? Do they smell blood?

Persionally, I think a decision will already have been made as I doubt Hughes can turn this round quick enough. We look to be getting worse, which sort of goes against all the "gelling" arguments!

Maybe a transitional manager until the summer? But who? Hiddink? I'll stick my neck out and go for a trendy foreign coach to inspire us!

It was only TWO games ago that we were beating Arsenal and Chelsea to end our run of draws - I wouldn't describe that as 'getting worse' !!!

We STILL have a game in hand, we still have played only 7 at home versus 9 away and we have already played the Rags, Villa, Spurs and Liverpool away our challengers for 4th spot. How about some positive thinking for a change ?

I am thinking positive. It's you that's being negative.

I'm think positive that I want City to be the best they can be.

You're thinking negative 'cos you think a team that has won 4 away games out of the last 28 is good enough for you.

You think that winning one game in the last ten is good enough.

You think a compete surrender like last night can be accepotable.

And so you're the negative one.

Don't you want City to be successful?

Or are you blinded by too many years of mediocrity that you now believe we should be grateful for the scraps from a rich man's table?

It's YOU mate that's the negative one. In fact, are you truly a City fan?
Soulboy said:
Blue Mooner said:
It was only TWO games ago that we were beating Arsenal and Chelsea to end our run of draws - I wouldn't describe that as 'getting worse' !!!

We STILL have a game in hand, we still have played only 7 at home versus 9 away and we have already played the Rags, Villa, Spurs and Liverpool away our challengers for 4th spot. How about some positive thinking for a change ?

I am thinking positive. It's you that's being negative.

I'm think positive that I want City to be the best they can be.

You're thinking negative 'cos you think a team that has won 4 away games out of the last 28 is good enough for you.

You think that winning one game in the last ten is good enough.

You think a compete surrender like last night can be accepotable.

And so you're the negative one.

Don't you want City to be successful?

Or are you blinded by too many years of mediocrity that you now believe we should be grateful for the scraps from a rich man's table?

It's YOU mate that's the negative one. In fact, are you truly a City fan?

Sorry soulboy please show me where I have said any of the above things.

Of course I want success I just differ from you fundamentally as to how we will achieve it and I won't rise to the cheap shot about whether I'm a City fan.

Let me summarise what I DO think.

I think we have the potential to be successful this season - we are in a semi final of a cup competition already so not far away from our first trophy.

1 win in 10 is not good enough, no, but that's a period of fixtures you choose to measure success or failure by I look at the whole season to date. I also don't waste my energy obsessing about it.

I base our progress based on this season not last season.

I think we can still get in the top 4 and at this stage of our development that is good enough and above expectations

I agree with our owners that top six is a 'realistic' target set by our owners and I haven't changed my view on that.

I was guttted with last nights result but don't believe the performance was as bad as some on here make out.

You think what you've seen this season is mediocre, I don't, beating Chelsea, Arsenal twice, drawing at Anfield scoring three at OT are all measures of progress and far from mediocrity

I interpret what you think as being that we won't get to the final of the Carling Cup, we won't get in the top 4 this season, we are on our way down the table, negative, negative, negative.

Try positive thinking for once, you might find that success will follow.
blumoonrises said:
I wondered when this would happen... the Experts questioning the credentials of the ADG...!

Anyone who goes down that Rd are more ignorant and deluded than... someone who holds the record for bein Ignorant and deluded..

These people know more bout bein successful in whatever they do than anyone...
Whoever they choose to take advice from will be the best to give such advice...without doubt... just leave em to it.
And if anyone on ere thinks they know better, why not invest the billions that you made from undertaking worldwide successful projects..?..!

mammutly said:
I might invest a bit of the billions I got from my dad having found half the world's supply of oil in our backyard. Does that make me a success?
blumoonrises said:
Its a bit more than just finding oil, its bout using the funds correctly.... either go down the rd of Iraq for example and use it to build palaces with gold bog seats, whilst leaving the rest of the country in poverty..
Or transform your country from a bleak desert into one of the most advanced, successful accomplishments on the planet by employing the best advisors, who know how to construct the greatest engineering projects in the world, such as underground systems, worlds Tallest structure, entire City's in the sea or the only 7 star hotel.... all undertaken by the people who are currently working on developing the worlds greatest football club.. and are being questioned by some folk on an internet forum..

cleavers said:
No offence intended to whoever posted the suggestion, but if ADUG are taking any advice from Owen and Summerbee then they really are niaive. These 2 have absolutely no track record in football management (or coaching), and whilst good players in their time (in a very different age of football), ADUG would be better off running a poll on bluemoon for advice.
Ha ha... great piece of sarcasm... I hope..?

RobbieBrewer said:
Please God Mr Khaldoon doesn't read this thread.

Question Hughes,Marwood,tactics,the players,whoever by all means-but for Gods sake leave the honourable men who saved our club form bankruptcy and brought in the finance to bring in the best players in my lifetime well alone.
They have shown admirable caution in their dealings.They are guilty of no more than giving Hughes the funds he needed for "his players."
If that is the wrong decision,time will tell.And I suspect that they will make their own decisions as and when.
Some seem to be suggesting they are rank amateurs,listening to little more than tittle tattle about football over the garden wall.
Utterly absurd.

It's fucking embarrassing us,and extremely disrespectful to them in my opinion.

Stop it now
I tell you what, if Khaldoun, the Sheik, or whoever, buys the same 'it's not me the players aren't strong enough mentality' line two years in a row, I will think he's either playing a game with hughes, or... I dunno what I'll think. who buys the same excuse twice, when you've given him all he asked for to sort it out?
leruzin said:
Swales out !!! Great days :-/

Alan Ball. Frank Clarke.

Oops, that was Francis Lee.

Oh well......there you go, things are much, much worse now!

Bring back Swales.
Rammy Blue said:
what you seem to miss though is that we have a Chief Exec in Garry Cook who is supposed to be the club's mouthpiece, a man who since speaking 6/7 weeks ago in Abu Dhabi seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

this is partly why i believe the finger is on the trigger as Hughes seems to have been left isolated which implies to me that he is the proverbial dead man walking, the excuse is now there to pull the trigger but will they?

I sincerely hope so.

Seems you could be right. Hiddinks agent is claiming Cook has made contact:

Hiddink's agent, Cees van Nieuwen-huizen, told the Telegraph: "He [Cook] asked me if it would be worthwhile having a meeting to discuss the future and what might happen next summer. But I told him Guus was contracted to Russia."

So it would appear that the owners aren't convinced by Hughes and that they are making some enquiries to see who would be available to replace him if they feel the need to.
bizzbo said:
anyway, it's not the Sheik. It's Khaldoun, Cook and Marwood who are responsible. And not necessarily in that order.

Marwoods name seems to be coming up in a few stories today.

As the football man you'd think he would have a bit of influence there.

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