The Post General Election Thread

karen7 said:
I believe the figure is net migration

I don't mind the movement in the EU as british people are living and working abroad as well and i wouldn't want to stop that

It is. 318k a year I think? We'd need to build a Wigan each year along with the homes, hospitals, schools and other public services that go with it to cope without putting additional strain on existing services. It's completely unrealistic.

Even without the EU, British people wanting to go and live and work abroad will be able to. Just like they can currently go and live or work in Australia, the USA or Canada.
Len Rum said:
karen7 said:
Someone post the sky report so we know what we are talking about

You can only judge someone on their record and promises not on what might have happened if you had elected them

I am in favour of a points based system so we take skilled workers and another restricted system for the rest

EU migration aside the rest is controllable i think so saying you can bring those numbers down is reasonable

Dave said judge me on it 5yrs ago and the numbers are at a record high so i'm judging it a failure
Well said karen.
Read Dave's lips 2010
"No ifs, no buts" ( on cutting net migration to tens of thousands)
"We have no plans to raise VAT" ( raised it from 17.5 % to 20 %)
Same old Tories.
PS Dave promising to fight back by cutting down on illegal immigration which is welcome but is slightly missing the point as the net migration figures refers to legal immigrants.
PPS and now blaming the Lib Dems. YCNMIU.

Dave is talking about illegal immigrants to deflect from the 318k net, we all know that , as I posted before , the only Politician to tell the truth about immigration during the Election was Farage , we have had mass immigration forced upon us and every Party except UKIP is in favour of it.
karen7 said:
Someone post the sky report so we know what we are talking about

You can only judge someone on their record and promises not on what might have happened if you had elected them

I am in favour of a points based system so we take skilled workers and another restricted system for the rest

EU migration aside the rest is controllable i think so saying you can bring those numbers down is reasonable

Dave said judge me on it 5yrs ago and the numbers are at a record high so i'm judging it a failure

It's time we put to bed the claim that Cameron's hands are tied by the EU.

Here a quote from the Office for National Statistics:

•641,000 people immigrated to the UK in 2014, a statistically significant increase from 526,000 in 2013. There were statistically significant increases for immigration of EU (non-British) citizens (up 67,000 to 268,000) and non-EU citizens (up 42,000 to 290,000). .

The Tories can't blame the Lib-Dems now, buit they will find somebody. The joke is that they are still sticking by their targets, when they know very well that they have no intention of meeting them.
It's perfectly logical for the Tories to want high immigration: immigrant keep the cost of labour down, and so lead to higher profits. Why don't they just come out and say it?
Racists nazis.

Staggering - who started the mass immigration problem!! Cameron has made it quite clear it will be tackled.

We cannot build the homes at this level which makes house prices increase even more. That is good enough reason to control our borders.

Rascal will no doubt say we don't own this country its a free world and all and sundry can come here and we will all live on a commune and share bread.

i have faith we will tell the eu what must happen or we have to leave. It will be the people choice.
SWP's back said:
Fucking funny the lefties complaining about immigration now.


The left have always complained against immigration in regards to its competitive imbalance on the economy. There's a middle ground between uncontrolled immigration that decimates the working class low training jobs and no immigration which stifles both the economy and the moral centre of the country.

My personal philosophy is to have uncontrolled immigration across all nations but politically I can see that controls and a form of protectionism is useful in the short to medium term.
Lucky13 said:
karen7 said:
Haha lucky,try your usual deflection job
The statement of fact was at your man,try answering that

Your a Socialist supporter , do you agree with the Socialists open door , search the World immigration policy.

Yes or no?

As for Dave , he should be ashamed of himself,a total failure and proves the point Farage was right , we do not have control of our Borders.

Lucky once again you prove without doubt that you have no idea what Socialism actually is.

You really must try harder to learn about politics and ideology. At the moment you are just confused by mindless illogical tory propaganda.
worsleyweb said:
Racists nazis.

Staggering - who started the mass immigration problem!! Cameron has made it quite clear it will be tackled.

We cannot build the homes at this level which makes house prices increase even more. That is good enough reason to control our borders.

Rascal will no doubt say we don't own this country its a free world and all and sundry can come here and we will all live on a commune and share bread.

i have faith we will tell the eu what must happen or we have to leave. It will be the people choice.

Racist nazis,really mark?

I commented during the election that tories just insult everyone when they don't agree with them and you haven't let me down
karen7 said:
I believe the figure is net migration

I don't mind the movement in the EU as british people are living and working abroad as well and i wouldn't want to stop that

The stupid thing is if Cameron had the bollox to class EU labour not as immigrants but as bona fide EU labour the number would have been below his figure. But his frothing RWNJs would not let him do that as they hate anybody who comes here per se.

Fact is we all have EU passports and can all work where ever we want in the EU. We dont consider the Irish, Scots and Welsh as immigrants do we so why consider Romanians as immigrants?

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