The richest 62 people in the world

The imbalance in this world is beyond fucked.
Man City have more wealth than every single team in the championship to the conference put together. Is that fair ?

Seriously what the fuck has that got to do with the OP pointing out half of the population of the entire world are that skint that just 62 people have more wealth than they could muster together. People who lost out on the where to be born lottery.
I don't know and I don't care - I am 63rd on that list...................

no seriously you make a very valid point - some will put that down to jealousy - however when the seriously rich insist on the existence of such disparity when for the most part its within their gift to change it there will inevitably be jealousy and animosity.

What I never understand is in terms of that "list" everybody on here are in the "have nots" category yet some still support the view that its ok that somehow its the most disadvantaged that are not in that top 63 as a result of their own unwillingness to strive for it..........

Listen it was not about jealousy (I am very well placed globally , in a rich area of a rich country - most of us on this forum are probably all top 1% and many top 0.1% globally) or indeed slagging off the 62 as for example gates and buffet will be there and will give 90% of their money to charity most going to tackle malari. But equally there are some on there with billion dollar private yachts.

My point was ultimately most economic crime, most war, most conflict, boils down to a fundamental equality in the world and some eating caviar on billion dollar yachts as others drown a few hundred kms away with nothing to their name except a desire to flee war. As long as we have a world like this there will always be trouble.
Religion is the main cause of wars
I don't agree actually, you look at the biggest wars the world has seen and religion was a tiny factor in them. Be it ww1 ww2 Vietnam Korea etc all were about economics , resources and power
Which is strange when you consider what a right load of bollocks it is as well
Religious tension and wars comes from poverty, inequity of power and inequality you don't see rich equal nations fighting over religion nowadays. Even in years gone by religious wars were usually because powerful people used religion as a tool to get their populations to do things in the name of a higher power and to brainwash them. Even today most of the extreme Wahhabism comes from Saudi and it has only flourished because the ruling family subsidised it to keep people focusing on that rather than rising up against one of the most economically unfair countries on earth
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If you look at human history the only wars in the biggest 25 for casualties in history where they were really religious were the Taiping rebellion and the French religious wars. Even then you could put one of those down to a nutter with loads of power and the other to a battle for power and resources between 2 religions.

Religion causes a lot of bother but it really isn't factual to say religion drives most wars. Economic disparity, political systems, inter familial wars, colonisation , etc all far bigger drivers.

It's always bemused me how people say so often religion causes all wars and no one ever challenges it.
If you look at human history the only wars in the biggest 25 for casualties in history where they were really religious were the Taiping rebellion and the French religious wars. Even then you could put one of those down to a nutter with loads of power and the other to a battle for power and resources between 2 religions.

Religion causes a lot of bother but it really isn't factual to say religion drives most wars. Economic disparity, political systems, inter familial wars, colonisation , etc all far bigger drivers.

It's always bemused me how people say so often religion causes all wars and no one ever challenges it.
Neither is it factual to say that wars were driven solely by economics and power, especially if the ruler's of said nation believed they were doing so in order to protect the sanctity of the religion of that nation against a hostile aggressor. There's a certain amount of arrogance in your comment to give religion a 'pass', especially when you consider the factual evidence of centuries of brutality and suffering caused by those who did not die in an act of war, but suffered through the name of religious violence nonetheless. Not all 'wars' are fought on battlefields and many wars throughout history have held an underlying tone of religious hatred.
have more wealth than the poorest half of the world which is over 3.6 billion people.

Digest that and then ask yourself why there really is so much war and grief in the world. It's not skin colour, it's not religion, it's not even politics those are all excuses - it's power and wealth and economic disparity. All the rest are tools that people use in the absence of resources and all become almost irellevant amongst the rich.
Bill Gates hasn't started any wars recently. I don't think you can point to rich individuals as being responsible for wars. It's more about protecting/expanding the interests of certain corporations, which are far richer than any one individual. Politics shows that you can basically get away with any human rights abuses you want as long as you allow US corporations to make money in your country. But as soon as you try to stop them, you'll suddenly be part of the axis of evil.

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