The Post General Election Thread

SWP's back said:
aguero93:20 said:
SWP's back said:
You'll be as wrong about that as you were about the election result.

He'll get fuck all because it's the end of the EU if they give the UK special status with freedom of movement and central contributions.
Want a bet?

No, not money anyway, but I stand by what I said. The UK may well leave the EU, but the Germans and French won't allow you to dictate policy, so you won't get special status. You're not in the single currency area so it's not as damaging to the currency as if one of the countries that are were to leave. To be honest I'll be rooting for the UK in any talks, the EU needs reform and any agitation by the UK puts Ireland in a stronger position, I just don't see you getting what the eurosceptic right of the Torys are pushing for.
Latest YouGov poll gives the Party of the Nation a 11 point lead over the Socialists , I can only admire Call me Dave's Leadership .

Who are these Socialists you talk about

And while we are at it, you still have not explained what you think Socialism is. I still think you have not got a clue so you are avoiding it.
Who are these Socialists you talk about

And while we are at it, you still have not explained what you think Socialism is. I still think you have not got a clue so you are avoiding it.
Go on Labour's site. They call themselves socialists b
Who are these Socialists you talk about

And while we are at it, you still have not explained what you think Socialism is. I still think you have not got a clue so you are avoiding it.

Every Labour Leader has called himself a Socialist , Labour and their Union bosses call themselves Socialists, I know it's not your idea of Socialism and never will be , so there is no point in arguing about ideology.

In other news , my Doctors surgery was still open this morning and I didn't have to pay to use it , save the NHS my arse.
Go on Labour's site. They call themselves socialists b
Yeah, but they're not proper dead good socialists, like the real socialists who know all about socialism.
I'm surprised anyone who's a socialist voted for these socialists who say they're socialist but are only a little bit socialist really.
The kind that did are obviously not socialists.
The usual doom and gloom merchants predicting that once we get from under the european jackboot they will suddenly stop all trade with the UK, utter bollocks of course, for the simple reason they sell more to us than we sell to them.
I hope they do go for a trade embargo or surcharge our goods, because we can replace most of what we buy with British made goods, and with the benefit of removal of the mountains of red tape we can do it cheaper and better, with the bonus of £33 million a day available to be invested in our industry's on top of the increased employment rates cutting the benefits bill and increasing tax revenue.
Its true there are some things we need to buy from within the eu , but again its a two way street because we are still world leaders in many areas, airlines buy Rolls engines for a reason, just as formula one teams don't base themselves here for the f*cking weather.

Do you not find it strange that the media is all over the alleged corruption in FIFA, but silent about the EU ?, an organisation so corrupt they have not been able to get the accounts signed off for f*cking years.

Wake up, vote out!
A proud day in our house , whilst eating our tea our daughter told us that she " likes David Cameron because he looks after working people"

Just hope Boris can carry on the good work that Dave continues to do.

I cant imagine how proud you will be of your little girl when she says "i dont think muslims should be allowed to fly daddy"

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