The Owners

BobKowalski said:
You forgot funny

I didn't.

And no. Yes the money is a factor but the biggest factor is trust. I trust ADUG to do what is right for the club not solely because I think they are altruistic but because doing right by the club is in their best interests. Its a great relationship because our aims coincide. They want a harmonious, exciting football team triumphing in the most exposed and watched league in the world and reflect some of that glory and worldwide exposure onto themselves. Its a win win for everyone. Hughes simply serves a purpose towards that. If he didn't they would get rid. When he doesn't they will.

Keep've completely ignored the point I'm making. I guess for the same reason that most of the people who have the same train of thought as you have stayed out of this thread. It's uncomfortable to acknowledge that the people responsible for the raised expectations at City, are also the people responsible for continuing to trust Mark Hughes to spend their hundreds of millions of pounds, and to guide the club on their behalf...

It's an interesting juxtaposition, but it does seem to highlight the rather myopic nature of certain posters...
ManCityX said:
Just out of interest are the people who don't like Hughes wanting him sacked right now?

I think most of them probably don't want him sacked today because they believe that Mourinho or Hiddink will come in the summer, and we just have to wait until then...

Funnily enough, most of them thought the same thing for most of last season too...
BillyShears said:
blueinsa said:
Correct me if im wrong Billy, but unless you was involved in the possible recruitment process for the new manager i find it amazing how you can tell us that certain managers would not have come?

Agree about Hughes, he was highly regarded at the time and was a perfect fit for us when he came, given our circumstances.

But then the goalsposts were moved overnight and our club became a different beast.....

The same way that I can tell you that Messi would not have joined us last summer...or Ibrahimovic, or even Kaka for that matter. I'm not sure why I have to justify logic which amounts to common sense...anyway.

Your next point regarding the goalposts moving. Can you be a little more specific. Did the signing of Robinho catapult us into top 4 contenders last season? The goal posts have shifted this season, because the team is Hughes' team, and the players brought in are top class...but the only people who the goalposts shifted for last season, were the supporters...

The goalposts shifted for all of us mate, especially Hughes and his team.

The expectations on them were suddenly turned up overnight given our new found wealth, yes by us supporters but also by the press and more importantly by our owners who from minute one, made it very very clear of their ambitions.

As for your point on logic, i can guarentee that you would have said the same about, Robinho or Adebayor or Toure or Tevez. Never in a million years you would have said and i can see why if im being honest but please Billy, do not make the mistake of underestimating the power and influence our owners do have as well as the pulling power of money in what is a professional game.

To sum up, Hughes was brought to the club by a previous Chairman who didnt have a pot to piss in and he wanted a manager that could do a certain job, that was to make us hard to beat and to make sure we didnt go down. Hughes would do that job all day long with no problems but then the goalsposts did move, we all suddenly had different hopes and aspirations and quite rightly so, never had a football club been given such a gift and a chance to stamp it's mark on the football world.

Much was made in the cynical and suddenly frightened press that Hughes would be gone, that our owners didnt know jackshit about football! Now i maybe wrong but i believe the press saved Hughes, the thought of the negative and histerical press our owners would have recieved had they made the choice of shipping Hughes out for a World famous and renowned coach, i believe made our owners bite the bullet, they said the right things and kept him on and gave him his chance.

70 games on with little improvement on performances, please note i use the word performances carefully and not results, and after a very well ochestrated PR campaign by Hughes and Cook for that matter, assuring the world and its dog that Hughes is the next Ferguson incarnate, many of our fans are not convinced that he is the man to take on the challenge and opportunity we have been given. We base that on the performance of the team, not his nationality or his past playing career and im convinced that our owners are thinking the same way. Hughes has been given his time, his money, his team and at the end of this season i honestly believe he will be given his P45 as well and our owners will go all out for a world class coach, someone with a track record of doing the business at the very top tables of world football. I dont harbor any bad feeling to Hughes, he is a good, steady coach but imo, that is all he is at the moment. Will he go on to be great? Hopefully yes, i really hope he does, but at this moment in time, we cant afford to wait and we shouldnt wait, pinning all our hopes on a maybe.

One thing i can gaurentee mate, our owner has got the very best in everything, i bet he doesnt have a Ferrari parked outside with a 1.0l engine in it!

Only the best will do, why should we settle for anything less and why should we apologise for adopting this stance?
BillyShears said:
ManCityX said:
Just out of interest are the people who don't like Hughes wanting him sacked right now?

I think most of them probably don't want him sacked today because they believe that Mourinho or Hiddink will come in the summer, and we just have to wait until then...

Funnily enough, most of them thought the same thing for most of last season too...

Well if they want him gone in the summer, then what's the point in creating an extremely negative vibe around a club that has seen an immense transformation in the past 15 months? To a club we can now all be proud of, on and off the field.

Instead of wingeing for him to be sacked they should be more constructive, point out where they think we need to improve etc.
blueinsa said:
BillyShears said:
The same way that I can tell you that Messi would not have joined us last summer...or Ibrahimovic, or even Kaka for that matter. I'm not sure why I have to justify logic which amounts to common sense...anyway.

Your next point regarding the goalposts moving. Can you be a little more specific. Did the signing of Robinho catapult us into top 4 contenders last season? The goal posts have shifted this season, because the team is Hughes' team, and the players brought in are top class...but the only people who the goalposts shifted for last season, were the supporters...

The goalposts shifted for all of us mate, especially Hughes and his team.

The expectations on them were suddenly turned up overnight given our new found wealth, yes by us supporters but also by the press and more importantly by our owners who from minute one, made it very very clear of their ambitions.

As for your point on logic, i can guarentee that you would have said the same about, Robinho or Adebayor or Toure or Tevez. Never in a million years you would have said and i can see why if im being honest but please Billy, do not make the mistake of underestimating the power and influence our owners do have as well as the pulling power of money in what is a professional game.

To sum up, Hughes was brought to the club by a previous Chairman who didnt have a pot to piss in and he wanted a manager that could do a certain job, that was to make us hard to beat and to make sure we didnt go down. Hughes would do that job all day long with no problems but then the goalsposts did move, we all suddenly had different hopes and aspirations and quite rightly so, never had a football club been given such a gift and a chance to stamp it's mark on the football world.

Much was made in the cynical and suddenly frightened press that Hughes would be gone, that our owners didnt know jackshit about football! Now i maybe wrong but i believe the press saved Hughes, the thought of the negative and histerical press our owners would have recieved had they made the choice of shipping Hughes out for a World famous and renowned coach, i believe made our owners bite the bullet, they said the right things and kept him on and gave him his chance.

70 games on with little improvement on performances, please note i use the word performances carefully and not results, and after a very well ochestrated PR campaign by Hughes and Cook for that matter, assuring the world and its dog that Hughes is the next Ferguson incarnate, many of our fans are not convinced that he is the man to take on the challenge and opportunity we have been given. We base that on the performance of the team, not his nationality or his past playing career and im convinced that our owners are thinking the same way. Hughes has been given his time, his money, his team and at the end of this season i honestly believe he will be given his P45 as well and our owners will go all out for a world class coach, someone with a track record of doing the business at the very top tables of world football. I dont harbor any bad feeling to Hughes, he is a good, steady coach but imo, that is all he is at the moment. Will he go on to be great? Hopefully yes, i really hope he does, but at this moment in time, we cant afford to wait and we shouldnt wait, pinning all our hopes on a maybe.

One thing i can gaurentee mate, our owner has got the very best in everything, i bet he doesnt have a Ferrari parked outside with a 1.0l engine in it!

Only the best will do, why should we settle for anything less and why should we apologise for adopting this stance?
spot on
blueinsa said:
The goalposts shifted for all of us mate, especially Hughes and his team.

The expectations on them were suddenly turned up overnight given our new found wealth, yes by us supporters but also by the press and more importantly by our owners who from minute one, made it very very clear of their ambitions.

As for your point on logic, i can guarentee that you would have said the same about, Robinho or Adebayor or Toure or Tevez. Never in a million years you would have said and i can see why if im being honest but please Billy, do not make the mistake of underestimating the power and influence our owners do have as well as the pulling power of money in what is a professional game.

To sum up, Hughes was brought to the club by a previous Chairman who didnt have a pot to piss in and he wanted a manager that could do a certain job, that was to make us hard to beat and to make sure we didnt go down. Hughes would do that job all day long with no problems but then the goalsposts did move, we all suddenly had different hopes and aspirations and quite rightly so, never had a football club been given such a gift and a chance to stamp it's mark on the football world.

Much was made in the cynical and suddenly frightened press that Hughes would be gone, that our owners didnt know jackshit about football! Now i maybe wrong but i believe the press saved Hughes, the thought of the negative and histerical press our owners would have recieved had they made the choice of shipping Hughes out for a World famous and renowned coach, i believe made our owners bite the bullet, they said the right things and kept him on and gave him his chance.

70 games on with little improvement on performances, please note i use the word performances carefully and not results, and after a very well ochestrated PR campaign by Hughes and Cook for that matter, assuring the world and its dog that Hughes is the next Ferguson incarnate, many of our fans are not convinced that he is the man to take on the challenge and opportunity we have been given. We base that on the performance of the team, not his nationality or his past playing career and im convinced that our owners are thinking the same way. Hughes has been given his time, his money, his team and at the end of this season i honestly believe he will be given his P45 as well and our owners will go all out for a world class coach, someone with a track record of doing the business at the very top tables of world football. I dont harbor any bad feeling to Hughes, he is a good, steady coach but imo, that is all he is at the moment. Will he go on to be great? Hopefully yes, i really hope he does, but at this moment in time, we cant afford to wait and we shouldnt wait, pinning all our hopes on a maybe.

One thing i can gaurentee mate, our owner has got the very best in everything, i bet he doesnt have a Ferrari parked outside with a 1.0l engine in it!

Only the best will do, why should we settle for anything less and why should we apologise for adopting this stance?

Ahh, the old "it was the press that saved Hughes" chestnut.

You make an impassioned argument for why our owners want the best. Now explain to me why they didn't sack Hughes in the summer, why they continue to back him both publicly and privately, and why they are continuing to let him plan, and make huge decisions regarding the club....
BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
You forgot funny

I didn't.

We make a great team. I lob them up. You smack them out of the park :)

BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
And no. Yes the money is a factor but the biggest factor is trust. I trust ADUG to do what is right for the club not solely because I think they are altruistic but because doing right by the club is in their best interests. Its a great relationship because our aims coincide. They want a harmonious, exciting football team triumphing in the most exposed and watched league in the world and reflect some of that glory and worldwide exposure onto themselves. Its a win win for everyone. Hughes simply serves a purpose towards that. If he didn't they would get rid. When he doesn't they will.

Keep've completely ignored the point I'm making. I guess for the same reason that most of the people who have the same train of thought as you have stayed out of this thread. It's uncomfortable to acknowledge that the people responsible for the raised expectations at City, are also the people responsible for continuing to trust Mark Hughes to spend their hundreds of millions of pounds, and to guide the club on their behalf...

It's an interesting juxtaposition, but it does seem to highlight the rather myopic nature of certain posters...

Or maybe I just noticed the thread. Nor does it make me uncomfortable to acknowledge that ADUG trust Hughes to guide the club - or at least the football side of things - on their behalf.

I may not agree with them on Hughes but I am an outsider looking in. I am not privy to ITK. I do not know anyone at the club, what staff are saying, what players are really thinking or have any idea of its internal workings. All I see is what 99% of the world sees and thats on the pitch or interviews in the public domain.

My opinion of Hughes has not changed since he first arrived. Hughes is not a leader of men nor does he have the 'inner steel' to bring home the prizes. I base that on what I see and hear of him and how he conducts his job in the 90 minutes where he is exposed for all the world to see.

I do expect him with the squad he has assembled and the talent now available to us to secure a top 4 spot. I said that once he had Lescott on board. I still expect us to do it even more now that Liverpool have imploded.

Hughes is an average PL manager but an average PL manager who has spent in excess of £200 million hence I expect top 4. If he cannot get top 4 with this squad then he is a bigger idiot than even I took him to be. My only doubt about getting a top 4 spot is Hughes uncanny ability to make good players look shite and great players look ordinary.

This truly remarkable talent aside its onwards and upwards with the Welsh Wizard.

PS: Oh and you have to admit Hughes does make it easy for the piss to be taken. Its a gift he has that just keeps on giving :)
BobKowalski said:
Or maybe I just noticed the thread. Nor does it make me uncomfortable to acknowledge that ADUG trust Hughes to guide the club - or at least the football side of things - on their behalf.

I may not agree with them on Hughes but I am an outsider looking in. I am not privy to ITK. I do not know anyone at the club, what staff are saying, what players are really thinking or have any idea of its internal workings. All I see is what 99% of the world sees and thats on the pitch or interviews in the public domain.

My opinion of Hughes has not changed since he first arrived. Hughes is not a leader of men nor does he have the 'inner steel' to bring home the prizes. I base that on what I see and hear of him and how he conducts his job in the 90 minutes where he is exposed for all the world to see.

I do expect him with the squad he has assembled and the talent now available to us to secure a top 4 spot. I said that once he had Lescott on board. I still expect us to do it even more now that Liverpool have imploded.

Hughes is an average PL manager but an average PL manager who has spent in excess of £200 million hence I expect top 4. If he cannot get top 4 with this squad then he is a bigger idiot than even I took him to be. My only doubt about getting a top 4 spot is Hughes uncanny ability to make good players look shite and great players look ordinary.

This truly remarkable talent aside its onwards and upwards with the Welsh Wizard.

PS: Oh and you have to admit Hughes does make it easy for the piss to be taken. Its a gift he has that just keeps on giving :)

You've been consistent in your sarcasm over the last 12 months or so, so that's something I guess...

To be honest, if I had as low an opinion of Hughes as you do - I would seriously wonder whether our owners lack of any footballing background is rendering them completely can't have one without the other. Well, you can, as you keep pointing out. I just can't suspend disbelief to that extent...

The part i've highlighted above is interesting as it is almost an admission that you're not in possession of anywhere near the full facts, so you can't really know whether Hughes is "just an average premiership manager" or something more than that...
BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
Or maybe I just noticed the thread. Nor does it make me uncomfortable to acknowledge that ADUG trust Hughes to guide the club - or at least the football side of things - on their behalf.

I may not agree with them on Hughes but I am an outsider looking in. I am not privy to ITK. I do not know anyone at the club, what staff are saying, what players are really thinking or have any idea of its internal workings. All I see is what 99% of the world sees and thats on the pitch or interviews in the public domain.

My opinion of Hughes has not changed since he first arrived. Hughes is not a leader of men nor does he have the 'inner steel' to bring home the prizes. I base that on what I see and hear of him and how he conducts his job in the 90 minutes where he is exposed for all the world to see.

I do expect him with the squad he has assembled and the talent now available to us to secure a top 4 spot. I said that once he had Lescott on board. I still expect us to do it even more now that Liverpool have imploded.

Hughes is an average PL manager but an average PL manager who has spent in excess of £200 million hence I expect top 4. If he cannot get top 4 with this squad then he is a bigger idiot than even I took him to be. My only doubt about getting a top 4 spot is Hughes uncanny ability to make good players look shite and great players look ordinary.

This truly remarkable talent aside its onwards and upwards with the Welsh Wizard.

PS: Oh and you have to admit Hughes does make it easy for the piss to be taken. Its a gift he has that just keeps on giving :)

You've been consistent in your sarcasm over the last 12 months or so, so that's something I guess...

To be honest, if I had as low an opinion of Hughes as you do - I would seriously wonder whether our owners lack of any footballing background is rendering them completely can't have one without the other. Well, you can, as you keep pointing out. I just can't suspend disbelief to that extent...

The part i've highlighted above is interesting as it is almost an admission that you're not in possession of anywhere near the full facts, so you can't really know whether Hughes is "just an average premiership manager" or something more than that...

I freely admit I do not have all the facts or even most of them. There are posters on here who are probably more aware of what is really going on than I do - yourself included I suspect.

All I can do is post my opinion based on what I observe from afar. I did the same with Frank and a lot of what I thought and said turned out to be correct. Cookie himself has come out and admitted what a lot of us suspected.

It doesn't mean I am correct about Hughes but until he starts demonstrating that he is up to the task then my opinion will be that he isn't. The predictabilty of Hughes is very annoying. Getting a bit sticky results wise and team playing like poo and lo and behold we have Ireland coming out with all that garbage rehashed from last year. Cook coming out with all the taggert references was also predictable bollocks. It drives me insane and the only relief is coming on here and being 'sarcastic, snide' (and funny you have to give me funny) because if Hughes and co going to act like tits and treat me like an idiot then I'm going to vent for a bit.

The other thing is the Sheikh himself. An avid follower of the English game and who some 14 months into this venture has still not shown his face at a City game over here. Not one. And until the Welsh Wizard has demonstrated to the Sheikh that he has cracked this football manager malarky and got his team to produce credible performances and results for longer than three matches on the bounce then my betting is that he won't be seen. I mean can you imagine the Sheiks first home game and it all goes tits. Press would have a f**king field day.

Cook and the Chairman may have faith in Hughes but it seems the Sheikh isn't prepared to bet on Hughes just yet.

Just my opinion though.

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