The promise that was made

Sultana of Brunei said:
halpo123 said:
Like i could care less what respect you have for me ,you hate mancini you covered your arse with a laughable excuse and now you`ve got your feet back under the table you`ve reverted to type like that nobhead of a mate of yours didsbury whos also peddling his shite again

Time of the month? Calm down son, your making yourself look like a right lemon.
yeah your right i just sometimes stick up for my club when maybe i should just listen.Lemon though ?might get you a warning that ;)
It’s a simple fact that some people like to argue, it doesn’t matter what about. Looking at the facts and what has transpired it’s hard not to think that people going down these lines are either stupid or simply wums trying to get a rise out of the more gullible.

As I said I just find it amusing, great little angle trying to draw in the manager and board into it though.
Does his agent have a check list of possible excuses he's working his way down in a desperate attempt to win public support?

1. He's homesick, he misses his babies, it's all about the children. (Except he just had 4 days off and went to Tenerife instead).

2. I give so much, I'm just to tired, I want to retire. (I especially want to retire to Real Madrid)

3. He has a strained relationship with the Manager. (except his statement says no he doesn't)

4. It's Cook and Marwood! (except he has only ever met them a couple of times, they don't share a common language)

5. It's broken promises (But I can't tell you which ones because....well...just because OK)

6. It's because we didn't make the CL this season. (We were so busy n the summer we didn't notice we hadnt qualified until after the summer window closed).

What next? A terminal disease? Religious conversion means he wants to leave to be a buddhist monk?

This is a like a weird new kind of advent calendar, a new surprise every day.

Every day he looks a bigger fool
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mancio said:
your suggestion being , i guess , keep what promised and sack Mancini , right ?
Well unlike some of the abuse-spouting neanderthals on here you're obviously an intelligent lad so yes, that's what I'm suggesting. If you think about it logically, you can't "promise" a top 4 finish, money clearly isn't the issue, he got the captaincy and gets plenty of time off when he needs it.

So it can only be one of two things - either he wanted Mancini out becasue he wasn't happy with the style of play or he was pissed off with being a lone striker and wanted someone else brought in or wanted Bellamy kept in the team. At the end of the day it's all the same thing to a large degree - he wasn't happy with managerial decisions and wanted changes that the manager wasn't prepared to make.

It's quite clear now that Mancini will not be going anywhere and nor should he but the situation was very different back in March/April this year.

The timelines don't add up. If my memory serves me right we mostly didn't play Tevez as a lone striker during the second part of last season when Mancini came in. We played a lot of games with Ade, Bellamy, AJ and Tevez (barring injuries or suspensions) and even Benjani had a run in the team so how could he be pissed off with a system that wasn't being played when he was allegedly made these promises during the summer?
alera said:
It’s a simple fact that some people like to argue, it doesn’t matter what about. Looking at the facts and what has transpired it’s hard not to think that people going down these lines are either stupid or simply wums trying to get a rise out of the more gullible.

As I said I just find it amusing, great little angle trying to draw in the manager and board into it though.

Was that the same principle when Bellamy came all with all those nice poetically constructed rosie statements about Cook and Mancini when he went on loan to Cardiff?

Were people who saw straight through that load of PR nonsense (we do this for you Craig, you keep your mouth shut in return) all WUM's too? Jesus, I'd rather live in the guillible world. Appears much easier.

IF it is relating to Mancini, then of course the season unfolding as it has (chelsea, utd and arsenal dropping more points at this stage of the season collectively than in previous seasons and us getting right in the mix) .. has clearly made the board re-think the alleged 'promise'.

My question to the OP, is if you take this part of the quote (Kia) to be truthful,

"They wanted to wait until 1st September to address the issues he had because they wanted to concentrate on the transfer window. Through September, Carlos again began to get disillusioned because his viewpoint was it was not happening. His view was that they had agreed and spoke and promises were made to him and now the window was closed these issues were not being resolved"

Why would they say to Tevez, 'we will get rid of him but after the transfer window - when he has identified his players?' (unless it wasn't Mancini who identified them). So the alleged promise was - we will sack him in September? And Tevez merely sat waiting throughout that month?

I'm not sure it all adds up. If it is related to Mancini, I suspect it might be other issues?
halpo123 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?
in your opinion,stirring twat,didn`t take you long to revert back to your anti mancini stance did it ?prick
and please dont throw the COC at me cause it doesn`t fuckin wash your a shitstirring fucker

That is unfair. I am and have always been a Mancini inner (for want of a better phrase) but it has more than just crossed my mind that this could well have been one of the promises that was made to Tevez.

johnmc said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?

The statement said tevez has no issue with Mancini and I havent seen any evidence to suggest otherwise.

Most people on here have said that they think the statement was full of bull shit, it is only this one bit that people are choosing to believe, presumably because it suits us to believe it. There has been plenty to suggest that Tevez has an issue with Mancini including the bust up at half time during the Newcastle match and the Bolton substitution thing. Also, I am pretty sure I remember Tevez admitting at the start of the season that his relationship with Mancini was difficult. I am thankful the statement didn't cite Mancini as a problem as it would have been a nightmare but I don't believe for one minute that Tevez likes playing for him.
SingBlue said:
Does his agent have a check list of possible excuses he's working his way down in a desperate attempt to win public support?

1. He's homesick, he misses his babies, it's all about the children. (Except he just had 4 days off and went to Tenerife instead).

2. I give so much, I'm just to tired, I want to retire. (I especially want to retire to Real Madrid)

3. He has a strained relationship with the Manager. (except his statement says no he doesn't)

4. It's Cook and Marwood! (except he has only ever met them a couple of times, they don't share a common language)

5. It's broken promises (But I can't tell you which ones because....well...just because OK)

6. It's because we didn't make the CL this season. (We were so busy n the summer we didn't notice we hadnt qualified until after the summer window closed).

What next? A terminal disease? Religious conversion means he wants to leave to be a buddhist monk?

This is a like a weird new kind of advent calendar, a new surprise every day.

Every day he looks a bigger fool
Don't forget the exhausting 2-a-day training sessions.
Twice wasn't it?
I asked the same question in another thread a few days ago about what these promises supposedly were (and KJ says he can prove it...though you obvioulsy have to take that wiht a huge pinch of salt)
It could be any of the following though with some the time lines dont match up

1. I agree itcould be abut maybe senior executives promising to change the manager if we didnt get champs league...that would fit in with the time line of tev being pissed off since summer. After all he was set a target opf top 4 and didnt achieve that.

2. or could it have been a promise about players we were buying (or trying to). Again Im thinking of rooney...tev has always stated his admiration of rooney and maybe cook et al were over confident of getting him????

3. there is also the issue of boot deals/image rights etc which ive read not directly about his contract but something to do with his earning potential...maybe he was promised something and its not materialised

4. Another poss (but prob not realistic) is that we all know tev has never been a fan of RM's training methods/ it what you want...maybe someone promised to try and get RM to change that and hasnt done so??????

5....or is it about the players we have sold....again tev seeme to have a real liking to playing with bellamy...could it be this...though that wouldnt fit in with the timeline

Im sure we will never ever get to the bottom of it..what ever the utcome (tev staying or going) side will say something...the other will refute it and it will never be resolved (well nto as far as the fans are aware anyway)

all I want is it to sort itself out...for me the best way is tev staying and sorting out his issues (and likewise the club sorting out theirs)..he will never drop KJ as his advisor but the main thing is that he is a world class player who if we lose him we will struggle to replace regardless of how much cash we throw around.
The idea that a player with an agent as experienced as KJ would choose the week that the team is in it's best league position in 30 years to bring up some kind of get rid of the manager clause is frankly ridiculous.

It's about money and no amount of spin can change that. It's always about the money.

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