The Rapture (Return of Christ) & Doomsday Predicted

Damocles said:
tonea2003 said:
a little confused here so help me out

one such passage

If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.

so what does this refer to and many others within the bible where hell is mentioned

The Bible wasn't written in English. The people who did the translations did so with an agenda. The original words are discussed above.

The bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, this was then translated into Latin in the 4th Century and was the only bible allowed by the church for a long time. It wasn't until the 14th Century that it was translated into English, and not by the church but by people that felt everybody should be allowed to read it, this was the beginning of the protestant reformation, during which time many people were killed by the church. It was an offence punishable by burning at the stake to be in possession of an english bible, no trial no judge, you were just killed. So whilst it wasn't written in English, the people that translated it were in great danger from the church so I don't think the agenda was there to promote the church.

Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, along with the mastoretic (sp?) text which was written in Hebrew and as far as I know is still the standard used in modern day synagogues (and is the Old Testament exactly as you would find in the bible), there is strong evidence that the translations and copies that have been made down the years are very accurate to the original text. The Dead Sea Scrolls date to 200BC I believe.

Additionally, great care was taken in copying the text, the Jews created a complex mathematical system of counting words and letters to ensure that each copy was exactly the same as the original, if a single error was made the whole scroll was destroyed by fire to ensure that no mistakes were present in the copy.

The people that translated and copied the bible were in great danger from Rome originally but also from the church (Roman Catholic church) at the time so I don't think it's something that was taken lightly.

-- Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:58 pm --

Damocles said:
jamiegrimble said:
Hell=Purgatory,Limbo is a catholic theory.Probably being rethought considering the Vatican stance now,in the light of new revelation. As far as I can remember there are 3 Greek words for Hell in the Good Book. Off the top of my head they are.
Gehenna= A Continual fire that burns. I think in olden days in Israel there was a dumping ground for the bodies of criminals that were considered to evil to bury among the population. So there was a kind of tip, where they, and the sick such as lepers were taken to be burned. This fire was always burning, apparently. Gehenna I think is the symbol of the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation.
Tartaroo= A dungeon or place of containment, where spirit beings or sinning angels are kept in chains, until judgement day. I think that’s in the book of Jude.
Hades= A kind of hole in the ground, where you would retrieve, let’s say a potato. But its of the earth.
Im no expert and am willing to be educated by a more knowledgeable person on the subject.Not sure if my spelling of the Greek words are correct either. What I wrote is how I remember, what I was taught from the Good Book.

Hades and Shoea literally mean grave. Not sure about Tartaroo, might have something to do with Tartarus which was a Greek dungeon.

Gehenna is a town.

I'm not sure what you're getting at but not sure that this proves that the bible doesn't mention hell. Jesus was using ideas that the people would understand to explain something they couldn't imagine. How would you explain snow to a desert hermit for example?

Gehenna was a town but as jamiegrimble mentioned there was a fire there that was continually burning, Jesus was using that too demonstrate that it would be a place of great pain and torment where the flame never goes out.

Hades and Shoea (or Sheol) demonstrate that it's somewhere that you may go to after you die, also, since Jesus hadn't died yet, and therefore people couldn't be properly forgiven yet, it was considered a place that people went too to await judgement/Jesus. I think this is where the Catholics get the idea of purgatory from, but Jesus abolished that, 1 Peter talks about Jesus when he was buried going into the grave (Sheol) to preach to the people there and to conquer death, and he returned with the keys to the grave.

In other places Jesus talks about it being better to get into heaven missing an eye or an arm, than go to Hell, doesn't really describe Hell except to say that it's not going to be pleasant.

Jesus also calls hell a place of eternal darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, Revelation talks about a lake of fire. I think He doesn't describe Hell much because he doesn't want anybody to go there.<br /><br />-- Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:02 pm --<br /><br />
SkyBlueFlux said:
The way I always saw it.

If some of the genuinely good people I know (people who have spent their lives helping others) are 'sent to hell' because they can't bring themselves to believe in something without proper evidence, then I'd quite willingly follow them into eternal damnation.

If heaven is some exclusive club for people who 'saw it coming' and everybody else was excluded, then I don't want to go to heaven. It seems a contradiction towards everything heaven is supposed to entail.

Either way, I don't believe in heaven and hell. I can't help but see it as 'wishful thinking' for people who can't stand the thought that when you die... you die.

Heaven is not in the least an exclusive club, everybody is welcome, in fact the owner would prefer it if everybody came. Gonna be a great party :-)
Matty said:
philinho said:
Except that the rapture is predicted in the bible so they're getting their information from the bible, I simply replied using the same source.

Your opinion about the bible, is your opinion not fact, my opinion is different to your opinion, that's ok...

So the heavens and the Earth were created in 7 days? Woman was formed from mans rib? My opinion is that these are ridiculous statements and completely untrue. I'd go as far as to say it's a FACT that these things are completely untrue, ergo the bible is storytelling and NOT fact.

If you, or anyone else, wishes to believe in what the bible says then so be it, but just because you believe in something doesn't mean it's not, in actuality, a load of rubbish. My niece believes in Father Christmas, my family allows her to believe in this, however her belief in him doesn't make him any more real, or me any more wrong for saying he doesn't exist.

you should read Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, in it he say's that Gods exist only because folk believe in them and the more people who believe then the bigger the God. On that basis Father Christmas is pretty powerful
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Here's that video mate.

Did you get chance to watch this Phil? I should be able to fill in any gaps where the video isn't clear.

Just watched the video, superb presentation, glad I watched it with the speakers on because the soundtrack especially was brilliant! It's a decent explanation of one possibility, but I don't think it explains what happened, but not how it happened. For example, how did the trilobyte change into the fish. If it happened over billions of years, where are all the inbetween bits? In the section about the fish growing legs, what advantage did the fish get (assuming natural selection) by having stumpy legs, surely that would slow it down in the water making it more easy to catch? Again, if it happened over billions of years, there must have been more than one to develop this mutation at the same time and to meet another one that was also developing the same mutation at the same time in order for them to reproduce and the mutation to continue. During this time, they had to find other animals with similar mutations, whilst avoiding being eaten etc...

It just seems that it's highly unlikely, the only argument being that given enough time anything is possible, but I just don't buy it, like I said earlier it seems to me that it requires at least as much faith as a belief in a deity. Apologies if I've missed anything.

I do have some more questions though...

I get what you're saying about the missing link, but I still don't think it covers it. If the start was a series of cells, at some point they had to turn into something, if everything on earth started out the same, and now we have millions of different creatures at some point one creature must have changed into another creature.

If this took billions of years, why can't we see anything that is halfway between one thing and another. If it happened spontaneously, why does it not still happen now?

Regarding the age of the earth, can you explain what the current thinking is, and how the age of the earth is determined? Is it through the different strata of the earth, carbon dating, red shift etc? because it seems to me they are all based on assumptions which may or may not be true... strata may not always form at the same rate etc, carbon dating assumes the thing was entirely carbon at the beginning, red shift requires the big bang or a single starting point for everything.

What's your opinion on the fish fossils on mountain tops I mentioned earlier?

What's your opinion on why humans are considerably more developed/intelligent than every other creature on earth?

You mentioned that there is the idea of an intelligent designer in current scientific thinking, can you go into that in a bit more detail?

Isn't it the case that things tend to degrade in quality rather than increase? mutations in people very rarely improve them for example, houses left alone crumble and fall (poor example I know but I've had a long day :-)) so how is this considered in evolution (not so much natural selection), similarly animals (lions for example) that are deformed are generally left by the herd to fight for themselves and therefore have virtually 0 chance of survival in the world.

How much of this is proven in labs and on what scale? Obviously, no one was around billions of years ago so how can we be certain of these things?

Whats your opinion on why? Like the video said at the end?
Sorry for all the questions, but thinking about this all weekend :-)
Damocles said:
Speaking of poems/stories, this is an interesting one that depps may enjoy:

The Egg
By: Andy Weir

I actually remember you posting that before Damocles and not really being very impressed by it... on a second reading though it is starting to grow on me.
I think what fascinates me about the whole kind of perception of God as the entirety of existence is the way it seems to mirror modern science i.e. that all matter originated from the big bang and that there is a limited amount that is constantly recycled forming new beings, planets etc. (excuse me if my understanding of the science is a bit off). It seems such a shame that this relatively enlightened and necessarily inclusive conception of god was replaced by a bearded bigot living on a cloud.

I only became aware of this element of Gnostic Christianity recently enough but have long been fascinated by Sufi Islam. There are some strands of that that it would be hard to describe as anything other than atheist, where Allah is explicitly understood to be the universe/existence rather than a personal god of any sort.

On the topic of biblical translation/mistranslation: I was reading an article today that was saying our translation of the Lords Prayer ("Our father, who art in heaven" .... you know the one) is wrong and rather than "trespass" or "sin" it should read "Give us our daily bread and forgive us our DEBTS". The point being that really this was a political rather than moral demand asking for the Romans to provide bread for the Jews like they did for citizens and embrace the Jewish tradition of debt forgiveness for the poor every 50 years.

Do any of you biblical scholars know if this is true? I've looked up the Latin version and it does indeed say 'debita' but this could have more than one meaning and of course I can't make head nor tail of the Greek version.
Matty said:
philinho said:
Except that the rapture is predicted in the bible so they're getting their information from the bible, I simply replied using the same source.

Your opinion about the bible, is your opinion not fact, my opinion is different to your opinion, that's ok...

So the heavens and the Earth were created in 7 days? Woman was formed from mans rib? My opinion is that these are ridiculous statements and completely untrue. I'd go as far as to say it's a FACT that these things are completely untrue, ergo the bible is storytelling and NOT fact.

If you, or anyone else, wishes to believe in what the bible says then so be it, but just because you believe in something doesn't mean it's not, in actuality, a load of rubbish. My niece believes in Father Christmas, my family allows her to believe in this, however her belief in him doesn't make him any more real, or me any more wrong for saying he doesn't exist.

What are you basing this opinion on? How do you know it's untrue?<br /><br />-- Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:40 pm --<br /><br />
depps said:
On the topic of biblical translation/mistranslation: I was reading an article today that was saying our translation of the Lords Prayer ("Our father, who art in heaven" .... you know the one) is wrong and rather than "trespass" or "sin" it should read "Give us our daily bread and forgive us our DEBTS". The point being that really this was a political rather than moral demand asking for the Romans to provide bread for the Jews like they did for citizens and embrace the Jewish tradition of debt forgiveness for the poor every 50 years.

I'm no bible scholar, but I have an opinion on it which might help.

I think you are right, and many english translations use the term debt. You and I understand that to mean financial debt and therefore make the connection that it's a political statement but that's not necessarily true. We talk even today about 'owing' people an apology, or being indebted to somebody, it doesn't just mean financial it can mean lots of things. When we sin we owe God something, which means we have a debt to him, Jesus' sacrifice means that he can forgive us our debts/sins.

The daily bread thing is about God being the provider of everything we need, Jesus also refers to bible as being the bread of life, so it's simply asking God to provide the things that we need in life, not the Romans.

Hope that helps
philinho said:
If this took billions of years, why can't we see anything that is halfway between one thing and another. If it happened spontaneously, why does it not still happen now?

Philinho I hope you don't mind if I jump in here but I just want to say go check out turtles on the various islands of the Galapagos for excellent examples of evolution in action between different variety of the same species. The conditions on all these islands are very different so you can actually see how natural selection has acted on them to adapt them to their own unique environment. For example, on some Islands the main source of food are leaves from the branches of some tree so these turtles have developed longer necks than on the other islands to let them to exploit this source of food more freely and so on. The different types of life on the Galapagos actually played a big role in Darwin's theory.

As for why you can't actually see it happening, well it takes generations for these changes to become evident. Its not like an animal is just born one day with a neck twice as long as its parents. Its neck might only be a millimeter longer but this will give it an advantage when it comes to surviving (and any other turtles with slightly longer necks will also have an advantage. The mutation doesn't have to just be in one individual). Turtles with longer necks are more likely to survive, therefore more likely to mate and that way the mutation spreads and becomes more pronounced. Its pretty much impossible to actually observe this taking place in the natural world in one persons life time though. Thats why you can't actually see anything that appears to be halfway between two things, it happens at a very slow place... plus in a sequence A>B>C its pretty hard to judge if B is halfway between A and C when C doesn't exist yet.
depps said:
philinho said:
If this took billions of years, why can't we see anything that is halfway between one thing and another. If it happened spontaneously, why does it not still happen now?

Philinho I hope you don't mind if I jump in here but I just want to say go check out turtles on the various islands of the Galapagos for excellent examples of evolution in action between different variety of the same species. The conditions on all these islands are very different so you can actually see how natural selection has acted on them to adapt them to their own unique environment. For example, on some Islands the main source of food are leaves from the branches of some tree so these turtles have developed longer necks than on the other islands to let them to exploit this source of food more freely and so on. The different types of life on the Galapagos actually played a big role in Darwin's theory.

As for why you can't actually see it happening, well it takes generations for these changes to become evident. Its not like an animal is just born one day with a neck twice as long as its parents. Its neck might only be a millimeter longer but this will give it an advantage when it comes to surviving (and any other turtles with slightly longer necks will also have an advantage. The mutation doesn't have to just be in one individual). Turtles with longer necks are more likely to survive, therefore more likely to mate and that way the mutation spreads and becomes more pronounced. Its pretty much impossible to actually observe this taking place in the natural world in one persons life time though. Thats why you can't actually see anything that appears to be halfway between two things, it happens at a very slow place... plus in a sequence A>B>C its pretty hard to judge if B is halfway between A and C when C doesn't exist yet.

Hi mate, no problem with you jumping, everyone's welcome :-)

I agree with what you're saying, but i don't think it quite explains what I'm getting at. Natural selection I can agree with, it's plain to see that the strong get stronger and the example you gave is a perfect example of it.

However, all that is demonstrating is that turtles can grow longer necks over time, but they're still turtles, they haven't fundamentally changed in any way, they are still a turtle.

Regarding the A>B>C thing, again a great point, however if this is going on all the time, and has been going on for billions of years, at a very slow pace surely we should see species that are between evolutionary cycles? All I see are A's and C's

Don't feel like I've explained my thinking very well, but I hope it makes sense...<br /><br />-- Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:09 pm --<br /><br />
Damocles said:
The Bible wasn't written in English. The people who did the translations did so with an agenda. The original words are discussed above.

Here's another thought I've just had whilst washing the pots.

According to the bible, when Jesus was on earth, the only people he was critical of was the religious people, he was very aggressive towards the religious leaders at the time, and preached a message of love, forgiveness, peace, and grace to all, yet as you said earlier, the established church (Catholics specifically and Anglicans to a lesser extent) teach a message of guilt and penitence, so if the church was translating the bible with an agenda, surely it would be written with a message along those lines, rather than the exact opposite?
philinho said:
I'm no bible scholar, but I have an opinion on it which might help.

I think you are right, and many english translations use the term debt. You and I understand that to mean financial debt and therefore make the connection that it's a political statement but that's not necessarily true. We talk even today about 'owing' people an apology, or being indebted to somebody, it doesn't just mean financial it can mean lots of things. When we sin we owe God something, which means we have a debt to him, Jesus' sacrifice means that he can forgive us our debts/sins.

The daily bread thing is about God being the provider of everything we need, Jesus also refers to bible as being the bread of life, so it's simply asking God to provide the things that we need in life, not the Romans.

Hope that helps

I've actually never come across the use of the term debt in an English translation before, I was brought up Catholic though so maybe that's why... although I have just realised the Irish version does use the word debt. I probably should have realised that before as that's the language I learned it in first but Catholicism is more about repeating the formula rather than understanding what you are saying so its not really surprising.

I understand what you are saying, that's basically the traditional interpretation of the prayer. This article was arguing though that we should understand it to be more literal in meaning.

Here is the article if you want to check it out: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
depps said:
philinho said:
I'm no bible scholar, but I have an opinion on it which might help.

I think you are right, and many english translations use the term debt. You and I understand that to mean financial debt and therefore make the connection that it's a political statement but that's not necessarily true. We talk even today about 'owing' people an apology, or being indebted to somebody, it doesn't just mean financial it can mean lots of things. When we sin we owe God something, which means we have a debt to him, Jesus' sacrifice means that he can forgive us our debts/sins.

The daily bread thing is about God being the provider of everything we need, Jesus also refers to bible as being the bread of life, so it's simply asking God to provide the things that we need in life, not the Romans.

Hope that helps

I've actually never come across the use of the term debt in an English translation before, I was brought up Catholic though so maybe that's why... although I have just realised the Irish version does use the word debt. I probably should have realised that before as that's the language I learned it in first but Catholicism is more about repeating the formula rather than understanding what you are saying so its not really surprising.

I understand what you are saying, that's basically the traditional interpretation of the prayer. This article was arguing though that we should understand it to be more literal in meaning.

Here is the article if you want to check it out: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Interesting article (though I must admit, I didn't read it all) but I think he's taking the prayer out of the context of Jesus' life and message, and making it fit what he is trying to say... something that unfortunately is very easy to do and is often do by religious people.

For example, Jesus in many places refers to God as his father and also as our father, so when he says 'Our Father' why would we assume that he meant that as a sign of respect to an authority figure, rather than actually his dad? Also, I think I mentioned that in many places (John 14 for example), he talks about the bible as being bread and food, so again why would we assume that Jesus meant some political right?

Jesus on the whole avoided politics in my opinion, but when he does, his advice is to obey the rulers (where it isn't contrary to Gods law) and do as is required, paying tax for example so again, why would Jesus be asking God to change the political systems etc?

Like I said, I didn't read it all so if he explains that later let me know, and I'll read it properly :-)
My apologies in advance to anybody who has studied genetics or evolutionary biology here, as I'm really going to bastardise some points for the sake of simplification and brevity.

philinho said:
Just watched the video, superb presentation, glad I watched it with the speakers on because the soundtrack especially was brilliant! It's a decent explanation of one possibility, but I don't think it explains what happened, but not how it happened.

That's the thing that I'm trying to get it, this is what we can absolutely prove DID happen. It is based on evidence, logic and observation. Sometimes, theories are like a jigsaw that need to be fit together, there's an excellent story about how the Big Bang theory went from the random musings of an ancient Ionian scholar to the proven scientific theory that we see today. It involves everything from religious persecution, jealousy, nuclear synthesis, gluttony, several large scoops of genius, solar eclipses, priests and pigeon shit.

One of the most important physicists who ever lived, who was the first to establish the truly scientific idea of the Big Bang was a Catholic Priest called Lemaitre.

I think that you have mistyped the last sentence in the above. If you meant to say that the video shows what happened, but not how, then I do agree. I just needed to show it as that creates the framework of information and we can fill in the rest of the structure with questions so that you at least have the opportunity to examine the evidence yourself. I actually came up with the idea of finding that video again because I wanted to explain planet formation as per your earlier question and didn't want to bore everybody with a crash course on cosmology to explain the early protoplanetry discs.

For example, how did the trilobyte change into the fish. If it happened over billions of years, where are all the inbetween bits? In the section about the fish growing legs, what advantage did the fish get (assuming natural selection) by having stumpy legs, surely that would slow it down in the water making it more easy to catch?

I'm about to explain a big bit of evolution here, so I might miss some stuff out either due to lack of research or lack of knowledge.

I suppose that the first big hurdle to tackle is abiogenesis, or the origin of life on the planet. There are numerous hypothesis on exactly how this occurred, but we don't yet know the absolute answer. When I talk of life, I'm not talking of life as we know it, we can see where that came from using, for example, the Miller-Urey experiment:


This creates the amino acids that start to bind together to create the proteins that creates the first ever RNA, which eventually leads to DNA. Now, I wouldn't really call this evolution, more of a fluke, a chemical reaction - just like turning water into steam isn't evolution so to speak. It's a really deep subject on how exactly that happened, but it is to do with the structure of the proteins, RNA and eventually DNA (think of two things 'hooking together'). It isn't unlike a computer. DNA is programming language, RNA is the machine code and the proteins are the processor's switches. Sort of.
It is currently unknown in which order all of these appeared, and research is still going on.

Eventually, something approaching cells appeared. This is the thing to remember here, reproduction of these things happened ridiculously quickly, their generations are seconds long. It took a billion years to get to anything approaching what we would even recognise as a cell and even then it didn't have a nucleus. That's trillions upon trillions of generations to get to there. We know these things exist even today as nanobacteria

Once these molecules became cells, this is where evolution first started, before that it is more chemical reactions driving the production of 'life'.

For an understanding of the first ever life on the planet (well, undisputed life), there's a PDF available here, which dates it at around 3.5 billion years ago.

Now we are at a point of having simple, single celled organisms. From here, as you can imagine, natural selection starts to take over for a couple of billion years to form many different species of them; some adapted to hot oceans, some cold, etc. The interesting ones are the ones that started to feed off of nitrogen and output oxygen as a byproduct of this. Some believe that this is how the atmosphere first became oxygenated. It's only a hypothesis for now, but there's some evidence to suggest it.

From single celled, we eventually get multi celled organisms. This is perhaps the most important step ever taken in the story of life. These little bacteria figured out that their job was much easier if they had one cell that focused on reproduction, one cell that focused on food, etc. Just as dual core processors split the workload thus are more efficient, instead of breaking off from each other when using asexual reproduction, they would just 'stick'. This massive paradigm shift needed to happen otherwise all of the other animals to come wouldn't have existed. Single celled life IS successful, as we can see today with the various species still around, but multicellular life was MORE successful.

Somewhere around this time, sexual reproduction started occurring rather than asexual. The reasons why are pretty simple; it is advantageous because new genetic material produces the product of the strongest of the two sets of genes.

I should also mention that some life developed symbiotic relationships with each other, in which they had a mutual gain from living inside of it. Coral, for example, has millions of bacteria living on it, stripping away the unneeded or dead cells allowing energy to be focused on growing newer and healthier cells. Human digestive system is also a good analogy here. You have to remember this as how things like predators appeared later and how plants appeared on land. Competition for energy is absolutely everything, and most used food as a source (whereas plants eventually learnt how to photosynthesise).

Once we have sexual reproduction and multi celled organisms, everything kind of exploded. Think of how many different possible variations that there were for those cells to be arranged in, and how sexual reproduction would produce even newer species with completely different adaptations to it. Thus we end up with hard shelled trilobyte type creations (I'm missing sponges, flatworms and just loads of stuff here)

[Edited thanks to correction by ElanJo]

Bear in mind when I say all of this that "they did XXX" is just a stupid term to describe evolution; it's just shorter than saying "a genetic mutation caused XXX which made them more successful at competing for food, thus their genes were passed down through reproduction and their offspring also had the same physical characteristics".

Your fish legs idea is a good question. Yes, there were animals that had 'stumpy flippers' for legs and were generally pretty shit. However, they were successful because not only could they swim and pick up food in the water, but they were then able to get food off of land, diversifying their food sources. As they evolved, their flippers began to bear more of their weight and eventually turn into the legs that we see today. Here's a picture guide of three seperate species that shows the link:

Water only Panderichthys

Amphibious Acanthostega:

The 'transitional species' that you asked about before, Tiktaalik:

Obviously, these are just pictures, but you can google their names on Google Images and find the actual fossils. The Tiktaalik was the first known animal to have a wrist bone in their flipper, which meant that it could bear some of the weight of it's body when feeling the previously unfelt force of gravity.

I could continue on, but this is getting a bit long. Needless to say, there are transitional species for each major evolutionary effect that we have found in the fossil record. If you have any specific questions, please ask and I'll try my best to find you the evidence.

Again, if it happened over billions of years, there must have been more than one to develop this mutation at the same time and to meet another one that was also developing the same mutation at the same time in order for them to reproduce and the mutation to continue. During this time, they had to find other animals with similar mutations, whilst avoiding being eaten etc...

You are misunderstanding genetics a little there. The easiest (and possibly highly offensive!) way of thinking about genetics is thinking about skin colour in humans. Let us imagine that the only people left alive in the world were white people. Would this mean that humanity would never have a black person as part of the race again?
No. Though it is very, very unlikely, two white people can give birth to a black child. This is because black skin is determined by the status of a particular gene that regulates the production of melanin in the body (again, simplified, but used for purposes of discussion). The gene can be turned on by mutation, hence causing the strange birth. As I say, not likely, but certainly possible.

Speaking of skin colour, more evidence of natural selection is the prevalence of darker skin for people who originate from hotter countries. Hotter = more Sun = more UV = black skin. Darker skin protects the person from the Sun better than light skin does, which is why so many White Australians have skin cancer now; their bodies are not yet evolved enough to live in the climate. In a few thousand years, all Australians will be black.

It just seems that it's highly unlikely, the only argument being that given enough time anything is possible, but I just don't buy it, like I said earlier it seems to me that it requires at least as much faith as a belief in a deity. Apologies if I've missed anything.

It isn't a question of belief, it's a question of what you can prove. It requires no faith at all, because we can see it in front of our eyes, and can date the fossils pretty accurately to understand their age. The argument isn't that given enough time a turtle can become a zebra; the argument is that all life survives by beating the competition for food using whatever means necessary.

I do have some more questions though...

I get what you're saying about the missing link, but I still don't think it covers it. If the start was a series of cells, at some point they had to turn into something, if everything on earth started out the same, and now we have millions of different creatures at some point one creature must have changed into another creature.

If this took billions of years, why can't we see anything that is halfway between one thing and another. If it happened spontaneously, why does it not still happen now?

Hopefully I have answered that above, but I'll try to reiterate a little. Firstly, we do see many transitional species in the historical fossil record as detailed earlier. We still see things today that are halfway between one thing and another. Here'sa scientific text that explains how sticklebacks are diverging in species from each other. Here's hero of mine Carl Sagan explaining Evolution using crabs in his own special way:


Regarding the age of the earth, can you explain what the current thinking is, and how the age of the earth is determined? Is it through the different strata of the earth, carbon dating, red shift etc? because it seems to me they are all based on assumptions which may or may not be true... strata may not always form at the same rate etc, carbon dating assumes the thing was entirely carbon at the beginning, red shift requires the big bang or a single starting point for everything.

Again, there's a bit of a misunderstanding of carbon dating here, and radiometric dating, which is how the Earth age is formed.

All things in existence are made up of certain chemical elements, which all contain protons and neutrons. However, some of these are inherently unstable and decay over time, producing a separate isotope of an element. We know that the rate of which increases exponentially according to its half life, therefore we can use simple maths to determine it's age.

For example, the Sun is powered by Hydrogen fusing together and making Helium. If we know exactly how much Helium there is, and the exact time that it takes to react/turn from H to He, then we can work it backwards to the age of the Sun. This is a simplified example, but explains the basics.

There are around 50 different methods of radiometric dating, each of which has been performed thousands of times on the Earth, each coming up with the same age. The Earth will only become older, as we find older rock samples to test, it won't get younger. This is why we say that the Earth is at least 4.54 billion years.

What's your opinion on the fish fossils on mountain tops I mentioned earlier?

Without looking into the specific case, it's hard to tell. In particularly, I'd like to know the age of the fish, and the exact location of them. My best 'guess' (and it is only a guess) is that the mountains used to be part of the sea floor but we made to be mountains by tectonic pressures. All mountains were flat at some point, and we commonly find fossils upon them.

What's your opinion on why humans are considerably more developed/intelligent than every other creature on earth?

A combination of things really. Firstly, we were absolutely lucky. The dinosaurs were once the dominant species on this planet which meant that we (mammals) had a natural predator and had to live in the trees or burrow underground to survive. Then, about 65 million years ago, Baptista hit just off the coast of Mexico and created an ELE (Extinction Level Event). In every ELE, the first thing to go are the big animals, who need lots of food and have slow reproduction cycles. We were still eating insects at the time, and somehow got through it.

From there, we developed as primates in trees because we lost the ability to produce Vitamin C thus needed to eat fruit to survive (and obviously as fruit is in trees and all the long necked dinos were dead, we filled our boots, so to speak). It took us about 60 million years to get out of the trees and start walking on land. We learnt that instead of growing new arms, having bigger and more logical brains helped in evolution, thus began to develop rudimentary tools, and everything kind of spirals from there.

You mentioned that there is the idea of an intelligent designer in current scientific thinking, can you go into that in a bit more detail?

I mentioned that it is possible that if the multiverse theory is proven to be correct (and it looks promising). This would mean that every possible event (from the collision of two atoms, to worlds blowing up) will happen in some Universe somewhere, therefore it would be logical to assume that some Universe must have a creator. Unfortunately, this also means that some Universe must be completely filled by Ewoks. It's just a logical consequence of the theory rather than any particular evidence.

ID and Creationism are bad, agenda driven science and are a little frustrating. However, if I had to point to something and say that there is a place for God there, I would point to the very moment of creation itself.

The Big Bang is a silly name, as it wasn't big and wasn't a bang. In reality, it was more like a deflated balloon been blown up, which is why every point of the Universe appears to be moving away from each other (think of drawing dots on a small balloon then inflating it, which one is 'the centre'?). Who blew the air into the balloon is a complete mystery.

My problem with the First Cause problem is that everything in there is faith and not science. You ask me who created the Big Bang, I say nobody did, it just happened. I ask you who created the Big Bang, you say God. I ask who created God, and you say nobody, He just happened. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong, because there is no evidence either way. I'm an evidence based person, I need to see proof of situations or have watertight logic before I can conjure up a better answer than "I don't know".

Isn't it the case that things tend to degrade in quality rather than increase? mutations in people very rarely improve them for example, houses left alone crumble and fall (poor example I know but I've had a long day :-)) so how is this considered in evolution (not so much natural selection), similarly animals (lions for example) that are deformed are generally left by the herd to fight for themselves and therefore have virtually 0 chance of survival in the world.

You are correct in your assertion that mutations rarely help people. However, as I have mentioned in the skin colour examples, sometimes they do. You have to think on a scale of thousands and millions of years. Numerous mutations will occur, but as they will not help in the competition for food or breeding, they are unsuccessful and do not get passed on in greater numbers.

How much of this is proven in labs and on what scale? Obviously, no one was around billions of years ago so how can we be certain of these things?

Whats your opinion on why? Like the video said at the end?
Sorry for all the questions, but thinking about this all weekend :-)

No worries, I hope that I've helped to answer some questions. This is a subject that I have a real passion for and do a lot of reading about, and I like sharing any understanding that I have acquired form it :)

As far as proof goes, nearly everything has been proven. One of the unhelpful things as I mentioned in a previous post is the difference between common and scientific language. Theory of evolution doesn't mean guess, we have more evidence for evolution than you can shake several forests at. This evidence comes from a combination of the fossil record, dated using radiometric dating, and genetics, where you can actually see the mutated genetic differences between differing species and how much DNA that they actually share between them.

On the aspect of why, I really have no idea. This is the realm that I wish religion would fill in, as it would be a useful part of society. Science can tell you what happened and show you the proof, but it can never tell you why.

I'm not even sure that there is a why, perhaps it happened because it just did, I don't see why as a question that needs to be answered. It would be like asking "why were you born in Manchester?" Although there is a reason, it probably isn't a good one apart from 'convenience'.

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