The Scottish Politics thread

The debate on Sky right now is a car crash for the party.

Doesn't sound like anyone here bothered watching it. Give us a quick recap? Not being facetious btw.

Can't say I've been particularly bothered. But then wasn't bothered about Nicola taking over, or in the slightest Salmon before her. My expectations are and were pretty low. I'll make up my mind on whoever it is by how they do, and sound. Be a tough act to follow either way.
Doesn't sound like anyone here bothered watching it. Give us a quick recap? Not being facetious btw.

Can't say I've been particularly bothered. But then wasn't bothered about Nicola taking over, or in the slightest Salmon before her. My expectations are and were pretty low. I'll make up my mind on whoever it is by how they do, and sound. Be a tough act to follow either way.
I’ve never watched a leaders debate ever, never seen the point as I have no say. Wait and see who wins . Tho be honest don’t know anyone that watches or even talks about it,
I’ve never watched a leaders debate ever, never seen the point as I have no say. Wait and see who wins . Tho be honest don’t know anyone that watches or even talks about it,

I've watched parts of a few. Mostly around Brexit, and a couple around indyref. But yeah I know what you mean, most of the time they are not for me, unless it is on a big issue.
I've watched parts of a few. Mostly around Brexit, and a couple around indyref. But yeah I know what you mean, most of the time they are not for me, unless it is on a big issue.
I’ve never really been sure the point of televised leader debates. Th e candidates will have broadly the same aims but have strong ideas above how best to achieve them. The TV will push them on their differences and being strong willed, they are bound to attack each other on their pasts.
Though the dust always seems to sttle later. Funnily enough the couple SNP members I know voted at least over the weekend and weren’t that interested in the debate either.
I’ve never really been sure the point of televised leader debates. Th e candidates will have broadly the same aims but have strong ideas above how best to achieve them. The TV will push them on their differences and being strong willed, they are bound to attack each other on their pasts.
Though the dust always seems to sttle later. Funnily enough the couple SNP members I know voted at least over the weekend and weren’t that interested in the debate either.

For the best part, it is a popularity contest isn't it. You try make yourself come across less of a twat then the next twat, and as such maybe just maybe people like and possibly trust you more. Indeed, I'd say a large part of Sturgeon's popularity came down to her demeanor and how she projects herself. Ruth Davis too, when she was the sweetheart of the month.

But for some of the bigger issues, occasionaly a valid point gets raised and highlighted. The indyref ones for example, Brexit to some degree too. Although they were fucking tedious as well and all. That's where Salmon lost bigtime, he was a better speaker and made better arguements than both Brown and Darling, but he got sucked into the personality contest, and ended up coming off a bit of a dick. Which trumps logic every day.
Given that there hasn’t been an SNP leadership contest in Scotland for such a long time, it was always going to lead to clashes, as opposed to crashes. Seems to be less about substantial policy and more about personality from what I can glean. The danger of that was evident last year when the Conservatives chose their leader based on personality rather than sound policy, Still, not much happened…
Given that there hasn’t been an SNP leadership contest in Scotland for such a long time, it was always going to lead to clashes, as opposed to crashes. Seems to be less about substantial policy and more about personality from what I can glean. The danger of that was evident last year when the Conservatives chose their leader based on personality rather than sound policy, Still, not much happened…

Ironically, with both the snp and the Tories, personality is probably as important as it gets just now. There's not going to be much of a difference in policy or strategy. But how well the public take to them and how much the media can pile on them will be a big part of their job.

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