The Owners said:
I would like to ask the owners if hughes was noy already at the club would you have chosen him ?

I bet their reply would have been WHO ?

I often read that argument, and I'm curious who people would have brought in...

Mourinho would not have come last summer. Hiddink would not have come last summer. Capello would not have come last summer. Ancelloti would not have come last summer.

Mancini? Rijkaard? Hmm, like I said. I'm not sure that argument holds a whole lot of water. At the time that Hughes got the job, he was absolutely no doubt, very very highly regarded in the footballing world...
BillyShears said: said:
I would like to ask the owners if hughes was noy already at the club would you have chosen him ?

I bet their reply would have been WHO ?

I often read that argument, and I'm curious who people would have brought in...

Mourinho would not have come last summer. Hiddink would not have come last summer. Capello would not have come last summer. Ancelloti would not have come last summer.

Mancini? Rijkaard? Hmm, like I said. I'm not sure that argument holds a whole lot of water. At the time that Hughes got the job, he was absolutely no doubt, very very highly regarded in the footballing world...

Correct me if im wrong Billy, but unless you was involved in the possible recruitment process for the new manager i find it amazing how you can tell us that certain managers would not have come?

Agree about Hughes, he was highly regarded at the time and was a perfect fit for us when he came, given our circumstances.

But then the goalsposts were moved overnight and our club became a different beast.....
BillyShears said:
To answer Dubai Blue's point regarding Hughes finishing in the top 4 and then getting sacked - I just can't see it. It would go against everything which they have espoused since they took over...

Leaving aside why people attack Hughes and not ADUG (that would be me) the answer is twofold.

1) They are worth squillions and are happy to pump some of this squillions into City both on and off the pitch. Money buys a a lot of loyalty. Its a cynical world in which we live.

2) In my case I trust them. Unlike Frank who I quickly grew to distrust and did dump on to the extent you would often take me to task. I didn't dump on Sven who I did rate. Hughes I don't rate so I do dump on him. Its pretty simple really. I know you are trying to push the Hughes outers to criticise ADUG as we do Hughes and I can understand your logic as ADUG are ultimately responsible but ADUG have done everything right from effectively saving the club to providing investment and even backing the man in situ. I accept that they are closer to the situation then me and whilst I think they are making a mistake on Hughes I do know they have a much better understanding of what is required at City right now. Nevertheless I reserve the right to whinge about Hughes - annoying as that is for a lot of people :)

Lastly about sacking Hughes. Doesn't his contract expire this summer so in which case they simply don't renew. Or has Hughes already got a new contract and I just missed it?
blueinsa said:
Correct me if im wrong Billy, but unless you was involved in the possible recruitment process for the new manager i find it amazing how you can tell us that certain managers would not have come?

Agree about Hughes, he was highly regarded at the time and was a perfect fit for us when he came, given our circumstances.

But then the goalsposts were moved overnight and our club became a different beast.....

The same way that I can tell you that Messi would not have joined us last summer...or Ibrahimovic, or even Kaka for that matter. I'm not sure why I have to justify logic which amounts to common sense...anyway.

Your next point regarding the goalposts moving. Can you be a little more specific. Did the signing of Robinho catapult us into top 4 contenders last season? The goal posts have shifted this season, because the team is Hughes' team, and the players brought in are top class...but the only people who the goalposts shifted for last season, were the supporters...
BobKowalski said:
Lastly about sacking Hughes. Doesn't his contract expire this summer so in which case they simply don't renew. Or has Hughes already got a new contract and I just missed it?

iirc it was a 3 year deal so runs out summer 2011.
Rammy Blue said:
BobKowalski said:
Lastly about sacking Hughes. Doesn't his contract expire this summer so in which case they simply don't renew. Or has Hughes already got a new contract and I just missed it?

iirc it was a 3 year deal so runs out summer 2011.

Ah you are right. I forget that Hughes has only been here 18 months. It just seems an eternity.
BobKowalski said:
BillyShears said:
To answer Dubai Blue's point regarding Hughes finishing in the top 4 and then getting sacked - I just can't see it. It would go against everything which they have espoused since they took over...

Leaving aside why people attack Hughes and not ADUG (that would be me) the answer is twofold.

1) They are worth squillions and are happy to pump some of this squillions into City both on and off the pitch. Money buys a a lot of loyalty. Its a cynical world in which we live.

2) In my case I trust them. Unlike Frank who I quickly grew to distrust and did dump on to the extent you would often take me to task. I didn't dump on Sven who I did rate. Hughes I don't rate so I do dump on him. Its pretty simple really. I know you are trying to push the Hughes outers to criticise ADUG as we do Hughes and I can understand your logic as ADUG are ultimately responsible but ADUG have done everything right from effectively saving the club to providing investment and even backing the man in situ. I accept that they are closer to the situation then me and whilst I think they are making a mistake on Hughes I do know they have a much better understanding of what is required at City right now. Nevertheless I reserve the right to whinge about Hughes - annoying as that is for a lot of people :)

Lastly about sacking Hughes. Doesn't his contract expire this summer so in which case they simply don't renew. Or has Hughes already got a new contract and I just missed it?

So, I guess if I'm reading you right, what you're saying is that every sarcastic, snide, petty, dig you've had at Hughes' supporters, you could have had, with more justification I may add, at our owners. But they've bought their way into your heart...I admire your honesty...
Neville Kneville said:
Changing managers over in these type of situations is THE main reason City never win anything. If we do sack him, chances are we'll find ourselves in the same position this time next year with the same idiots proclaiming that if we'd brought in THEIR man rather than whoever's in the job, things would be different so we need to sack the next bloke, then the year after he's not the man for the job......blah blah on & on & on for another 40 bleeding years. Load of crap.
Somebody pointed out on a different thread that our problem isn't sacking managers,but employing shit ones in the first place.I think if in mid december the mid table clubs have closed the gap on us or overtaken us,he'll be gone.The excuse of his teams allways have a strong 2nd half to the season has already been proven as crap.
BillyShears said:
I posted this in another thread, but think it deserves a thread of it's own.

It's apparent that there's again moral outrage on Bluemoon at Mark Hughes' inability to improve the players he has, to beat the likes of Burnley, Fulham, Birmingham, et al To do anything other than blame Elano and Sven for all his own shortcomings. To dismantle a perfectly good youth system. To sack all the decent staff at the club and replace them with under-qualified mates of his. To play nothing but negative, long ball football. To be a glorified Sam Allardyce. The list of Hughes' crimes are as endless as the Hughes Out threads...

It begs the question...what the fuck are these supposedly perfect owners of ours doing sitting on their hands. Ultimately, the buck stops with them. They are the ones who have been publicly backing Hughes since they took over. They are the ones who have let him fritter away over 200 million pounds on workhorses like Bellamy, Santa Cruz, and Tevez.

Surely it makes sense to just get shot of Hughes now and bring in someone better - which lets face it, if we believe even 50% of the stuff written on here about Hughes - won't be difficult. The reality is that come the end of this season, if we don't finish 4th, there's no way we will be capable of attracting the kind of players we would want. Furthermore, even attracting a manager of the ilk of Mouinho or Hiddink is out of the question irrespective of what other people think, if we aren't playing champions league football next season.

So you see, it's a huge season this one. Isn't it time our owners stepped up to the plate. Showed that they know what they're actually doing in running a football club. Demonstrate the kind of nous which undoubtedly is going to be required in the coming years to ensure long term success at the club. Shouldn't they now, or in the very very near future, take responsibility for the "Mark Hughes Project" - rather than hiding behind the blank cheque book which they've given him. Accept that he is not what the fans want, and he is not good enough. I'll repeat myself. Take some fucking responsibility, show some leadership and character, and stop hiding behind empty rhetoric about stability, and long term planning...

FFS- if you think we can attract the likes of Messi et al you're living in a dreamworld pal- like it or not we are not a world footballing name.
BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
Leaving aside why people attack Hughes and not ADUG (that would be me) the answer is twofold.

1) They are worth squillions and are happy to pump some of this squillions into City both on and off the pitch. Money buys a a lot of loyalty. Its a cynical world in which we live.

2) In my case I trust them. Unlike Frank who I quickly grew to distrust and did dump on to the extent you would often take me to task. I didn't dump on Sven who I did rate. Hughes I don't rate so I do dump on him. Its pretty simple really. I know you are trying to push the Hughes outers to criticise ADUG as we do Hughes and I can understand your logic as ADUG are ultimately responsible but ADUG have done everything right from effectively saving the club to providing investment and even backing the man in situ. I accept that they are closer to the situation then me and whilst I think they are making a mistake on Hughes I do know they have a much better understanding of what is required at City right now. Nevertheless I reserve the right to whinge about Hughes - annoying as that is for a lot of people :)

Lastly about sacking Hughes. Doesn't his contract expire this summer so in which case they simply don't renew. Or has Hughes already got a new contract and I just missed it?

So, I guess if I'm reading you right, what you're saying is that every sarcastic, snide, petty, dig you've had at Hughes' supporters, you could have had, with more justification I may add, at our owners. But they've bought their way into your heart...I admire your honesty...

You forgot funny

And no. Yes the money is a factor but the biggest factor is trust. I trust ADUG to do what is right for the club not solely because I think they are altruistic but because doing right by the club is in their best interests. Its a great relationship because our aims coincide. They want a harmonious, exciting football team triumphing in the most exposed and watched league in the world and reflect some of that glory and worldwide exposure onto themselves. Its a win win for everyone. Hughes simply serves a purpose towards that. If he didn't they would get rid. When he doesn't they will.

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