The Post General Election Thread

CityStu said:
karen7 said:
Oh dear immigration at highest level ever,what happened to no if's no but's 5yrs ago lol

And what would Labour have done about it? Probably invited more in.

There can be no controlled immigration with our current membership of the EU. It needs reform (that I doubt they'll agree to) or Brexit.

He made the promise and is still promising the same 5yrs later
karen7 said:
CityStu said:
karen7 said:
Oh dear immigration at highest level ever,what happened to no if's no but's 5yrs ago lol

And what would Labour have done about it? Probably invited more in.

There can be no controlled immigration with our current membership of the EU. It needs reform (that I doubt they'll agree to) or Brexit.

He made the promise and is still promising the same 5yrs later

And he is unable to fulfill that promise with the UK in the EU. It's a stupid promise to make, but also a stupid one to believe.
karen7 said:
CityStu said:
karen7 said:
Oh dear immigration at highest level ever,what happened to no if's no but's 5yrs ago lol

And what would Labour have done about it? Probably invited more in.

There can be no controlled immigration with our current membership of the EU. It needs reform (that I doubt they'll agree to) or Brexit.

He made the promise and is still promising the same 5yrs later

Socialist immigration policy.

Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', Lord Mandelson admits
Labour sent out “search parties” for immigrants in a policy which has created a “problem” for British people unable to find work, Lord Mandelson has admitted.

By Hayley Dixon8:58AM BST 14 May 2013
The former Cabinet minister confirmed for the first time that New Labour not only welcomed but actively encouraged that mass influx of migrants.
He conceded that this now poses a major difficulty for the party’s traditional supporters, according to the Daily Mail.
Earlier this year Ed Miliband admitted that the last Labour government was not “sufficiently alive to people's concerns” over immigration and his party got “the numbers wrong”.
But the party leader stopped short of admitting that immigration was too high.
Between 1997 and 2010, more than 2.2 million immigrants came to the country - more than twice the population of Birmingham – with the annual net figure quadrupling during their time in office.
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Lord Mandelson admitted: “In 2004 when as a Labour government, we were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work, we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.”
In the past senior figures have denied that they engineered immigration, and three years ago refuted suggestions from adviser Andrew Neather that they encouraged the process to make the UK “truly multicultural” as a snub to the right.
At a rally for the Blairite think-tank Progress this weekend, Lord Mandelson said that when they began the policy employment was high, but “the problem has grown” as the economy has stagnated.
They have to realise that watching people of non-British origin enter the labour market is hard for those who are finding it difficult to find and keep work.
“For these people immigration tends to loom large in their lives and in their worlds, now that is an inescapable fact, and we have to understand it, address it, engage with people in discussion about it,” he said.
Tory chairman Grant Shapps said that the admission that Labour had let immigration “spiral out of control” was “yet another damning indictment on their record on immigration.”
karen7 said:
Haha lucky,try your usual deflection job
The statement of fact was at your man,try answering that

Your a Socialist supporter , do you agree with the Socialists open door , search the World immigration policy.

Yes or no?

As for Dave , he should be ashamed of himself,a total failure and proves the point Farage was right , we do not have control of our Borders.
karen7 said:
Haha lucky,try your usual deflection job
The statement of fact was at your man,try answering that

What do you make of Ed's would-be broken promise on immigration then?


He's got no way of limiting immigration significantly whilst the UK is in the EU.

(PS. my man was Farage)
Someone post the sky report so we know what we are talking about

You can only judge someone on their record and promises not on what might have happened if you had elected them

I am in favour of a points based system so we take skilled workers and another restricted system for the rest

EU migration aside the rest is controllable i think so saying you can bring those numbers down is reasonable

Dave said judge me on it 5yrs ago and the numbers are at a record high so i'm judging it a failure
karen7 said:
Someone post the sky report so we know what we are talking about

You can only judge someone on their record and promises not on what might have happened if you had elected them

I am in favour of a points based system so we take skilled workers and another restricted system for the rest

EU migration aside the rest is controllable i think so saying you can bring those numbers down is reasonable

Dave said judge me on it 5yrs ago and the numbers are at a record high so i'm judging it a failure

If you're in favour of a points based system then you can't also have the EU. I don't have the figures to hand but I'd imagine EU immigration accounts for the vast majority of that huge immigration number. The rest has been cut down and the government plans to cut it further but in reality it's the tip of the iceberg.

I'd judge Dave a failure on it too but it's completely out of his hands. Whilst there are millions of people living in inferior economies with inferior standards of living to the UK that have a free ticket in, it'll always be out of his hands.
I believe the figure is net migration

I don't mind the movement in the EU as british people are living and working abroad as well and i wouldn't want to stop that
karen7 said:
Someone post the sky report so we know what we are talking about

You can only judge someone on their record and promises not on what might have happened if you had elected them

I am in favour of a points based system so we take skilled workers and another restricted system for the rest

EU migration aside the rest is controllable i think so saying you can bring those numbers down is reasonable

Dave said judge me on it 5yrs ago and the numbers are at a record high so i'm judging it a failure
Well said karen.
Read Dave's lips 2010
"No ifs, no buts" ( on cutting net migration to tens of thousands)
"We have no plans to raise VAT" ( raised it from 17.5 % to 20 %)
Same old Tories.
PS Dave promising to fight back by cutting down on illegal immigration which is welcome but is slightly missing the point as the net migration figures refers to legal immigrants.
PPS and now blaming the Lib Dems. YCNMIU.

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