The promise that was made

Prestwich_Blue said:
Mancio said:
your suggestion being , i guess , keep what promised and sack Mancini , right ?
Well unlike some of the abuse-spouting neanderthals on here you're obviously an intelligent lad so yes, that's what I'm suggesting. If you think about it logically, you can't "promise" a top 4 finish, money clearly isn't the issue, he got the captaincy and gets plenty of time off when he needs it.

So it can only be one of two things - either he wanted Mancini out becasue he wasn't happy with the style of play or he was pissed off with being a lone striker and wanted someone else brought in or wanted Bellamy kept in the team. At the end of the day it's all the same thing to a large degree - he wasn't happy with managerial decisions and wanted changes that the manager wasn't prepared to make.

It's quite clear now that Mancini will not be going anywhere and nor should he but the situation was very different back in March/April this year.
as much as i disagree with you there`s no excuse for abusing you
i still think you have a massively negative attitude to City
i apologise profusely but i`ve got my eye on you as i suspect quite a few people have
My first thoughts were that a promise that a specific player was to be signed at all costs, which is why the times given were significant, being the end of the transfer window.
If that was the case, everyone knows that no matter how hard the club tries, nothing is definite until the signature is on the contract.
Really really makes me laugh. You still have a few so called fans trying to blame this sort of shit on the manager and board by the back door.

Even the press are taking the clubs side on this. It really is quite amusing.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Well unlike some of the abuse-spouting neanderthals on here you're obviously an intelligent lad so yes, that's what I'm suggesting. If you think about it logically, you can't "promise" a top 4 finish, money clearly isn't the issue, he got the captaincy and gets plenty of time off when he needs it.

So it can only be one of two things - either he wanted Mancini out becasue he wasn't happy with the style of play or he was pissed off with being a lone striker and wanted someone else brought in or wanted Bellamy kept in the team. At the end of the day it's all the same thing to a large degree - he wasn't happy with managerial decisions and wanted changes that the manager wasn't prepared to make.

It's quite clear now that Mancini will not be going anywhere and nor should he but the situation was very different back in March/April this year.

If he had problems with the manager it is a bloody strange thing in the only official communique athat you put out to specefically absolve the manager as being part of the problem.

Personally I think it is about money and the 'broken promises' are I suspect some of the aspirations that have been spoken about in our selling of the 'project' that most players have spoken about being conflated into promises.
The only reason to post something like this is to wind people up. Fact.

They have changed their story several times. Tevez and his camp are pathalogical liars.

Hes never stayed at any club longer than 2 seasons. Hes pulled this shit at every club hes ever played for.

Only a fool would believe anything he or his agent said.
halpo123 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Whoah - hold on there. I'm asking a question and have made it clear on numerous occasions that I want Mancini given a fair crack of the whip and I'm really pleased with the way things are going at the moment.

I told you I had a lot of respect for the way you stuck up for your views and your consistency but that's just fucking gone.
Like i could care less what respect you have for me ,you hate mancini you covered your arse with a laughable excuse and now you`ve got your feet back under the table you`ve reverted to type like that nobhead of a mate of yours didsbury whos also peddling his shite again

Time of the month? Calm down son, your making yourself look like a right lemon.
I see the usual suspects have returned with their bullshit, anybody who thinks any club would give any player the power to sack the maneger is completely deluded.

I know there are people who just Hate Mancini, but using Tevez and his recent antics as an excuse to hate on the maneger is poor form, even for the most vile of the Mancini haters.
halpo123 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Well unlike some of the abuse-spouting neanderthals on here you're obviously an intelligent lad so yes, that's what I'm suggesting. If you think about it logically, you can't "promise" a top 4 finish, money clearly isn't the issue, he got the captaincy and gets plenty of time off when he needs it.

So it can only be one of two things - either he wanted Mancini out becasue he wasn't happy with the style of play or he was pissed off with being a lone striker and wanted someone else brought in or wanted Bellamy kept in the team. At the end of the day it's all the same thing to a large degree - he wasn't happy with managerial decisions and wanted changes that the manager wasn't prepared to make.

It's quite clear now that Mancini will not be going anywhere and nor should he but the situation was very different back in March/April this year.
as much as i disagree with you there`s no excuse for abusing you
i still think you have a massively negative attitude to City
i apologise profusely but i`ve got my eye on you as i suspect quite a few people have

funny you should say that.
de niro said:
halpo123 said:
as much as i disagree with you there`s no excuse for abusing you
i still think you have a massively negative attitude to City
i apologise profusely but i`ve got my eye on you as i suspect quite a few people have

funny you should say that.

I noticed the abrupt change of heart with a wry smile too.

He reverted to PMing me ;-)

Well done De Nero/Mods.

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