The Owners

Prestwich_Blue said:
browny33 said:
I made the point about Roy Hodgson and Harry Redknapp on another thread and the way they turned failing squads around with little or no buys. Now I'm certainly not saying I want either of them as our manager, but to me they proved they are quality managers, irrespective of whether they bought the player in or not.

Redknapp has spent only a bit less than us (and we'll finish above them by some margin). And Hodgson - was that the same guy who effctively took Blackburn down to the Championship or was that his less successful twin brother?

But if they're so good then why don't you want them?

As my previous reply above somewhere, Spurs finished above last season and are currenlty above us now. Whether that continues is something that we'll see over the coming months.

Hodgson got Blackburn in the UEFA Cup in his first season and then struggled in the second season and was probably right to be shown the door, a Blackburn fan would probably be able to answer this better. But I seem to recall his time at Blackburn being at a time when they started to balance the books after the halcyon days of the Jack Walker spending spree. He went to Inter Milan after that and they struggle to pick a manager don't they?

I wouldn't have RH if Hughes went because I believe that there are better, younger managers that could do the same job. Nothing against his ability as a manager because over a thirty year career to only be able to have a relatively short period of time when things didn't go well is not a bad legacy.

Wouldn't touch Redknapp as he has far to much baggage and again hes not getting any younger.

They were only examples not a wish list!
Didsbury Dave said:
C_T_I_D said:
If Mark Hughes leaves this football club, he will not get a better job in football management for the rest of his career in that respect in terms of resources available and what can be achieved here in terms of trophies. If he isn't successful here he'll look back on this as a missed opportunity to make his name and make it big in this aspect of football.

No doubt about that, CTID.

He is the luckiest man in football. He took our job as a step up, and then suddenly was given unlimited funds.

It's like taking a job in McDonalds, then on your first week it becomes a Michelin Starred Restaurant and you're the Chef.

Doubtless it's the opportunity of a lifetime for him. Hundreds of other managers dream of that happening. It will certainly make or break him and I'm sure he knows that.

If he gets the sack in summer it's Blackburn again at a push or more likely Sheffield United, in terms of club calibre. If he succeeds he'll be a huge name in world football.


Just as how we're now the luckiest fans in football. A bit of a change to go from a club heading towards oblivion to having unlimited funds and a string of top class players.

It's everything we wanted in our wildest of dreams, in fact, despite them denying it, it's the dream of fans from every other club as well.

If the Sheik decides to leave us tomorrow, then it's back to midtable land for us, maybe lower. If he stays though, we'll continue to make our mark in world football.
Didsbury Dave said:
Interesting thread, Billy, and the irony hasn't passed me by.

Don't forget Bluemoon is not real life and a snapshot of Bluemoon does not represent a snapshot of the opinions of City fans. The contentious points stay at the top usually, for a start.

I bet if you did a poll outside our stadium this Saturday, simple question, would you want Hughes to be sacked tomorrow, then you would get 80% No and 20% Yes.

If we beat Liverpool and Arsenal, natuarally, you would get 100% No.

Our owners have been patient with Hughes and given him another year, I believe. Barring any great disasters, they'll give him to the end of the season. If we aren't top 4 then he'll go, unless we are very very close and/or have won a trophy.

The candidate pool is so much better at season end, for a start. I believe that if they do get rid of Hughes, for their first appointment they will want the very best.

So No, it isn't time for our owners to stand up and be counted. They're doing the right thing by not being kneejerk.
Once again Didsbury Dave come's up with some level-headed, correctly formed retort to someone else's ridiculous over-the-top, outrageous statement! keep up the good work Dave.
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
It's tough one definitely. Personally I think Mourinho is waiting for the United job. .

I can't see that myself. That would be a bastard of a job in lots of ways - Ferguson's shadow over everything, questionable finances and an aging team.

The only was is down for him there, and he's got too much of an ego.

And no doubt when he does finish he'll have a job 'upstairs' somewhere and still be in the background, just like Busby did. Can't see him wanting Ferguson peering over his shoulder every 2 minutes can you?
1_barry_conlon said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I can't see that myself. That would be a bastard of a job in lots of ways - Ferguson's shadow over everything, questionable finances and an aging team.

The only was is down for him there, and he's got too much of an ego.

And no doubt when he does finish he'll have a job 'upstairs' somewhere and still be in the background, just like Busby did. Can't see him wanting Ferguson peering over his shoulder every 2 minutes can you?
I know, the fumes alone would be enough to induce a hangover.
Didsbury Dave said:
dingdingding said:
This is true. But then people are for the most part fickle morons, whose moods swing like Collymore at an orgy.

I always hoped that when real success came our way, we would be magnanimous and classy, because we'd know how far we'd come to get that success.

Now, we haven't even gotten there and I can see that it was a vain hope. Football has changed along with modern culture. People have no patience anymore, they seek instant gratification and complain when they don't get it. I'm not old (27) but I remember being told that good things come to those who wait.

I take your point mate but Bluemoon is not real life.

In the main the supporters are behind the team, and the manager even, in the stadium.
I want hughes gone with a passion but at the ground I would not boo him so forums are the place to raise concerns so I argue that the loyalty towards hughes is not as clear cut at the ground either.
I know a large number of fans who would be happy to see him gone more than I know who want to keep him and think he is doing a good job.
plus I cannot believe the top four clubs will not be a whole lot harder to catch next year we have scared them with our spending and I think they will view Hughes falure as a near miss. also If we have to play in the stupid europa league next season because Hughes has failed to capitalize on the top 4 s failures next season will be even harder on the players.
Damocles said:
Billy - do you actually like anything about City? You seem to spend an awful long time slagging of it's players, management and ownership.

Here for the pies,
You're only here for the pies,
Here for the piiiiiiiieeeeeeesss!


I guess the irony has completely passed you by.

In case you had missed it, I'm regularly panned as a "happy clapper" who accepts mediocrity...i'm also chairman of the "Hughes In" committee and have a long standing subscription to Tafia Monthly...;- ) said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I take your point mate but Bluemoon is not real life.

In the main the supporters are behind the team, and the manager even, in the stadium.
I want hughes gone with a passion but at the ground I would not boo him so forums are the place to raise concerns so I argue that the loyalty towards hughes is not as clear cut at the ground either.
I know a large number of fans who would be happy to see him gone more than I know who want to keep him and think he is doing a good job.
plus I cannot believe the top four clubs will not be a whole lot harder to catch next year we have scared them with our spending and I think they will view Hughes falure as a near miss. also If we have to play in the stupid europa league next season because Hughes has failed to capitalize on the top 4 s failures next season will be even harder on the players.

YEs, I can't argue with any of that although you have to bear in mind that fans react emotionally to results, especially here at City. If we get results in the next 3 or 4 games our whole season will look exciting again and he'll be being declared a hero for turning it around.

I agree that there are a lot of sceptics, possibly including me, who are hoping he'll deliver but worried he may not.

It does open up an interesting debate though. At what point would the crowd turn on him? What would it take for "Hughes Out" chanting to start?
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
It's tough one definitely. Personally I think Mourinho is waiting for the United job. .

I can't see that myself. That would be a bastard of a job in lots of ways - Ferguson's shadow over everything, questionable finances and an aging team.

The only was is down for him there, and he's got too much of an ego.

It's an interesting one that...

I have to say that if we were to remove our blue tinted specs - then the reality is that Liverpool and United are two of the biggest jobs in world football full stop. Now, you can on the one hand look at it and say that Mourinho would not want the job in Fergie's shadow etc. But you could also look at it and say, well his ego is probably the only one in world football that could handle following Fergie...Mourinho would very quickly make that job his own...

Who knows. I guess the point of this thread was more about my own wonderment as to why you can have huge threads about the level of Hughes' incompetence etc. yet not one of the vocal Hughes Out brigade has questioned why our owners, who have a much better view on things than even we do, are putting up with the perceived continued mediocrity...hmmm, maybe I just answered my own question...;- )
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I can't see that myself. That would be a bastard of a job in lots of ways - Ferguson's shadow over everything, questionable finances and an aging team.

The only was is down for him there, and he's got too much of an ego.

It's an interesting one that...

I have to say that if we were to remove our blue tinted specs - then the reality is that Liverpool and United are two of the biggest jobs in world football full stop. Now, you can on the one hand look at it and say that Mourinho would not want the job in Fergie's shadow etc. But you could also look at it and say, well his ego is probably the only one in world football that could handle following Fergie...Mourinho would very quickly make that job his own...

Who knows. I guess the point of this thread was more about my own wonderment as to why you can have huge threads about the level of Hughes' incompetence etc. yet not one of the vocal Hughes Out brigade has questioned why our owners, who have a much better view on things than even we do, are putting up with the perceived continued mediocrity...hmmm, maybe I just answered my own question...;- )

well pehaps it is because they are not football people and are very sucessful business people
they could be so used to sucess they have not recognised the fact whilst loyaty may be a virtue in this case it is misplaced they are showing loyalty to someone who is not good enough for the job.

I would like to ask the owners if hughes was noy already at the club would you have chosen him ?

I bet their reply would have been WHO ?

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