The Poznan Celebration

stand up at your peril at everton aways - the bovril brigade will have you. but then you see 6000 of us en masse on saturday and realise how vociferous we can be. i myself prefer prefer a polite clap and back to my seat myself.too old for dancing and like our sole " everton " song
shackattack said:
RBmk2 said:
Ha ha...we've gt to beat Villa first...

I must admit if it comes off then I'll get myself ready for the sight of 4,000 angry scousers with their "victim-ometer" in overdrive,eyes bulging out of thier heads.

You can only go the well so many times before it's empty though.
Moyes should remember that before he starts stirring up the hatred again.

surely you will give us 6000 plus - we took that many to chelsea..assuming we both win it will be lively to say the for moyes am not his biggest fan in fairness. but sure he will stir things up sadly

You'll get 7000. I couldn't think of anything worse than having 7000 of you spitting, whinging, racist tossers anywhere near me. Fuck, I hope Mancini has done his homework this time and we spank you back down Wales.
bluejase said:
shackattack said:
surely you will give us 6000 plus - we took that many to chelsea..assuming we both win it will be lively to say the for moyes am not his biggest fan in fairness. but sure he will stir things up sadly

You'll get 7000. I couldn't think of anything worse than having 7000 of you spitting, whinging, racist tossers anywhere near me. Fuck, I hope Mancini has done his homework this time and we spank you back down Wales.

And Chester.
we are not all racist lol...but agree 7000 of us at eastlands has a certain allure. as for spanking us back to wales not sure where you reach the assumption we have a massive fanbase there - andy nicholls apart that is<br /><br />-- Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:28 pm --<br /><br />what about ESSCLA too, biggest london supporters club apart from london teams.
shackattack said:
we are not all racist lol...but agree 7000 of us at eastlands has a certain allure. as for spanking us back to wales not sure where you reach the assumption we have a massive fanbase there - andy nicholls apart that is

You'll get 6,000.

As for the Wales part...

Everton draws the vast majority of support from Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and North Wales.
and that quote is from where? does not bother me anyway as am scouser in south so stats would say i was southern i assume
shackattack said:
Judge Roughneck said:
That's a stock response from any set of football fans when they see something different.It's called banter. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. We saw something, copied it. It looks good and we enjoy it and enjoy seeing it and we don't give a fook what anyone else thinks.

Fucking Evertonians! Someone so much as bares an arse cheek to you lot and your jamming the switchboards you bunch of jealous humourless self pitying mardy arsed terwats!

take it you do not like us then ??

Not one bit I'm afraid. Your manager is a whinging goggle eyed prick who tells tales to the media. Your Chairman is a smarmy shit who is out of his depth and tries to pass the fact that he can't take your club forward one inch as some sort of noble working class principle.
Your ground belongs in the last millenium and you'd leave it in a heartbeat if only someone would make it happen, until that time you blather on about being the people's club.
You all hate us for no other reason than it didn't happen to you, from the boardroom down.

Other than that, you're ok.
Judge Roughneck said:
shackattack said:
take it you do not like us then ??

Not one bit I'm afraid. Your manager is a whinging goggle eyed prick who tells tales to the media. Your Chairman is a smarmy shit who is out of his depth and tries to pass the fact that he can't take your club forward one inch as some sort of noble working class principle.
Your ground belongs in the last millenium and you'd leave it in a heartbeat if only someone would make it happen, until that time you blather on about being the people's club.
You all hate us for no other reason than it didn't happen to you, from the boardroom down.

Other than that, you're ok.

peoples club no longer in use to be fair...agree re kenwright and moyes, ground - never going to happen...i like city, always have as the true club in manchester. fans are grounded and live in real world.
mcfc2607 said:
Skashion said:


mancini give us .woo hoo. OMG cant belive he just waved at me.

grown men asking for a man to give them a wave is a little sad imo,as is grown men and women who have players names and numbers on the back of his or hers city shirt.

*tin hat on*

THERE IS NO MANCINI GIVE US A WAVE CHANT as has been explained to you.

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