The richest 62 people in the world

Religion exists for .........wait for it ...............power and money
Kind of.....proving the point then, isn't it? That religion seeks more money to remain powerful and influential. Without it, it begins to fail.
I do not know who is on that list nor I feckin care. Jealousy plays a large part. Whether you ain't got a dime or you are still loaded.
you obviously didnt understand Hitler
No one does do they? Poverty and the effects of a global downturn combined with a punishment at Versailles were exploited by an extreme nationalist nutter who use economic inequality to gain a support base.

Madness, economics , racial belief, some hatred of a religion, but he felt the same about gays, gypsies , most people from the east. I don't call it a religious war though.

I am not religious, I am not defending a religion I just believe it is a tool not the cause.
Neither is it factual to say that wars were driven solely by economics and power, especially if the ruler's of said nation believed they were doing so in order to protect the sanctity of the religion of that nation against a hostile aggressor. There's a certain amount of arrogance in your comment to give religion a 'pass', especially when you consider the factual evidence of centuries of brutality and suffering caused by those who did not die in an act of war, but suffered through the name of religious violence nonetheless. Not all 'wars' are fought on battlefields and many wars throughout history have held an underlying tone of religious hatred.
Listen there are a lot of things I would not give religion a pass for and in many ways they have been internal to countries and localised not about war and global conflict. Religion has been a factor in wars but I still believe with a few exceptions that has been about religion as a tool to justify war and brainwash people rather than as an actual underlying reason.

I guess If two religions or people fought for resources I would say it is an economic war, but if religions fought solely to convert it would be a religious war.
Bill Gates hasn't started any wars recently. I don't think you can point to rich individuals as being responsible for wars. It's more about protecting/expanding the interests of certain corporations, which are far richer than any one individual. Politics shows that you can basically get away with any human rights abuses you want as long as you allow US corporations to make money in your country. But as soon as you try to stop them, you'll suddenly be part of the axis of evil.
To be fair I have called out bill gates in this thread a couple of times as someone whose wealth will mainly go to fighting malaria and other good causes.

My point was on inequality and you have highlighted the same not that those 62 are bond villains. Even if everyone of them was a saint there would still be an issue in 1 individual holding the wealth of 60 million and not just once but 62 times , I suspect also there is overlap between those corporations and individuals also
Quick question to the op.
You gonna spread your money about, just for fairness and equality and all that, or is it for other people to do.

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