The Royals - the Commonwealth

By "service" you mean floating round the world during British winters on the luxurious Royal Yacht shagging spear chucking native girls (subjects) and getting pissed in 3rd world Commonwealth countries ?

Those might be the necessary price to pay for their dedication.
You forgot "watching the cricket."
Without need for venom, the idea of service as giving of oneself is completely lost on me in this context. I have been given a number of the most prestigious homes in the land, untold wealth and freedom, and in exchange I do my job. The idea that I should be grateful, as one of her subjects, is beyond my understanding.
I agree with this.
Also, in the case of Australia, this countries demographics are rapidly changing leading to more young non European immigrants, who have zero affinity to the British monarchy.

This from Quora;

Due to the current immigration rate the racial demographic is changing rapidly. Currently about 76% of Australians identify as white or European. That number is decreasing and will not increase again. The percentage will decrease fairly rapidly from here on in. The largest cohort of migrants currently are South East Asians at around 40,000 entry's per year. Chinese are second in number. As Australia has a reduced figure of 160,000 immigrants for this year and Morrison is going to take it back to 270,000 per year for next year it will not take long for the non-European component to rise exponentially.
Social media and access to information that has been shielded from the public by the mainstream press is also a factor.
Really looking forward to seeing Charlie become king..God save the king
I think the Queen is amazing and the way she has basically give up any form of ‘normal life’ to serve her country has to be admired. I literally would not want to be her or any heir to the throne for all the tea in china. Whatever you think all the riches on offer are.. she cant enjoy it like most of us would/could.
i do think when shes gone, each monarchs influence etc will dilute.
also think the royal family in general needs slimming right down. Andrew , his hanging ex and their useless off spring being the perfect example.

cam say what you want about the royals, can agree or not, but the fact remains that THOUSANDS will flock to see the queen given a chance.

so i do say GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, but with a hope that things change over the years and they become less n less out there
I think the Queen is amazing and the way she has basically give up any form of ‘normal life’ to serve her country has to be admired. I literally would not want to be her or any heir to the throne for all the tea in china. Whatever you think all the riches on offer are.. she cant enjoy it like most of us would/could.
i do think when shes gone, each monarchs influence etc will dilute.
also think the royal family in general needs slimming right down. Andrew , his hanging ex and their useless off spring being the perfect example.

cam say what you want about the royals, can agree or not, but the fact remains that THOUSANDS will flock to see the queen given a chance.

so i do say GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, but with a hope that things change over the years and they become less n less out there
Do the people who flock to see somebody they have never spoken to have an objective view? What is it that you believe she has done that has directly affected you in a positive way?
I ask this as someone who doesn't understand the admiration for royalty so I am interested to hear where it comes from.
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No, British are about 62%.
Melbourne has the biggest Greek population outside Athens.
Yes I once asked that question at a pub quiz and folk got rather angry at the answer that Melbourne was the second largest city populated by Greeks....
Next time I did the quiz I asked which is the city with the most Kiwis living in it. It kicked off again when I said it was Sydney - although funnily enough someone humouressly shouted out "London" when I finished the question.
Do the people who flock to see somebody they have never spoken to have an objective view? What is it that you believe she has done that has directly affected you in a positive way?
I ask this as someone who doesn't understand the admiration for royalty so I am interested to hear where it comes from.
Fair point. I suppose you could say the same for flocking to watch football - it's only 11 (22) blokes kicking a ball about.

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