The promise that was made

Joorabchian is just a money grabbing tosser as we all know. They even got West Ham to employ him as their transfer adviser, he was still on the books a couple of years after Tevez left.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?
your suggestion being , i guess , keep what promised and sack Mancini , right ?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?
Why am i not suprised, you come to this conclusion? :)

I honestly think you would pick Tevez over Mancini!

Tevez for president! and Kia for CEO!

Thanks for adding flavour to this forum!!
halpo123 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?
in your opinion,stirring twat,didn`t take you long to revert back to your anti mancini stance did it ?prick
and please dont throw the COC at me cause it doesn`t fuckin wash your a shitstirring fucker
bit strong that.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?

PMSL. You're a brave man PB with this lot sniffing around for scapegoat blood.

I suspect it's a factor. It certainly was in the summer. In fact this seems to have been the point that the board and the agent really came to blows. Anyone who thinks they don't have a difficult relationship is deluding themselves.

There maybe a can of worms out there, but I don't think it's anyone's interests to open it, particularly Tevez's.
It is my understanding from sources within the club,that the issue is down to a lack of repect for whatever reason between Tevez and Mancini, Apparantly they have had a massive dressing room bust up (we are talking 30 minutes+), all the other players were asked to leave and security were put on the door.
Looking at some of the other threads there may be have been an indication that Mancini would go and hasn't hence the broken promises. What makes it worse is that Tevez has tried to get the players against Mancini, in a vaote of confidence,but quite rightly the club are supporting Mancini.
If, and when I hear more I will post it.
Prestwich_Blue said:
halpo123 said:
in your opinion,stirring twat,didn`t take you long to revert back to your anti mancini stance did it ?prick
and please dont throw the COC at me cause it doesn`t fuckin wash your a shitstirring fucker
Whoah - hold on there. I'm asking a question and have made it clear on numerous occasions that I want Mancini given a fair crack of the whip and I'm really pleased with the way things are going at the moment.

I told you I had a lot of respect for the way you stuck up for your views and your consistency but that's just fucking gone.
Like i could care less what respect you have for me ,you hate mancini you covered your arse with a laughable excuse and now you`ve got your feet back under the table you`ve reverted to type like that nobhead of a mate of yours didsbury whos also peddling his shite again
Mancio said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Joorabchian has been mouthing off about promises made that he feels haven't been kept.

IMO this relates to the managerial situation. City players who had issues with Mancini at that time were allegedly told he would be going, then two weeks later that he wouldn't. So is this what KJ is alluding to?
your suggestion being , i guess , keep what promised and sack Mancini , right ?
Well unlike some of the abuse-spouting neanderthals on here you're obviously an intelligent lad so yes, that's what I'm suggesting. If you think about it logically, you can't "promise" a top 4 finish, money clearly isn't the issue, he got the captaincy and gets plenty of time off when he needs it.

So it can only be one of two things - either he wanted Mancini out becasue he wasn't happy with the style of play or he was pissed off with being a lone striker and wanted someone else brought in or wanted Bellamy kept in the team. At the end of the day it's all the same thing to a large degree - he wasn't happy with managerial decisions and wanted changes that the manager wasn't prepared to make.

It's quite clear now that Mancini will not be going anywhere and nor should he but the situation was very different back in March/April this year.
I cant find any qoute,source of any kind that, Mancini would only get half a year? i dont understand where all this comes from? or where it started.
Who cares ? Its clearly more lies. Even the press are not falling for this bullshit so why should we. I am bored of this already. The Sheik doesnt want to sell him in January and the only club that cant afford him wont pay he money then. So he is here to the end of the season end of story.

He can get on with it and carry on playing well or train with the reserves on his own for 6 months. Those are the options.

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